alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

not sure where you're coming from here......Cruz's parents weren't "on the road" in fact Cruzes Dad once fought for Castro as I understand it.

I didn't say Cruz's parents were on the Road. Cruz's Mother was and remains a US Citizen. So with regard to 'the obama precedent'... he's qualified.

'Location of birth' is irrelevant to being a natural born citizen.

That said, Constitutionally.... Cruz is disqualified from office.

I'm on record throughout this board stating this at the outset of his campaign. I wrote to the Senator and told him as much and as expected... he ignored my advice and that of others expressing the same sentiment.

That said... while I am going to vote for Doctor Ben Carson in the Primary, I support Senator Cruz as a candidate... on the basis that the practical precedent has been altered and for all intents and purposes, there is no standard in play in any US institution anywhere, at any level for any reason, including candidates for the office of the Presidency... and should Cruz prevail in being nominated, I will vote for him.

In a stunning irony, while being constitutionally disqualified from office, Cruz is among the finest human beings and certainly among the sharpest minds to ever overtly seek the office.

Perhaps... just perhaps, he'll win office and go about the unenviable work of culling the nation of the subversives present in the citizenry, from the citizenry and openly reinstate the constitutional standard, going forward.

ok, well if you think that strictly, constitutionally, speaking he is ineligible Then I agree and think I understand your position.
And while I think he violates the letter of the law......not really the spirit of it.

I have other problems with Cruz, he has the feel of a shill I think......the rhetoric of an outsider ...with the resume of an insider.
I'm no fan of nasty flame-throwers like Grayson, but turnabout is fair play.

Perhaps the hardcore partisans on both ends could focus their energies on more constructive endeavors.

Not holding my breath, of course.
Alan Grayson


The only dumber politician thinks Guam might tip over.

ROFL! I know... Right?

But I think the topper of intellectual rock bottom goes to Shiela Jackson Lee, for her "Can you drive it over to where the Astronauts Landed?", as she stood among a small group celebrating the success of the first Mars Rover.
not sure where you're coming from here......Cruz's parents weren't "on the road" in fact Cruzes Dad once fought for Castro as I understand it.

I didn't say Cruz's parents were on the Road. Cruz's Mother was and remains a US Citizen. So with regard to 'the obama precedent'... he's qualified.

'Location of birth' is irrelevant to being a natural born citizen.

That said, Constitutionally.... Cruz is disqualified from office.

I'm on record throughout this board stating this at the outset of his campaign. I wrote to the Senator and told him as much and as expected... he ignored my advice and that of others expressing the same sentiment.

That said... while I am going to vote for Doctor Ben Carson in the Primary, I support Senator Cruz as a candidate... on the basis that the practical precedent has been altered and for all intents and purposes, there is no standard in play in any US institution anywhere, at any level for any reason, including candidates for the office of the Presidency... and should Cruz prevail in being nominated, I will vote for him.

In a stunning irony, while being constitutionally disqualified from office, Cruz is among the finest human beings and certainly among the sharpest minds to ever overtly seek the office.

Perhaps... just perhaps, he'll win office and go about the unenviable work of culling the nation of the subversives present in the citizenry, from the citizenry and openly reinstate the constitutional standard, going forward.

ok, well if you think that strictly, constitutionally, speaking he is ineligible Then I agree and think I understand your position.
And while I think he violates the letter of the law......not really the spirit of it.

I have other problems with Cruz, he has the feel of a shill I think......the rhetoric of an outsider ...with the resume of an insider.

Based upon what exactly?

And I'm asking honestly. I'd truly like to know what it is that you're getting, that I'm missing.
There is significant evidence that his birth certificate was a forgery and a poor one at that. Mostly likely done by a White House intern with poor Power Point skills.

The only thing the fake birth certificate did was to provide cover for you dumbass Gruberidiots to deny the birther allegations.

Hey, congrats, flush! You found someone who proved a PDF file is not an original document. Way to go! :eusa_doh:

The document was poorly created on a computer using modern software.

You Gruberidiots have three questions to answer about the birth of your Messiah:

1. Why is there no record of his mother being in Hawaii at the time of his birth?

2. Why was the birth certificate release by the White House created on a modern computer with modern software that didn't exist at the time of his birth?

3. Why won't the bastard release his college transcripts indicating his status as a citizen or foreign born student?

To me the crime is not that the sonofabitch lied about being born in the US. He has a record of lying about everything. You expect Democrats from Chicago to lie. That is what they do. The real crime is that you stupid uneducated low information Gruberidiots voted for him to be President knowing that he was not qualified and that he was an extreme far Left imbecile. How could you be so stupid?

You're a fucking retard.

