alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

Alan Grayson is awesome! I can't wait for him to replace #NoShowRubio as our next Senator for Florida!

Fun Fact: Grayson has been the most effective Congressman in the House for the past 2 years, getting more amendments and bills passed than anyone else.

He's a Democrat! What bills has he passed through a Republican Congress? We won't hold our breath while waiting.

So birthers become nonbrithers as soon as THEIR birth is in question.

Falls in that 'no strength of character' file doesn't it.

Based upon what? And please... be specific. At least as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.

OH! And ya should probably come to grips that Cruz never stated either of those quotes... .

(In the future you should avoid leaning on anything advanced by a Leftist. Ya see... they lie. About everything... all the time.)
Hmmm, a classic case of denial...

Classic case of baseless assertion.

Slander is a bad thing... it hurts people innocent of the charges, by affiliating them with deeds for which there is no evidence of doing.

Now some people claim that just because a person is one who often speak publicly through public forums, thus establishing them as a 'public person', that this provides the moral justification to lie about them...

You seem to be claiming this to be the case.

Let's see how it holds up for you:

I Molest children by lulling them into my van with treats and promises of trips to disney land.
Got any sort of reference for that little tidbit?

Yes... the phrase: "Natural Born Citizen".

If you'd like to offer argument which would provide for a natural circumstance that provides for axiomatic unqualified, unquestionable citizenship, which does not include both parents being citizens in good standing, I'll happily consider what you have to say.

Naturally... however, you have no such argument, because reason requires that if you has such, you would have offered it when you offered that steamy pile of feckless crap, which I just refuted.

Feel better?
not sure where you're coming from here......Cruz's parents weren't "on the road" in fact Cruzes Dad once fought for Castro as I understand it.

I didn't say Cruz's parents were on the Road. Cruz's Mother was and remains a US Citizen. So with regard to 'the obama precedent'... he's qualified.

'Location of birth' is irrelevant to being a natural born citizen.

That said, Constitutionally.... Cruz is disqualified from office.

I'm on record throughout this board stating this at the outset of his campaign. I wrote to the Senator and told him as much and as expected... he ignored my advice and that of others expressing the same sentiment.

That said... while I am going to vote for Doctor Ben Carson in the Primary, I support Senator Cruz as a candidate... on the basis that the practical precedent has been altered and for all intents and purposes, there is no standard in play in any US institution anywhere, at any level for any reason, including candidates for the office of the Presidency... and should Cruz prevail in being nominated, I will vote for him.

In a stunning irony, while being constitutionally disqualified from office, Cruz is among the finest human beings and certainly among the sharpest minds to ever overtly seek the office.

Perhaps... just perhaps, he'll win office and go about the unenviable work of culling the nation of the subversives present in the citizenry, from the citizenry and openly reinstate the constitutional standard, going forward.
LOL! A blog post by Grayson himself, confirmed liar, on HuffPo. No wonder you're such a big fucking fail, Hairboy.
The HUUUGE irony here is that Cruz claims to be a "constitutional conservative" presumably one that follows original intent....and the original intent is clear.....born in one of the United States.

Even if you go back to British law at the time the Constitution was written (we were rejecting British law weren't we?) it was the citizenship of the FATHER that mattered, not the mother........

so Cruz doesnt really have a leg to stand on....he is ineligible for office and I praise Grayson for being willing to go to court over this.
Where does the Constitution define "natural born citizen"? Yeah, nowhere. You pulled that out of your ass.

The Constitution doesn't need to define the term... as it define's itself. A natural born citizen is: a citizen whose citizenship is a natural consequence of their birth.

Now... what is the SINGULAR circumstance wherein the birth of an individual axiomatically results in citizenship, without further need for qualification, and which sets above all of scrutiny? That is where the birth is a consequence of the joining of TWO CITIZENS in good standing.

Like my parents, and likely your parents and 99.999999999999999% of US citizens. Where both parents are loyal American Citizens, who have long lived in the US, who were educated here, trained up on American principle, live their lives within American traditions and heritage.

Meaning that it doesn't matter if the child was born somewhere else... as who gives a fuck where the child was born, if the child was born to two Americans who happened to be on the road at the time the child was born? What possible relevance could that have on anything?
not sure where you're coming from here......Cruz's parents weren't "on the road" in fact Cruzes Dad once fought for Castro as I understand it.

Location of birth is irrelevant to being a natural born citizen.

Constitutionally.... Cruz is disqualified from office.

I'm on record throughout this board stating this at the outset of his campaign. I wrote to the Senator and told him as much and as expected... he ignored my advice and that of others expressing the same sentiment.

That said... while I am going to vote for Doctor Ben Carson in the Primary, I support Senator Cruz as a candidate... on the basis that the practical precedent has been altered and for all intents and purposes, there is no standard in play in any US institution anywhere, at any level for any reason, including candidates for the office of the Presidency... and should Cruz prevail in being nominated, I will vote for him.

In a stunning irony, while being constitutionally disqualified from office, Cruz is among the finest human beings and certainly among the sharpest minds to ever overtly seek the officer.

Perhaps... just perhaps, he'll win office and go about the unenviable work of culling the nation of the subversives present in the citizenry, from the citizenry and openly reinstate the constitutional standard, going forward.
Let us all goosestep to that...
Democrats started the Hussein Obama birther movement when Hillary Clinton's campaign questioned Obama's birthplace.

