Alan Derschowitz: Zimmerman Charge Wont Stand

No, I'm not a liberal. I just have a 4 bedroom house with a pool and a mancave I just have to build the bar and paint. No mansion.

Ooooohkay, guy.

Frankly, I wonder about people who have to brag about their "success" to strangers on the internet.
Frankly, I have to wonder about people on the Internet accusing people they disagree with of living in trailers and have corny avatars that try to put a new spin on the old soviet hammer and sickle, and constantly whine about corporations to strangers. Those folks, like yourself, have to project their living situations onto other people because they fail at life.

Or you can be like me. Wife to the genius who put together water born paint who now just hangs out on the net and ex wife to the man who wrote a quizzillion love songs to her.:D
You never know who you are going to run in to in the middle of the night.
All the idiotic racist bullshit aside, the defense has a built-in appeal already regardless of the outcome of the expected trial.

Well right from the get go...."Sir or Madame did you hear the President's remarks.."?

I mean all those freaking idiots out there vomiting and spewing their "feelings" have just got to have Zimmerman's legal office doing cyber cartwheels.

By not adhering to the advice to break off his pursuit when told to stop...

... is a problem...

... a big one...

... it contradicts the image of a law abiding citizen.

1) It's not established that Zimmerman continued to follow the African. On the contrary, Zimmerman agrees not to follow the African, and apparently Zimmerman loses track of the African.

2) There is nothing sinister about Zimmerman trying to keep track of the African. The 911 operator discouraged following the African for Zimmerman's own safety, not because Zimmerman was breaking any law, moron.

Maybe you should review some of the many relevant threads in this forum to see that there's no case against Zimmerman. Or, maybe your racist bigotry tells you all you need to know.

Trayvon Martin was not an African. He was an African-American.
It interrupts the pity for the Defendant to discuss his weapon of choice. "HIS LIFE IS RUINED!" Unlike the victim, he still HAS one however.

Ya he should have let Martin kill him instead, right? Then not only wouldn't we have heard about it, if we did you would claim Martin was justified, right?

wheres your proof Martin was trying to kill him?

Where is your prove that Zimmerman lied about what happened? The KNOWN witnesses support his claim. He stated martin said he would die that night and went for his gun.
[/SIZE][/B]You know he is still not charged with a thing, right?

The only thing the judge determined as sufficient is suspicion...that's it.

And, because of that, Zimmerman is incarcerated at the moment with no bond. Even the arraignment isn't until May 29.

Yes, that is what I posted.
Actually, you completely failed to leave out that he is currently incarcerated, with no bond, on suspicion alone.

Makes one wonder why the prosecutor needed to cancel the grand jury. Well, I don't wonder too much, though.

But, I understand why you did leave that out. ;)

I have a feeling that Zimmerman was arrested and is being held for his own protection as much as anything else.
Even monkeys tapping on a keyboard can write Shakespeare, eventually.

Actually, that is not true.

To get a thousand characters right in a row would be 1 in 26 ^1000. At one second per character that would take a gazzillion years to get that much right. Even 100 characters would be one in a google.

Infinite monkey theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.

In this context, "almost surely" is a mathematical term with a precise meaning, and the "monkey" is not an actual monkey, but a metaphor for an abstract device that produces a random sequence of letters and symbols ad infinitum. The probability of a monkey exactly typing a complete work such as Shakespeare's Hamlet is so tiny that the chance of it occurring during a period of time even a hundred thousand orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe is extremely low, but not actually zero.

Though possible, it still isnt plausible.

This guy is using a million monkeys and using matched strings and other things to reduce the odds to something plausible.
BBC News - Virtual monkeys write Shakespeare
By not adhering to the advice to break off his pursuit when told to stop...

... is a problem...

... a big one...

... it contradicts the image of a law abiding citizen.

1) It's not established that Zimmerman continued to follow the African. On the contrary, Zimmerman agrees not to follow the African, and apparently Zimmerman loses track of the African.

2) There is nothing sinister about Zimmerman trying to keep track of the African. The 911 operator discouraged following the African for Zimmerman's own safety, not because Zimmerman was breaking any law, moron.

Maybe you should review some of the many relevant threads in this forum to see that there's no case against Zimmerman. Or, maybe your racist bigotry tells you all you need to know.

