Alan Derschowitz: Zimmerman Charge Wont Stand

I pray to God that Zimmerman sues the people responsible for ruining his reputation.

Zimmerman probably won't be able to sue anyone. The media can easily hide behind laws protecting the media. If Al Sharpton could be sued for maliciousness, he'd already be living in the poor house.

On the other hand, after Zimmerman is acquitted in criminal court, the Martin family will sue him for civil damages, as well as call for the that other no-limit-nigga, Eric Holder, to bring federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

The state of Floriduh has a law that allows for people who are charged with a crime for the act of defending themselves to sue those who charged them in civil court, if I recall correctly.
The state of Floriduh has a law that allows for people who are charged with a crime for the act of defending themselves to sue those who charged them in civil court, if I recall correctly.

The state of Florida is charging Zimmerman, and Zimmerman can't sue the state (sovereign immunity). The state also claims it is charging Zimmerman by its own impudence, which keeps the family is the clear.
By not adhering to the advice to break off his pursuit when told to stop...

... is a problem...

... a big one...

... it contradicts the image of a law abiding citizen.
Yes, but the 911 dispatcher has no legal authority over a person in this case IIRC. Now if an officer on the scene told him to stop, he'd have to. It's usually a very good idea to LISTEN to the dispatcher, but you can't be charged with a misdemeanor 'not obeying a police dispatcher'.
The state of Floriduh has a law that allows for people who are charged with a crime for the act of defending themselves to sue those who charged them in civil court, if I recall correctly.

The state of Florida is charging Zimmerman, and Zimmerman can't sue the state (sovereign immunity). The state also claims it is charging Zimmerman by its own impudence, which keeps the family is the clear.

In Florida, as I understand it and I am no lawyer or expert, just read alot on this case, the people choosing to press charges have to sign an affidavit that makes them personally liable for legal costs if the defendant is tried and declared innocent.

That is a law we could use in every state.
By not adhering to the advice to break off his pursuit when told to stop...

... is a problem...

... a big one...

... it contradicts the image of a law abiding citizen.
Yes, but the 911 dispatcher has no legal authority over a person in this case IIRC. Now if an officer on the scene told him to stop, he'd have to. It's usually a very good idea to LISTEN to the dispatcher, but you can't be charged with a misdemeanor 'not obeying a police dispatcher'.

If you listen to the tape of the 911 call, GZ seems to stop breathing heavily after the dispatcher told him that they dont need him to follow TM and GZ says OK.

It would appear that GZ did stop pursuing at that time.
that bullshit gun law that allows murderers like Zimmerman to get away with stalking and murdering a little kid with skittles.

6'3" is little? Liberalism, the epitome of stupidity.

A mosquito called for you. It wants its brain back.

toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

Lol, from the safety of you keyboard you judge a man who was being beaten on the ground and his head pounded into a sidewalk?

Only a coward would make such a gutless judgement on someone else from the safety of his keyboard.
that bullshit gun law that allows murderers like Zimmerman to get away with stalking and murdering a little kid with skittles.

6'3" is little? Liberalism, the epitome of stupidity.

A mosquito called for you. It wants its brain back.

My 15 year old stepson is 6 2 and a light wind could bowl him over. If ANY adult said they were "afraid" of him based on his height, I'd laugh in their face.

He's 3 inches taller than me and over a 100 lbs lighter. I guarantee you, if I had to "defend" myself against him, I wouldn't need a gun to do it.
that bullshit gun law that allows murderers like Zimmerman to get away with stalking and murdering a little kid with skittles.

6'3" is little? Liberalism, the epitome of stupidity.

A mosquito called for you. It wants its brain back.

My 15 year old stepson is 6 2 and a light wind could bowl him over. If ANY adult said they were "afraid" of him based on his height, I'd laugh in their face.

He's 3 inches taller than me and over a 100 lbs lighter. I guarantee you, if I had to "defend" myself against him, I wouldn't need a gun to do it.

That is true, but sometimes these lanky tall skinny guys are pretty danged strong and tough as nails.

TM was a football player at one time in his life and maybe was stronger than most of his frame.

But it is all a shame this happened, and I doubt any of us wishes things could be different more than GZ does.
6'3" is little? Liberalism, the epitome of stupidity.

A mosquito called for you. It wants its brain back.

toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

Lol, from the safety of you keyboard you judge a man who was being beaten on the ground and his head pounded into a sidewalk?

Only a coward would make such a gutless judgement on someone else from the safety of his keyboard.

How about this then...

Zimmerman says he wants to be a cop. Shouldn't a cop be able to handle himself against an opponent 100 lbs lighter than him?

I won't call GZ a coward, but I will say he's a pussy.
6'3" is little? Liberalism, the epitome of stupidity.

A mosquito called for you. It wants its brain back.

My 15 year old stepson is 6 2 and a light wind could bowl him over. If ANY adult said they were "afraid" of him based on his height, I'd laugh in their face.

He's 3 inches taller than me and over a 100 lbs lighter. I guarantee you, if I had to "defend" myself against him, I wouldn't need a gun to do it.

That is true, but sometimes these lanky tall skinny guys are pretty danged strong and tough as nails.

TM was a football player at one time in his life and maybe was stronger than most of his frame.

But it is all a shame this happened, and I doubt any of us wishes things could be different more than GZ does.

On that I agree. Based on the 911 call, I don't believe for a second GZ got out of his car intending to use that gun.
6'3" is little? Liberalism, the epitome of stupidity.

A mosquito called for you. It wants its brain back.

toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

Lol, from the safety of you keyboard you judge a man who was being beaten on the ground and his head pounded into a sidewalk?

