Alan Dershowitz Responds To Durham Report With Some Pointers to his Democrat Friends of Many Years


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Since I'm a Conservative Republican, It's best to let Alan Dershowitz Give Pointers to his Democrat Associates of Many Years, so I'm sharing his statement that neither takes away nor adds to what the Durham Report Says:

I hope it helps all-- Democrats, Republicans, and Independent people to handle the report in a way that benefits all Americans. It only takes ten minutes to listen to his concerns. Please discuss what is said. This is once I am not taking sides to be fair to Juris Doctor Dershowitz. Thanks if you are here for civil discourse with your fellow Americans.

About Alan Dershowitz: Alan Dershowitz - Wikipedia
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Since I'm a Conservative Republican, It's best to let Alan Dershowitz Give Pointers to his Democrat Associates of Many Years, so I'm sharing his statement that neither takes away nor adds to what the Durham Report Says:

I hope it helps all-- Democrats, Republicans, and Independent people to handle the report in a way that benefits all Americans. It only takes ten minutes to listen to his concerns. Please discuss what is said. This is once I am not taking sides to be fair to Juris Doctor Dershowitz. Thanks if you are here for civil discourse with your fellow Americans.

About Alan Dershowitz: Alan Dershowitz - Wikipedia

This was an attempted coup orchestrated by hilary and obama.....they need to be arrested...

This is why the democrats have been persecuting the rioters from Jan. 6.......they were trying to cover up what the democrats actuallhy did....
Since I'm a Conservative Republican, It's best to let Alan Dershowitz Give Pointers to his Democrat Associates of Many Years, so I'm sharing his statement that neither takes away nor adds to what the Durham Report Says:

I hope it helps all-- Democrats, Republicans, and Independent people to handle the report in a way that benefits all Americans. It only takes ten minutes to listen to his concerns. Please discuss what is said. This is once I am not taking sides to be fair to Juris Doctor Dershowitz. Thanks if you are here for civil discourse with your fellow Americans.

About Alan Dershowitz: Alan Dershowitz - Wikipedia

10 minutes to listen to a child raping MAGA freak? Absolutely not.
Since I'm a Conservative Republican, It's best to let Alan Dershowitz Give Pointers to his Democrat Associates of Many Years, so I'm sharing his statement that neither takes away nor adds to what the Durham Report Says:

I hope it helps all-- Democrats, Republicans, and Independent people to handle the report in a way that benefits all Americans. It only takes ten minutes to listen to his concerns. Please discuss what is said. This is once I am not taking sides to be fair to Juris Doctor Dershowitz. Thanks if you are here for civil discourse with your fellow Americans.

About Alan Dershowitz: Alan Dershowitz - Wikipedia

Alan was an Epstein Island frequent flier.
This was an attempted coup orchestrated by hilary and obama.....they need to be arrested...

This is why the democrats have been persecuting the rioters from Jan. 6.......they were trying to cover up what the democrats actuallhy did....
This is about reconciling our divided nation, my dear friend. I'm hoping that our fellow Americans who actually believe everything the MSM press claims might step back and look at a Constitutional scholarly approach from someone who they respect. If we are alarmed that the nation is severely divided, we need to find common ground if we are to benefit the rest of the world with traditional American muscle and strength. Just look what happened to the Ukraine and Russia when they took up arms with one another. We're very close to facing World War III and enduring nuclear explosions if we don't start helping each other again.

And sometimes we have to listen to each other with the realization that if we don't start healing our rifts, Small countries will be decimated by unrestrained ambitious entities without us putting our foot down internationally. It's our role, and there's no other country that I know of than America united against evil doing by overbearing totalitarians on the planet.

Even so, thanks for sharing your opinion. I'm grateful to God that we still haven't quite lost the First Amendment. Love, beautress.
Here we have the perverse reality of a formal, well-researched, well-presented report by an eminently respectable source, telling us what we already knew...and enduring the Leftist response that simply denies reality.

The Left is evil. What more needs to be said?

This is the sort of thing that demonstrates the hackneyed expression, "Enemy of the People." These conspirators hated the very possibility that the American people might choose Donald Trump over their own hackneyed, corrupt nominee, Hillary Clinton. And they were willing to break the law, corrupt the electoral system, slander scores of innocent people and even indict some innocent people, all in an attempt to stop Trump or to totally compromise his presidency. Which they did.