1. His mother's signature is on his Hawaiian birth certificate, indicating she was there in Hawaii when he was born.

2. It wasn't. You're either ignorant or lying. Hawaii provided a certified copy of their records on file to Obama. The White House then made a copy from that as a PDF file. The video you linked was made by someone who is also either ignorant or lying as he falsely claimed scanning that document into a PDF file would generate only one layer; and then based on that idiocy, began his descension into impeaching his own claims that it's a fake because it actually contained multiple layers, which he also moronically claimed were injected intentionally to deceive. But that's where his claims crumbled before him since applications which convert graphic images to PDF format can add layers in an attempt to convert identifiable text to searchable text. The imbecile who made that video duped you as he portrayed a feature of Adobe as a nefarious attempt by Obama to fake a birth certificate which was certified by the state of Hawaii.

3. Why wouldn't Bush release his college transcripts? Was he a foreigner too? What about Clinton? He wouldn't release his either. And lastly, Obama's college transcripts have nothing to do with his birth certificate.

It must be hell being a Gruberidiot and being so damn confused about everything.

The is no record of the Ho being in Hawaii at the time the little sonofabitch was born. There is a record of the bitch starting classes at the University of Washington a week after she said the shithass was born.

The birth certificate that was released by the lying assholes in the White House was created on a modern computer with modern software. You can deny it all you want but that is a fact.

Bush did release his college record you idiot. He had better grades than that shithead Kerry, remember? However, where he did or didn't has nothing to do with Shit for Brains refusing to release his.

There is a reason why Shit for Brains won't release his college records. It is either to hide his affirmative action record or to hide that he enrolled as a foreign student or maybe both.

Whether he was born in the USA or not is a moot point at this time because you stupid ignorant uneducated low information dickheads got together a coalition of greedy assholes that elected him President. You should be ashamed of yourselves for electing a lying incompetent cowardly piece of shit like him. You know it and I know it.

Now you stupid Libtards that went to great lengths to deny Obama's blatant disregard for the qualification for the job will make a big birther deal out of Cruz because that is the kind of hypocritical assholes you are.

Welcome to my Ignore List, cocksucker.

What a lovely concession.

Duly noted and summarily accepted.


Ummm, President Obama was born in Hawaii, so he is not a ILLEGAL President seeing he was a naturally born citizen.

Peasantpimp obama was born to a foreign national, thus without regard to where he was born, he is not a natural born citizen, as a natural born citizen is a person whose citizenship is a natural consequence of their birth. And the ONLY circumstance wherein 'citizenship is the natural consequence of their birth' is when the parents of the child are both citizens of the same nation... again... this being without regard to where the birth takes place.

i know, the birther thing again, doesn't seem to want to go away.

anyway republicans want sick people to die quickly. grayson is back. he is the dizzying hugo chavez of our American congress.

Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

if you google die quickly, you get this:

COLMES: Well, his mother was born here, so I guess like Obama, though it’s interesting to me the people who had a problem with Obama, though it’s interesting to me that the people who had a problem with Obama’s birth certificate don’t have a problem with Ted Cruz who literally was born in another country and renounced his Canadian citizenry.

GRAYSON: I don’t know … the Constitution says natural-born Americans, so now we’re counting Canadians as natural born Americans? How does that work? I’m waiting for the moment that he gets the nomination and then I will file that beautiful lawsuit saying that he’s unqualified for the job because he’s ineligible.

COLMES: So you’re saying should he get the nomination, Alan Grayson will file a lawsuit against his candidacy.

GRAYSON: Absolutely! Call me crazy but I think the president of America should be an American.

COLMES: Now I wonder, does he qualify because of having an American mother can considered an American citizen and in fact he renounced his Canadian citizenship to be an American citizen, but you’re talking about American birth, but I believe if that’s one of you parents —

GRAYSON: Look, even the anchor babies are actually born here. He doesn’t even meet that qualification.

COLMES: Right. And although I don’t like the term anchor babies, it’s been embraced by people like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — not Ted Cruz — Marco Rubio who may in fact be one, as I understand.

GRAYSON: Oh, it’s shocking. In Cruz’s case, it is obvious what happened. The Canadians got pissed off at us for acid rain, so they gave us Ted Cruz.

grayson is not considered to be one of the high intellectuals of the DC congress...
alan colmes is just plain creepy.

Good for Grayson.

You consider blatantly advertising ignorance of the law to be "good"?

Well, that is at least consistent with the observable evidence of your posts.
I would love to see Grayson and Cruz debate the issue of Cruz's citizenship.

There's nothing to debate. The law is quite clear on this point, however uninformed and deluded the left chooses to be.

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be the genetic or the gestational parent and the legal parent of the child under local law at the time and place of the child’s birth to transmit U.S. citizenship.

