Alan Derschowitz: Zimmerman Charge Wont Stand

See all those red boxes over there? They strongly suggest you're a fucking asshole.

Maybe he is going for a high score?

But I guess you should recognise fucking assholes since your one of the biggest fucktard losers around here.

So now you're competing with him? Good luck, champ.

Competing for what? Calling you for the turd sandwich you are?

Too bad you're too much of a pussy to even turn your rep on.

Frankly my dear, I dont give a flying fuck over the godamned moon, bitch.
After the nonsense I've seen you post, you have no business pointing at anyone and calling them liars, even though you ARE correct that CNN flat out lied.

Just because you might not like some of the things I say doesn't mean those things are nonsense. It just means I'm not as deep into bullshit as you are.

It has nothing to with what I like. It has to do with the flat out racist lies that come spewing like dyarhea from your mouth.

Did it ever occur to you that Ariux is just a liberal provocateur merely posing as the uncouth racist to keep the specter of racism alive and well in the minds of libtards?

Libtards desperately need boogeymen to rale against as all their real foes were vanquished more than thirty years ago.

Nowdays they merely push the envelope to absurdities and tilt at windmills. Their day is long past and so they need actors to put on the white sheets periodically to spook the gullible.

Racists today are mental vestiges, out of time and place and no real threat to anyone except libtards if they completely dissappear.
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Zimmerman probable cause document - Documents - Los Angeles Times

affidavit conflicts with facts: Between 7:13 and 7:16 p.m.: Trayvon’s girlfriend says she stayed on the phone with Trayvon and heard him say to Zimmerman, ”What are you following me for?” 7:16 p.m. Trayvon’s girlfriend says the line went dead. Timeline: Trayvon Martin shooting | Detroit Free Press |

trayvon attempted too run home? not what girlfriend says he said

Ravi and MarcAtl need to apologize to Zimmerman and the USMB community
Dante, diagree.

GZ was following a man who was going about his life. He was advised not to do that. He got out of the vehicle. At the point, prosecution will argue he became a provocateur. His intent was immaterial, his actions were provocative.

This killing would never have occurred if he had followed the advice of dispatch.
Dante, diagree.

GZ was following a man who was going about his life. He was advised not to do that. He got out of the vehicle. At the point, prosecution will argue he became a provocateur. His intent was immaterial, his actions were provocative.

This killing would never have occurred if he had followed the advice of dispatch.

Except that the dispatch advised him to not follow after he had already exited his vehicle and began pursuit. His breathing suggested that he complied after he ackowledged agreement.
Dante, diagree.

GZ was following a man who was going about his life. He was advised not to do that. He got out of the vehicle. At the point, prosecution will argue he became a provocateur. His intent was immaterial, his actions were provocative.

This killing would never have occurred if he had followed the advice of dispatch.

The victim is not the sympathetic human to Zimmerman lovers. It is to be hoped if he makes bail, he moves nearby one of his RABID supporters.
Dante, diagree.

GZ was following a man who was going about his life. He was advised not to do that. He got out of the vehicle. At the point, prosecution will argue he became a provocateur. His intent was immaterial, his actions were provocative.

This killing would never have occurred if he had followed the advice of dispatch.

Except that the dispatch advised him to not follow after he had already exited his vehicle and began pursuit. His breathing suggested that he complied after he ackowledged agreement.

Nope, that is as twisted as one can get. That is not what happened from everything that we can determine, Of course GZ is lying in that situation.
Dante, diagree.

GZ was following a man who was going about his life. He was advised not to do that. He got out of the vehicle. At the point, prosecution will argue he became a provocateur. His intent was immaterial, his actions were provocative.

This killing would never have occurred if he had followed the advice of dispatch.

Except that the dispatch advised him to not follow after he had already exited his vehicle and began pursuit. His breathing suggested that he complied after he ackowledged agreement.

Actually it doesn't.

Dispatcher Call ~~ 19:11
Girlfriend Inbound Call ~~ 19:12
Zimmerman Exits Truck ~~ + 2 minutes 10 seconds
Zimmerman Acknowledges Dispatcher Instruction Not To Follow ~~ +2 minutes 28 seconds
Dispatcher Call Ends ~~ 19:15
Girlfriend Call Ends ~~ 19:16​

Examining the recording, the time from exiting the truck to acknowledging the dispatcher instructions was 18 seconds.

The claim is that Zimmerman was returning to his truck at the point he acknowledges the dispatcher with "OK", that would have occurred at approximately time 19:13:28. The girlfriends call ended at approximately 19:16 based on phone records (call time + duration). The difference is approximately 2 minutes 30 seconds to return to the truck, after traveling away from the truck for 18 seconds.

It's not logical to say he was returning to the truck while still arriving at the shooting location which is father away from the truck after only traveling 18 seconds to the point of acknowledgment.

OK, I got that wrong. Thanks, WW. The time element from dispatch to the killing in relation to where GZ received dispatch and to where he dispatch TM then will go to the state of the shooter's 'mental depravity.'
OK, I got that wrong. Thanks, WW. The time element from dispatch to the killing in relation to where GZ received dispatch and to where he dispatch TM then will go to the state of the shooter's 'mental depravity.'

And the counter to that will be that a "mentally depraved" person acting with malice and forethought to track and kill another human being would NOT have called the police non- emergency number to bring police to the scene. Someone acting in that capacity would much more likely perform the act first, then call 911 to ensure the police arrived after the event.

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Very good. The issue of mental depravtiy is at the center of the case's argumentation.
Very good. The issue of mental depravtiy is at the center of the case's argumentation.

It will be central to attempting a Murder 2 charge. I think it's going to be a very difficult job for the prosecution to make that case against someone with very little history to support it and little to no evidence (that has been made to the public) which would support a description of "mentally depraved".

Over excited? Adrenalin rush? Making poor choices? Very easy to point toward a logical reasoning for Manslaughter by becoming involved in escalating events and making incorrect choices. "Mental depravity" toward a planned homicide with intent to kill from the outset? Don't see it as much at this point in time.

Very good. The issue of mental depravtiy is at the center of the case's argumentation.

It will be central to attempting a Murder 2 charge. I think it's going to be a very difficult job for the prosecution to make that case against someone with very little history to support it and little to no evidence (that has been made to the public) which would support a description of "mentally depraved".

Over excited? Adrenalin rush? Making poor choices? Very easy to point toward a logical reasoning for Manslaughter by becoming involved in escalating events and making incorrect choices. "Mental depravity" toward a planned homicide with intent to kill from the outset? Don't see it as much at this point in time.


Other than try to bully Zimmerman into a plea, I see no way a Murder 2 charge can be justified. Zimmerman was acting in what he thought was a good Samaritan role. Other than protecting his neighborhood he had no reason to approach Martin

Like you said, it was overzealousness and some bad decisions that led to Martins death. Manslaughter looks in order

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