You just demonstrated a good reason for continuing civil rights against neanderthals like you.

Speaking as a person with Neanderthal ancestry, I resent that comparison.
Zimmerman wants his freedom, Martin......remains dead..........................:eusa_silenced:

As would be the case in any legitimate self defense case.

So what is your point?

I iswear, the left seems to want to eradicate the right to self defense, and not just the stand your ground law.
Is it illegal to follow someone? NO

Is it illegal to approach someone? NO

Is it illegal to question someone? NO

Is it illegal to assault someone with fists? YES

Is it illegal to defend yourself from assault? NO

The only crime committed here was committed by Martin.

Case closed.
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By not adhering to the advice to break off his pursuit when told to stop...

... is a problem...

... a big one...

... it contradicts the image of a law abiding citizen.

1) It's not established that Zimmerman continued to follow the African. On the contrary, Zimmerman agrees not to follow the African, and apparently Zimmerman loses track of the African.

2) There is nothing sinister about Zimmerman trying to keep track of the African. The 911 operator discouraged following the African for Zimmerman's own safety, not because Zimmerman was breaking any law, moron.

Maybe you should review some of the many relevant threads in this forum to see that there's no case against Zimmerman. Or, maybe your racist bigotry tells you all you need to know.

I had originally thought that there was no way to establish that either, until it was made clear where the body was lying, which was basically if you round 3rd base by a few feet and are close to home plate.

Zimm said that the kid attacked him from behind, breaking his nose (somebody'll have to try to splain to me how exactly that can be done) after the kid had decided to come out of nowhere and find Zimm as he was going back to his car.

But the car is way back over at 1st base while the body is way over past 3rd base and headed straight for home. Where the shooting happened just isn't consistent with the notion that the victim was going after the shooter.

2) If it is sinister that a stranger would follow your child home, first by vehicle, and then afoot, than yes, there is something ugly and sinister in his following Trayvon home because he had already passed judgment on the kid. "These a** holes.....they always get away", reads the line by Zimm. That's all nice and everything except he wasn't an a** hole trying to get away, but an innocent person who was being followed by a stranger.

But that's just my take.

I guess what some folks are saying here is that if their child is followed home by a strange man after school, and then the strange man happens to shoot your child dead when they're practically back home, it is up to your dead child to defend why they deserved or didn't deserve to find themselves stalked and shot dead.
I have to admit I found the cartoon to be rather hybolish too but appropriately so.

It illustrates their point rather nicely.

Lets face it...Zimmermans life is pretty much over now. Even if he is found not guilty, whats he going to do next? Whos going to hire him? What happens when he walks into the grocery store?

The guy is screwed by all of the media coverage.

I mean seriously...put left and right aside for a second folks...should we REALLY know as much about this case as we do?

At risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I'd say it's entirely possible that's the point. Shaming gun owners. The administration has shown how far they're willing to go with fast & furious. Would it surprise you?

I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

If Martin was standing there pounding Zimmerman with his fists and kicking him, then he was committing assault which is a crime the last I checked, even in Floriduh.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.

Arresting a person for defending themselves is outrageous, and only the loons to the far left do not agree that people have a right to self defense.
I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.

You sure like to pretend you know things none of us have any possible way of knowing for certain. You don't know if Martin was committing a crime, like car prowling or casing residences, you and I might believe that isn't the case, but we have no way of knowing for sure. And dumbfuck, If he did Infact attack Zimmerman then he was commiting a crime as soon as he hit Zimmerman, Rufus. That's number 1.
Number 2, my suspicions about fast & furious are based upon facts and backed up by Holder's own words in the video where he stated he wanted to "brainwash" people into being against gun ownership. So you can take your opinion on my theory and shove it up your ass.
And 3rd, this incident doesnt say anything about gun owners and we don't need to be ashamed for anything. You're just a big pussy who hates facts, in this case the fact that lax gun laws lead to less crime and you cannot prove otherwise.

All you have, like most leftists, is emotional appeals and feeeelings. Jackass.

Sorry, man, not a leftist, just a pragmatist.

1) We know exactly why Trayvon was in that neighborhood. He was visiting his father, who lived there with his girlfriend. He went out for an energy drink and some candy, when Zimmerman started following him for WWB (Walking While Black). We ONLY have Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, but if that was true, it was because this guy was following him. Zimmerman isn't a cop, he had no legal authority to chase Trayvon. The police dispatcher told him not to follow him.