The question with Obama - whose mother was certainly born a US citizen, so far as I know - wasn't merely where he was born, but whether or not his mother met the residency requirements to make him a citizen. If he'd been born outside the US, that might have thrown it into question. More to the point, if he was actually born in the US, then it would have rendered her residency status irrelevant.

For the record, I have no idea how many years Obama's mother resided in the US or when, so I have no idea whether or not this is actually an issue. I get the impression that she spent much of her adult life living abroad.

However - also as far as I know - no one has ever alleged that Ted Cruz's mother does not meet the residency requirement for him to be a natural-born citizen at birth, regardless of where he was born.
i know, the birther thing again, doesn't seem to want to go away.

anyway republicans want sick people to die quickly. grayson is back. he is the dizzying hugo chavez of our American congress.

Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

if you google die quickly, you get this:

COLMES: Well, his mother was born here, so I guess like Obama, though it’s interesting to me the people who had a problem with Obama, though it’s interesting to me that the people who had a problem with Obama’s birth certificate don’t have a problem with Ted Cruz who literally was born in another country and renounced his Canadian citizenry.

GRAYSON: I don’t know … the Constitution says natural-born Americans, so now we’re counting Canadians as natural born Americans? How does that work? I’m waiting for the moment that he gets the nomination and then I will file that beautiful lawsuit saying that he’s unqualified for the job because he’s ineligible.

COLMES: So you’re saying should he get the nomination, Alan Grayson will file a lawsuit against his candidacy.

GRAYSON: Absolutely! Call me crazy but I think the president of America should be an American.

COLMES: Now I wonder, does he qualify because of having an American mother can considered an American citizen and in fact he renounced his Canadian citizenship to be an American citizen, but you’re talking about American birth, but I believe if that’s one of you parents —

GRAYSON: Look, even the anchor babies are actually born here. He doesn’t even meet that qualification.

COLMES: Right. And although I don’t like the term anchor babies, it’s been embraced by people like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — not Ted Cruz — Marco Rubio who may in fact be one, as I understand.

GRAYSON: Oh, it’s shocking. In Cruz’s case, it is obvious what happened. The Canadians got pissed off at us for acid rain, so they gave us Ted Cruz.

grayson is not considered to be one of the high intellectuals of the DC congress...
alan colmes is just plain creepy.

Alan Grayson is an imbecile... obama's will have been in office for 8 years having been born to a foreign national Father and US Citizen Mother. There new precedent is set.

Prior to catastrophe of obama, Cruz was not qualified to serve as President... and as far as the letter of the Constitution is concerned he still is not... as a Natural Born Citizen is one whose Citizenship is a natural consequence of their Birth, and THAT is when BOTH PARENTS are Citizens in good standing of the nation at issue.

All of that is however out the window now... .

I love you, Keys, but you are 100% wrong on every point in this post.
I would love to see Grayson and Cruz debate the issue of Cruz's citizenship.

There's nothing to debate. The law is quite clear on this point, however uninformed and deluded the left chooses to be.

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be the genetic or the gestational parent and the legal parent of the child under local law at the time and place of the child’s birth to transmit U.S. citizenship.

The question with Obama - whose mother was certainly born a US citizen, so far as I know - wasn't merely where he was born, but whether or not his mother met the residency requirements to make him a citizen. If he'd been born outside the US, that might have thrown it into question. More to the point, if he was actually born in the US, then it would have rendered her residency status irrelevant.

For the record, I have no idea how many years Obama's mother resided in the US or when, so I have no idea whether or not this is actually an issue. I get the impression that she spent much of her adult life living abroad.

However - also as far as I know - no one has ever alleged that Ted Cruz's mother does not meet the residency requirement for him to be a natural-born citizen at birth, regardless of where he was born.
I know I would just like to see Cruz make a fool out of Grayson though Grayson does a good job of that on his own.
How dumb. The courts are already tied up with silly bullshit.
How is this different than tying up things with the Obama birther sham?

It isn't. It also a colossal waste of the court's time.

It would be if he actually went through with it. He's fucking with the nutters is what he's doing.

Actually, he's just exposing the ignorance of YOU nutters . . . yet again.
I would love to see Grayson and Cruz debate the issue of Cruz's citizenship.

There's nothing to debate. The law is quite clear on this point, however uninformed and deluded the left chooses to be.

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be the genetic or the gestational parent and the legal parent of the child under local law at the time and place of the child’s birth to transmit U.S. citizenship.

The question with Obama - whose mother was certainly born a US citizen, so far as I know - wasn't merely where he was born, but whether or not his mother met the residency requirements to make him a citizen. If he'd been born outside the US, that might have thrown it into question. More to the point, if he was actually born in the US, then it would have rendered her residency status irrelevant.

