alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

Alan Grayson, long before he decided to make an ass of himself over Cruz, was dubbed "America's Worst Politician".

Will: America’s Worst Politician

ORLANDO—There are hundreds of plausible nominees for the title of America’s Second-Smarmiest Politician, but surely the top spot is un-contested. Americans of all political persuasions can come together in affirming one proposition: Public life would be improved by scrubbing Rep. Alan Grayson from it
What goes around comes around. You all ever heard that said?

How about; You reap what you sow?

The Dems are gonna RAKE Canadian Ted over the proverbial coals for running for President and not being natural born.

And it is gonna be so cool.

Didnt you all think it so cool how the Repubs treated Preident Obama? Unfortunately, you all could never prove Obama wasn.t natural born.

With Canadian Ted thats a piece of cake.
What goes around comes around. You all ever heard that said?

How about; You reap what you sow?

The Dems are gonna RAKE Canadian Ted over the proverbial coals for running for President and not being natural born.

And it is gonna be so cool.

Didnt you all think it so cool how the Repubs treated Preident Obama? Unfortunately, you all could never prove Obama wasn.t natural born.

With Canadian Ted thats a piece of cake.
Except we know all the circumstances of Cruz' birth.
Must suck to be a Democrat.
What goes around comes around. You all ever heard that said?

How about; You reap what you sow?

The Dems are gonna RAKE Canadian Ted over the proverbial coals for running for President and not being natural born.

And it is gonna be so cool.

Didnt you all think it so cool how the Repubs treated Preident Obama? Unfortunately, you all could never prove Obama wasn.t natural born.

With Canadian Ted thats a piece of cake.
Except we know all the circumstances of Cruz' birth.
Must suck to be a Democrat.

Me thinks you got that backwards.

What sucks is to be a Republican that backed the WORST President in our lifetimes (Bush) and then get the shit kicked out of your be that black guy. Not once but twice. And it is gonna happen again.

Really sucks to be a Republican. Losers all the time, big time.
What goes around comes around. You all ever heard that said?

How about; You reap what you sow?

The Dems are gonna RAKE Canadian Ted over the proverbial coals for running for President and not being natural born.

And it is gonna be so cool.

Didnt you all think it so cool how the Repubs treated Preident Obama? Unfortunately, you all could never prove Obama wasn.t natural born.

With Canadian Ted thats a piece of cake.

It was Hillary Clinton that first raised the issue of Obama not being born in the US.
All I can say is that Alan Grayson is a racist then... He is using the natural born citizen rhetoric to suggest that no allowances have been added over the years in which gives people the right to be an American if they were born to an American father or mother.

The dems would be all over this if it was one of their own, but note the crickets when it is the so called political opposition in which they hope to destroy. Hey the road always runs both ways, so get ready for this to be a non-issue as was proven by the crats when it came to one of their own. I thought the crats saw the Constitution as being fluid ? LOL it's just to funny how they operate out of fear and desperation. Cruz will take care of himself on this, because he ain't no stupid man, and that's what the crats are fearing about this man. They know he will beat any candidate that they have or they wouldn't be going there on Cruz.

Cruz and Ferina 2016.
What goes around comes around. You all ever heard that said?

How about; You reap what you sow?

The Dems are gonna RAKE Canadian Ted over the proverbial coals for running for President and not being natural born.

And it is gonna be so cool.

Didnt you all think it so cool how the Repubs treated Preident Obama? Unfortunately, you all could never prove Obama wasn.t natural born.

With Canadian Ted thats a piece of cake.
Except we know all the circumstances of Cruz' birth.
Must suck to be a Democrat.

Me thinks you got that backwards.

What sucks is to be a Republican that backed the WORST President in our lifetimes (Bush) and then get the shit kicked out of your be that black guy. Not once but twice. And it is gonna happen again.

Really sucks to be a Republican. Losers all the time, big time.
No, Obama is the worst president ever. A nd that includes Baby Doc Duvalier.
Every program, every policy, every initiative of his has been a complete, total and abject failure. Start with closing Gitmo, go on to the Afghan surge, the Iraq debacle, the Obamacare website roll out, Obamacare in general, the stimulus,the Iran treaty, etc etc etc.
He has presided over the worst economic growth since WW2, the highest level of gov't dependency, and the worst foreign policy decisions ever. He has alienated our friends and emboldened our enemies.
Dems have lost over 900 seats nationwide since he took office. They barely held the WH in the last election, and that was only due to unprecedented turnout by blacks voting for the president whose policies have made them worse off than they were the day Bush left office.
Yeah, must suck.
Didn't Grayson get caught in some kind of nasty scandal or got hammered on something he said or did anyway ? Is it desperation by the crats that they have this guy attacking for them ?
Didn't Grayson get caught in some kind of nasty scandal or got hammered on something he said or did anyway ? Is it desperation by the crats that they have this guy attacking for them ?
Wife beating. ALthough there have been many other incidents. Grayson is a sociopath. And since that seems to be a requierment to be a leading Democrat he will go far in the party.
It doesnt matter. Grayson lacks standing to sue in federal court over Cruz' eligibility. SO he's just talking out of his fat ass.
i know, the birther thing again, doesn't seem to want to go away.