Only a coward would make such a gutless judgement on someone else from the safety of his keyboard.

Wrong. I have a gun freak friend who said if I came at him with my fists he would have the right to shoot me dead. And he would exercise that right. The reason this law is bad is because guys like Zimmerman can claim they were being attacked and that might not necessarily be the truth. Their word against a dead man's word.

I wouldn't even think about using a gun or weapon if someone wanted to fight with fists. I would either run and call the cops or fight. Or maybe I would point the gun at the guy and tell him to stop. But I wouldn't think it was justified to shoot the guy dead just so I don't get my ass kicked.

And don't forget the kid wasn't on Zimmerman's property attacking him. Zimmerman stalked the kid. The police told him to stay put. That alone makes him guilty. Vigalanti. And I certainly wouldn't take the gun out of my house and go looking for trouble. That's where Zimmerman went wrong. If he was getting his ass kicked, he deserved it. The kid did not deserve to die.
I pray to God that Zimmerman sues the people responsible for ruining his reputation.

Zimmerman probably won't be able to sue anyone. The media can easily hide behind laws protecting the media. If Al Sharpton could be sued for maliciousness, he'd already be living in the poor house.

On the other hand, after Zimmerman is acquitted in criminal court, the Martin family will sue him for civil damages, as well as call for the that other no-limit-nigga, Eric Holder, to bring federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

Do you really think every post needs some example of your weak, cowardly racist bullshit, you fucking loser?
6'3" is little? Liberalism, the epitome of stupidity.

A mosquito called for you. It wants its brain back.

toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

Ah, you're a tough guy now?


All State Wrestler 1988 and wrestled in college 1 year. A kid I use to train with faught in the UFC and he still tells people what a bad ass I was. Not that I could take him today, but back in my day. And I still get into fights. Not bragging about that either. I gotta stop doing that. But this 20 year old big black kid was cheating at my poker game and when he stood up to intimidate me I bear hugged him and ran him out of my house. He shit his pants. Kid was built like Tyson but as I suspected, he doesn't know how to fight. Most people don't. So in that respect, yes I am. But I know a lot of ju jitsu guys who would beat my ass today because that shit is the bomb.

But a couple years ago 3 25 year olds were talking shit to me in the mall parking lot and of course I couldn't let it go so I antagonized the biggest one to come at me and I football tackled him to the ground and then choked him out with his own shirt. I'm 40, 200lbs and 5'7. He was over 6 feet tall and probably 250. Big kid. He didn't expect me to form football tackle him like that. Surprise! :lol:
toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

You liberals are the most idiotic creatures under the sun. You want to believe Zimmerman is both a coward and someone who chased down a 6'3" no-limit-nigga to kick its ass.
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toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

You liberals are the most idiotic creatures under the sun. You want to believe Zimmerman is both a coward and someone who chased down a 6'3" no-limit-nigga to kick it's ass.

Packing heat.

A loaded gun brings with it a lot of foolish courage.

And Zimmerman didn't get out of the car to kill anyone.
toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

Ah, you're a tough guy now?


All State Wrestler 1988 and wrestled in college 1 year. A kid I use to train with faught in the UFC and he still tells people what a bad ass I was. Not that I could take him today, but back in my day. And I still get into fights. Not bragging about that either. I gotta stop doing that. But this 20 year old big black kid was cheating at my poker game and when he stood up to intimidate me I bear hugged him and ran him out of my house. He shit his pants. Kid was built like Tyson but as I suspected, he doesn't know how to fight. Most people don't. So in that respect, yes I am. But I know a lot of ju jitsu guys who would beat my ass today because that shit is the bomb.

But a couple years ago 3 25 year olds were talking shit to me in the mall parking lot and of course I couldn't let it go so I antagonized the biggest one to come at me and I football tackled him to the ground and then choked him out with his own shirt. I'm 40, 200lbs and 5'7. He was over 6 feet tall and probably 250. Big kid. He didn't expect me to form football tackle him like that. Surprise! :lol:


So you're a fat guy who used to wrestle in high school over 20 years ago? I am not overly impressed, tough guy.
toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

You liberals are the most idiotic creatures under the sun. You want to believe Zimmerman is both a coward and someone who chased down a 6'3" no-limit-nigga to kick it's ass.

So, you are saying that it is impossible for you to post anything without including some example of your pussy-ass racist bullshit? You're a fucking disgrace.
Ah, you're a tough guy now?


All State Wrestler 1988 and wrestled in college 1 year. A kid I use to train with faught in the UFC and he still tells people what a bad ass I was. Not that I could take him today, but back in my day. And I still get into fights. Not bragging about that either. I gotta stop doing that. But this 20 year old big black kid was cheating at my poker game and when he stood up to intimidate me I bear hugged him and ran him out of my house. He shit his pants. Kid was built like Tyson but as I suspected, he doesn't know how to fight. Most people don't. So in that respect, yes I am. But I know a lot of ju jitsu guys who would beat my ass today because that shit is the bomb.

But a couple years ago 3 25 year olds were talking shit to me in the mall parking lot and of course I couldn't let it go so I antagonized the biggest one to come at me and I football tackled him to the ground and then choked him out with his own shirt. I'm 40, 200lbs and 5'7. He was over 6 feet tall and probably 250. Big kid. He didn't expect me to form football tackle him like that. Surprise! :lol:


So you're a fat guy who used to wrestle in high school over 20 years ago? I am not overly impressed, tough guy.

5 7 , 200lbs is fat?

Dear god, I'm a blimp then.

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