For the record, I have no idea how many years Obama's mother resided in the US or when, so I have no idea whether or not this is actually an issue. I get the impression that she spent much of her adult life living abroad.

However - also as far as I know - no one has ever alleged that Ted Cruz's mother does not meet the residency requirement for him to be a natural-born citizen at birth, regardless of where he was born.
I know I would just like to see Cruz make a fool out of Grayson though Grayson does a good job of that on his own.

Cruz owns Grayson.

Understand that this is Grayson, trying to raise his own stock, by inserting itself into Cruz' altitude.

A place which Grayson is otherwise incapable of existing.
I hate that anti-American faggot named Ted Cruz. He'll have us looking like Haiti if we elect that little piece of shit.

Our infrastructure will fall into the river
Our science institutions will be abolished
No more r&d investments
And certain no more educational funding.

What a joke. A national disgrace.

Fuck ted cruz. Fuck him and may he go back to Cuba!!!

He can't go back to Cuba since he has never been there.
Democrats started the Hussein Obama birther movement when Hillary Clinton's campaign questioned Obama's birthplace.

It looks like one of the most idiotic extreme far Left Democrat morons in Congress is continuing the tradition.

What Flash stated is true; Hillary started the whole thing.

There won't be a repeat with Cruz though for one reason..............if the left tries to do this and pulls it off, they are just admitting Obama was an illegal President.

So, then what happens? Why Cruz stays as senator, and the next in line for the GOP gets the nod to run, AND gets to point at the Democratic party as the party who put an ILLEGAL President in office, which is why they love ILLEGAL ALIENS so much, lolol. It would also open up all of Obamas records for scrutiny, and wouldn't that be interesting.

So no, the Democrats are no doubt putting pressure on Grayson to keep his mouth shut, lest it all fall apart worse for them, than it already is!

Ummm, President Obama was born in Hawaii, so he is not a ILLEGAL President seeing he was a naturally born citizen. Hawaii was a state when he was born, so again a natural born citizen.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada, and the only parent that was a U.S. Naturally Born Citizen was his mother, and his father was a coward that fled Cuba from the Castro regime.

Now I am sure you will argue that President Obama was born in Kenya, and not Hawaii, but reality is not your friend if you do because the ex-Republican Governor of Hawaii verify that President Obama was born in Hawaii, and after Hawaii enter the Union.

Also if you or any take offense of me calling Ted Cruz father a coward, well remember he was a refugee fleeing a Communist Nation and a Communist Regime, and if you feel Ted Cruz father was not a coward then you should not object to Syrian's being allowed into this country.

One final note I am against letting Syrian's in and America should boot Ted Cruz back to Canada where he had a dual citizenship until May of 2014.

One of his dual citizenships was American. Since has relinquished his Canadian citizenship it is absurd to even suggest that an American citizen be 'booted' back to Canada.
A US Statute that I posted on this thread clearly states that he is qualified to be President.
i know, the birther thing again, doesn't seem to want to go away.

anyway republicans want sick people to die quickly. grayson is back. he is the dizzying hugo chavez of our American congress.

Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

if you google die quickly, you get this:

COLMES: Well, his mother was born here, so I guess like Obama, though it’s interesting to me the people who had a problem with Obama, though it’s interesting to me that the people who had a problem with Obama’s birth certificate don’t have a problem with Ted Cruz who literally was born in another country and renounced his Canadian citizenry.

GRAYSON: I don’t know … the Constitution says natural-born Americans, so now we’re counting Canadians as natural born Americans? How does that work? I’m waiting for the moment that he gets the nomination and then I will file that beautiful lawsuit saying that he’s unqualified for the job because he’s ineligible.

COLMES: So you’re saying should he get the nomination, Alan Grayson will file a lawsuit against his candidacy.

GRAYSON: Absolutely! Call me crazy but I think the president of America should be an American.

COLMES: Now I wonder, does he qualify because of having an American mother can considered an American citizen and in fact he renounced his Canadian citizenship to be an American citizen, but you’re talking about American birth, but I believe if that’s one of you parents —

GRAYSON: Look, even the anchor babies are actually born here. He doesn’t even meet that qualification.

COLMES: Right. And although I don’t like the term anchor babies, it’s been embraced by people like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — not Ted Cruz — Marco Rubio who may in fact be one, as I understand.

GRAYSON: Oh, it’s shocking. In Cruz’s case, it is obvious what happened. The Canadians got pissed off at us for acid rain, so they gave us Ted Cruz.

grayson is not considered to be one of the high intellectuals of the DC congress...
alan colmes is just plain creepy.



Wow, no one was qualified to be president at that time. Brilliant.

7 out of 8 of our first Presidents were not born in the United States since it was not the United States when they were born.

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