anyway republicans want sick people to die quickly. grayson is back. he is the dizzying hugo chavez of our American congress.

Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

if you google die quickly, you get this:

COLMES: Well, his mother was born here, so I guess like Obama, though it’s interesting to me the people who had a problem with Obama, though it’s interesting to me that the people who had a problem with Obama’s birth certificate don’t have a problem with Ted Cruz who literally was born in another country and renounced his Canadian citizenry.

GRAYSON: I don’t know … the Constitution says natural-born Americans, so now we’re counting Canadians as natural born Americans? How does that work? I’m waiting for the moment that he gets the nomination and then I will file that beautiful lawsuit saying that he’s unqualified for the job because he’s ineligible.

COLMES: So you’re saying should he get the nomination, Alan Grayson will file a lawsuit against his candidacy.

GRAYSON: Absolutely! Call me crazy but I think the president of America should be an American.

COLMES: Now I wonder, does he qualify because of having an American mother can considered an American citizen and in fact he renounced his Canadian citizenship to be an American citizen, but you’re talking about American birth, but I believe if that’s one of you parents —

GRAYSON: Look, even the anchor babies are actually born here. He doesn’t even meet that qualification.

COLMES: Right. And although I don’t like the term anchor babies, it’s been embraced by people like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — not Ted Cruz — Marco Rubio who may in fact be one, as I understand.

GRAYSON: Oh, it’s shocking. In Cruz’s case, it is obvious what happened. The Canadians got pissed off at us for acid rain, so they gave us Ted Cruz.

grayson is not considered to be one of the high intellectuals of the DC congress...
alan colmes is just plain creepy.

The best part of Grayson ran down his mothers leg...
The Libtards think that Cruz, an outstanding Senator from Texas, is not somehow a citizen but all the illegals from Mexico and Muslim refugees should be.
Didn't Grayson get caught in some kind of nasty scandal or got hammered on something he said or did anyway ? Is it desperation by the crats that they have this guy attacking for them ?

Grayson is a wife abuser, big time. Goes with his hateful personality.

Like I said earlier, a disgrace to the state of Florida. The inner city shitheads in Orlando and the stupid yankee transplants voted the sonofabitch in.

Alan Grayson - A History of Domestic Abuse

Congressman Without Honor

Me thinks you got that backwards.

What sucks is to be a Republican that backed the WORST President in our lifetimes (Bush) and then get the shit kicked out of your be that black guy. Not once but twice. And it is gonna happen again.

Really sucks to be a Republican. Losers all the time, big time.

You are either delusional or confused or both.

Jimmy Carter use to be the worst President in the history of the Republic until this affirmative action nitwit Obama came along. Now Obama has the distinction hands down.

The only thing Obama was able to do successfully was to put together a coalition of all the greedy dumbass shitheads in the country to vote for him.

That doesn't mean the next Democrat running for President will be able to get the turnout of assholes like Obama was able to get. In fact there are signs that unions are jumping the boat and we know Blacks won't turn out in the same number. Jews, a traditionally strong supporter of the Democrats are showing signs of telling the Democrats to go screw themselves.

You Moon Bats forget the ass kicking you got in 2014 and the elections last month showed a strong Conservative lean. You are in big trouble with having an incompetent dishonest candidate like the Clinton bitch and Obama's legacy record of failure and weakness.

The only ray of hope you bastards have is the fact that their will be many more Republican Senators up for reelection than Democrats. You may be able to pick up a couple of more seats in the Senate but you will not take the House by a long shot and Hillary Clinton will not be President. Nobody but an idiot would vote for her. The polls now have her losing to any Republican, especially in the swing states.
Well one thing, if there is a debate and prime time TV picks up on it that is way more then they ever did for Obama. Although Obama was born in Hawaii it has been pretty much decided it really didn't matter as long as his mother was American.

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