Alan was an Epstein Island frequent flier.
What does that have to do with Alan's plea to his fellow Democrats to read and understand the Constitutional implications of the Durham Report? To Mr. Dershowitz, the Constitution is to him what a slide rule/calculator is to an Electrical or Civil Engineer. I hope his wise advice to people he loves and cares about who are fully American citizens, is listened to without prejudice. This Report has two ends: (1) Understanding of the Constitution to heal both sides and resume being America, the benevolent of worldly concerns or (2) Johnny, get your gun and let's have a crippling footshoot, which would leave those countries who need America in the peril of demonic powers. Love them or hate them, most Democrats tend to have a history of being innately benevolent. That is waning due to their rejection of the faith of their fathers for lifestyles the founders despised due to their treatment by such overlords. Faith got them through the hard stuff, and now Democrats are on a cancel religion and rightfulness by decimating the statue images of the good.
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Here we have the perverse reality of a formal, well-researched, well-presented report by an eminently respectable source, telling us what we already knew...and enduring the Leftist response that simply denies reality.

The Left is evil. What more needs to be said?

This is the sort of thing that demonstrates the hackneyed expression, "Enemy of the People." These conspirators hated the very possibility that the American people might choose Donald Trump over their own hackneyed, corrupt nominee, Hillary Clinton. And they were willing to break the law, corrupt the electoral system, slander scores of innocent people and even indict some innocent people, all in an attempt to stop Trump or to totally compromise his presidency. Which they did.

I'll let God be their judge. Meanwhile, Mr. Derschowitz's appeal may land on a few ears who were deceived by the Soros-propped up press for years now.
The DNC is so busy writing bullshit talking points they forgot to notice Dershowitz is a left winger who did NOT vote for Donald Trump...

Good to see them squirm....
It's against my religion to pass judgment on other people including people who do not know that Jesus under the physical torture of being nailed to and tortured on a primitive cross for the purpose of teaching his disciples and friends that you tell God to forgive the people who are mocking his goodness, torturing him to the limits, and inflicting the spear of death into his side. What you may not know is that God forgave them on the spot because Jesus, his son, asked him to as his last request. America can only bless the world when we continue to do God's will, and trust me, the founders debated the words that were used in the Declaration, the constitution, and the Amendments by using Old and New Testaments as the answer to how people should be treated by a government. It took our fathers and their sons a hundred years to give black people the right to vote, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and it took a not-so-civil war to do it.
it took a not-so-civil war to do it

And way too many "Christians" in the Confederacy were justifying it, and then justified segregation..

Christianity is good when it teaches quality values to kids.

When it comes to slavery and war for Israel, it should be vigorously opposed and the fraud "preachers" exposed. The preachers who told the southern flocks that slavery was consistent with Jesus were, well, just as warped as the ones who supported W, because they were the SAME frauds...
Bill O'Reilly chimes in about the Durham Report starting with that it took him 4 years to publish his findings.

And way too many "Christians" in the Confederacy were justifying it, and then justified segregation..

Christianity is good when it teaches quality values to kids.

When it comes to slavery and war for Israel, it should be vigorously opposed and the fraud "preachers" exposed. The preachers who told the southern flocks that slavery was consistent with Jesus were, well, just as warped as the ones who supported W, because they were the SAME frauds...
I wasn't there, but as a person who was born and raised in the South, the claim the southerners made was their disenchantment of the northerners disallowing them to sell cotton products to France for a higher price, and forced them against their will to accept cheaper prices for northern factories. As I said, I wasn't there in the world when the war between the states happened. So was it misuse of power or was it only about slavery? The south didn't fire on Fort Sumpter because it liked to hear fireworks. And Northerners who said they hated slavery kept black people on very low salaries. Which was slavery?
This was an attempted coup orchestrated by hilary and obama.....they need to be arrested...

This is why the democrats have been persecuting the rioters from Jan. 6.......they were trying to cover up what the democrats actuallhy did....
what I've been saying.
Alan was an Epstein Island frequent flier.
so, go after him. Doesn't change his stature. Prince Andrew was on there. Bill Clinton. shit Hitlery was on there. Did you vote for her? You know, you demfks always changing who you are to avoid rational thought.

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