It looks like one of the most idiotic extreme far Left Democrat morons in Congress is continuing the tradition.

What Flash stated is true; Hillary started the whole thing.

There won't be a repeat with Cruz though for one reason..............if the left tries to do this and pulls it off, they are just admitting Obama was an illegal President.

So, then what happens? Why Cruz stays as senator, and the next in line for the GOP gets the nod to run, AND gets to point at the Democratic party as the party who put an ILLEGAL President in office, which is why they love ILLEGAL ALIENS so much, lolol. It would also open up all of Obamas records for scrutiny, and wouldn't that be interesting.

So no, the Democrats are no doubt putting pressure on Grayson to keep his mouth shut, lest it all fall apart worse for them, than it already is!

Ummm, President Obama was born in Hawaii, so he is not a ILLEGAL President seeing he was a naturally born citizen. Hawaii was a state when he was born, so again a natural born citizen.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada, and the only parent that was a U.S. Naturally Born Citizen was his mother, and his father was a coward that fled Cuba from the Castro regime.

Now I am sure you will argue that President Obama was born in Kenya, and not Hawaii, but reality is not your friend if you do because the ex-Republican Governor of Hawaii verify that President Obama was born in Hawaii, and after Hawaii enter the Union.

Also if you or any take offense of me calling Ted Cruz father a coward, well remember he was a refugee fleeing a Communist Nation and a Communist Regime, and if you feel Ted Cruz father was not a coward then you should not object to Syrian's being allowed into this country.

One final note I am against letting Syrian's in and America should boot Ted Cruz back to Canada where he had a dual citizenship until May of 2014.
Alan Grayson is awesome! I can't wait for him to replace #NoShowRubio as our next Senator for Florida!

Fun Fact: Grayson has been the most effective Congressman in the House for the past 2 years, getting more amendments and bills passed than anyone else.
Ummm, President Obama was born in Hawaii, so he is not a ILLEGAL President seeing he was a naturally born citizen.

Peasantpimp obama was born to a foreign national, thus without regard to where he was born, he is not a natural born citizen, as a natural born citizen is a person whose citizenship is a natural consequence of their birth. And the ONLY circumstance wherein 'citizenship is the natural consequence of their birth' is when the parents of the child are both citizens of the same nation... again... this being without regard to where the birth takes place.
Then why did he get his marriage "annulled" after 25 years?

A marriage can't be annulled after 25 years. If you do not understand what a word means, you should take the time to look it up first, dumbass.

Note the quotes around the word? They mean something. Dumbass!

Yes... quotes around a word specify the specific meaning of the word, Dumbass.

But hey... In fairness to you, a member of the intellectually less fortunate... there's no way you could possibly have known that.

Cruz is not against Immigration Reform?

He is against Foreigners, entering the US Illegally, just like every other American.

Hmmm, a classic case of denial...[/QUOTE]


So do ya see how the above cited clown is happy to cite lies about what Ted Cruz said?

So I simply posted a quote using its name, stating that it liked to have sex with kids... posting its avatar next to it and ...



See how it works?
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i know, the birther thing again, doesn't seem to want to go away.

anyway republicans want sick people to die quickly. grayson is back. he is the dizzying hugo chavez of our American congress.

Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

if you google die quickly, you get this:

COLMES: Well, his mother was born here, so I guess like Obama, though it’s interesting to me the people who had a problem with Obama, though it’s interesting to me that the people who had a problem with Obama’s birth certificate don’t have a problem with Ted Cruz who literally was born in another country and renounced his Canadian citizenry.

GRAYSON: I don’t know … the Constitution says natural-born Americans, so now we’re counting Canadians as natural born Americans? How does that work? I’m waiting for the moment that he gets the nomination and then I will file that beautiful lawsuit saying that he’s unqualified for the job because he’s ineligible.

COLMES: So you’re saying should he get the nomination, Alan Grayson will file a lawsuit against his candidacy.

GRAYSON: Absolutely! Call me crazy but I think the president of America should be an American.

COLMES: Now I wonder, does he qualify because of having an American mother can considered an American citizen and in fact he renounced his Canadian citizenship to be an American citizen, but you’re talking about American birth, but I believe if that’s one of you parents —

GRAYSON: Look, even the anchor babies are actually born here. He doesn’t even meet that qualification.

COLMES: Right. And although I don’t like the term anchor babies, it’s been embraced by people like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — not Ted Cruz — Marco Rubio who may in fact be one, as I understand.

GRAYSON: Oh, it’s shocking. In Cruz’s case, it is obvious what happened. The Canadians got pissed off at us for acid rain, so they gave us Ted Cruz.

grayson is not considered to be one of the high intellectuals of the DC congress...
alan colmes is just plain creepy.



Wow, no one was qualified to be president at that time. Brilliant.
That one about G Washington wasn't born in America, that takes the f'ing cake. Who in hell would think up some shite like that.

If the Constitution excluded all that weren't born in the US, then every person born before the Constitution was signed would be ineligible, which would be EVERYONE. And no one would then be eligible by the Constitution for the next 35 years after that.

At some point you see someone say something and you are like, WTF!!!!

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