Any person has the right to 'chase' anyone they want. It is not a crime and does not justify assault.

2) Please, compared to Clinton, Obama and Holder aren't even trying for more gun control and wouldn't be caught having a drink with Sarah Brady. Even after the Giffords shooting, (which shows just how lax our laws are) they didn't push for tougher laws.

Nor should they.

3) Your last statement is ridiculous. If Zimmerman hadn't been walking around packing heat and thinking he could get away with it, there would have been no shooting.

No, and he would likely be dead or hospitalized from being pummeled.

Incidently, I'm not pro- or anti- gun control. As a practical matter, when you already have 100 million guns out there, the horse is not only already out of the barn, but the barn's burned down.

Then the barn should be burned down if that means not having access to guns.

But as you watch big corporations slowly take your middle class lifestyle apart, you can cling to your gun and still think you have some control over your life.

Being able to defend myself *IS* having some control over my life.

Face it, Americans, and myself included, would rather live in some corporate dominated anarchy than to live defenseless under the neglectful eye of a nany police state.
Is it illegal to follow someone? NO

Is it illegal to approach someone? NO

Is it illegal to question someone? NO

Is it illegal to assault someone with fists? YES

Is it illegal to defend yourself from assault? NO

The only crime committed here was committed by Martin.

Case closed.

I doubt that would be your response if your kid was the one who was followed home and shot just yards away from arriving home safely.

Or, maybe I'm wrong and you're principled and you would accept the notion that your kid, almost arriving safely home, somehow got it in them to go back and start a fist-fight with the stranger that was freaking them out?

Until we know what the evidence is from Martin's hands and finger nails (the funeral director said his hands were in "pristine condition", meaning they couldn't have done what some folks have made up) the case is most definitely not closed.
A couple of things here. Had Zimmerman not been packing, Martin would be alive. Had Zimmerman not confronted Martin, Martin would be alive.

If Martin had not turned around and assaulted Zimmerman, Martin would be alive.
So we see the bigots claiming Martin was committing assault.

What is being bigoted about recognising the likelihood that two witnesses that saw Martin assaulting Zimmerman are likely telling the Truth?

You sound like you are being a bigot against hispanics. How do you like them apples?
The far right neo-nazis, white supremacists, economic libertarians, those who refuse to recognize the imperatives that 21st century impose on us, those who want to go back to the 1950s, those who want to tell women how to conduct their reproductive lives (this last group is, of course, so-called small government conservatives that want to use progressive government statism to suppress women)).

In other words you are in favor of killing unborn babies.

Nice to know.
At risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I'd say it's entirely possible that's the point. Shaming gun owners. The administration has shown how far they're willing to go with fast & furious. Would it surprise you?

I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

If Martin was standing there pounding Zimmerman with his fists and kicking him, then he was committing assault which is a crime the last I checked, even in Floriduh.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.

Arresting a person for defending themselves is outrageous, and only the loons to the far left do not agree that people have a right to self defense.

No, not arresting a person because you take their word for it in the moments after they killed someone is outrageous.

Now, putting someone away for defending themselves would be outrageous, so we'll see what comes of this case, but arresting someone after they've killed someone and they told you they did it is appropriate to me and it's the way things would have gotten done before SYG was passed.

Justice needs to be blind, but on the night that that one man killed another, justice gave him a break and took him at his word without consulting all the evidence from a thorough investigation first.

George Zimmerman was not arrested for defending himself. He was arrested for the second degree murder of Trayvon Martin, which the prosecution must now prove.

I don't care who you are, the moment you take a life, the burden is on you to defend yourself on why you did that and for a jury and a thorough investigation to decide whether that story holds up. And if it does, then you walk free, and if it doesn't, you deserve to go to jail.

I just don't see this as a political issue, even though some folks make it that way. You can't just shoot somebody dead, tell one story, and then immediately go free because you invoked "self defense". That's not good enough. You must be arrested so that a good investigation can go forward, and if they find that you're right, they drop the charges and no big deal.

But the idea that he just walked free that night without them checking his background as well as a whole other host of gaps in the early investigation doesn't give me much confidence in the justice system, because it's supposed to be blind except on that night it wasn't. It definitely took sides.

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