alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

LOL! A blog post by Grayson himself, confirmed liar, on HuffPo. No wonder you're such a big fucking fail, Hairboy.
The HUUUGE irony here is that Cruz claims to be a "constitutional conservative" presumably one that follows original intent....and the original intent is clear.....born in one of the United States.

Even if you go back to British law at the time the Constitution was written (we were rejecting British law weren't we?) it was the citizenship of the FATHER that mattered, not the mother........

so Cruz doesnt really have a leg to stand on....he is ineligible for office and I praise Grayson for being willing to go to court over this.
Where does the Constitution define "natural born citizen"? Yeah, nowhere. You pulled that out of your ass.

If you want to be technical George Washington wasn't a natural born citizen of the united states
The Constitution allowed people born elsewhere before some certain date to be president. Washington fell into that category.
George Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Washington was born in Virginia.

Which was part of Great Britain
Here's one covering 2014. You can find 2015 yourself, you piece of shit. :)

Your Grayson Christmas Gifts Are on Their Way
LOL! A blog post by Grayson himself, confirmed liar, on HuffPo. No wonder you're such a big fucking fail, Hairboy.
The HUUUGE irony here is that Cruz claims to be a "constitutional conservative" presumably one that follows original intent....and the original intent is clear.....born in one of the United States.

Even if you go back to British law at the time the Constitution was written (we were rejecting British law weren't we?) it was the citizenship of the FATHER that mattered, not the mother........

so Cruz doesnt really have a leg to stand on....he is ineligible for office and I praise Grayson for being willing to go to court over this.
Where does the Constitution define "natural born citizen"? Yeah, nowhere. You pulled that out of your ass.

If you want to be technical George Washington wasn't a natural born citizen of the united states
The Constitution allowed people born elsewhere before some certain date to be president. Washington fell into that category.

The Constitution allows for those born before there was a "United States"

It doesn't account for Canadians
This is outrageous!

We are THIS close to having a Canadian as President.

We can't blow it now!

Yeah, he's so dumb that he has gotten more bills and amendments passed, in a Republican-controlled House, than anyone else, Democrat OR Republican.

I guess you never take a break from typing stupid shit, even for holidays.
Link? Besides I thought the GOP Congress never passed anything and did nothing.
Here's one covering 2014. You can find 2015 yourself, you piece of shit. :)

Your Grayson Christmas Gifts Are on Their Way
LOL! A blog post by Grayson himself, confirmed liar, on HuffPo. No wonder you're such a big fucking fail, Hairboy.
The HUUUGE irony here is that Cruz claims to be a "constitutional conservative" presumably one that follows original intent....and the original intent is clear.....born in one of the United States.

Even if you go back to British law at the time the Constitution was written (we were rejecting British law weren't we?) it was the citizenship of the FATHER that mattered, not the mother........

so Cruz doesnt really have a leg to stand on....he is ineligible for office and I praise Grayson for being willing to go to court over this.
Where does the Constitution define "natural born citizen"? Yeah, nowhere. You pulled that out of your ass.

The Constitution doesn't need to define the term... as it define's itself. A natural born citizen is: a citizen whose citizenship is a natural consequence of their birth.

Now... what is the SINGULAR circumstance wherein the birth of an individual axiomatically results in citizenship, without further need for qualification, and which sets above all of scrutiny? That is where the birth is a consequence of the joining of TWO CITIZENS in good standing.

Like my parents, and likely your parents and 99.999999999999999% of US citizens. Where both parents are loyal American Citizens, who have long lived in the US, who were educated here, trained up on American principle, live their lives within American traditions and heritage.

Meaning that it doesn't matter if the child was born somewhere else... as who gives a fuck where the child was born, if the child was born to two Americans who happened to be on the road at the time the child was born? What possible relevance could that have on anything?
I'm waiting for the board moderators to put this in conspiracy theory just like every other issue revolving around Obamas Kenyan citizenship status.
Commie Cruz is a Cuban who was born in Canada. What right does he have to be U.S. president?
Commie Cruz is a Cuban who was born in Canada. What right does he have to be U.S. president?

Try these reasons.

The natural-born-citizen clause has been mentioned in passing in several decisions of the United States Supreme Court, and by some lower courts that have addressed eligibility challenges, but the Supreme Court has never directly addressed the question of a specific presidential or vice-presidential candidate's eligibility as a natural-born citizen. Many eligibility lawsuits from the 2008 and 2012 election cycles were dismissed in lower courts due to the challengers' difficulty in showing that they had standing to raise legal objections. Additionally, some experts have suggested that the precise meaning of the natural-born-citizen clause may never be decided by the courts because, in the end, presidential eligibility may be determined to be anon-justiciable political questionthat can be decided only byCongressrather than by the judicial branch of government.

For persons born between December 24, 1952 and November 14, 1986, a person is a U.S. citizen if all of the following are true:[10]

1. The person's parents were married at the time of birth

2. One of the person's parents was a U.S. citizen when the person was born

3. The citizen parent lived at least ten years in the United States before the child's birth;

4. A minimum of 5 of these 10 years in the United States were after the citizen parent's 14th birthday.

Eight of the first nine presidents –Martin Van Burenbeing the exception – as well as early potential presidential candidates, were born as British subjects in British America before the American Revolution but were eligible for the office by virtue of having been citizens at the time that the Constitution was adopted.
Alan Grayson is an imbecile... obama's will have been in office for 8 years having been born to a foreign national Father and US Citizen Mother. There new precedent is set.

It's not new. It's always been the law.

Prior to catastrophe of obama, Cruz was not qualified to serve as President...

False. You're either a liar or you're ignorant. Which is it?
This is outrageous!

We are THIS close to having a Canadian as President.

We can't blow it now!

I wouldn't worry about it, Tostes... Grayson is a braying fool and the Left opened to the door anyone from anywhere sitting as the President of the US.

I mean if a skinny queer muslim communist from Kenya can, a meat eating American who landed in Canada first shouldn't have any problems.
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So much that was once impossible in America is now fully achievable in these post-Constitutional days! Stalin would have loved it. Imagine, he would even have been eligible to run for president! Perhaps a more honest choice than anything The Democrat Party has of offer!
Alan Grayson is an imbecile... obama's will have been in office for 8 years having been born to a foreign national Father and US Citizen Mother. There new precedent is set.

It's not new. It's always been the law.

No... prior to obama, the law was 'natural born citizen', OKA: Citizenship which came as the nature of birth... meaning citizenship as the consequence of the joining of TWO US Citizens.

It's not a complex equation, but it may well be just sufficiently so, to be beyond your limited means.

Sadly, your limited means didn't actually obligate the framers in terms of the language they used to express themselves.
How many times has grayson beaten his wife and children.
I don't know - how many?

Have you stopped beating your wife? Only a yes or no answer is acceptable.

Lets refresh your 2 brain cells that are hanging on life support. He also refused child support. Truly a lib hero.

Katie Pavlich - Democrat Alan Grayson Accused of Shoving and Hurting Wife in Domestic Dispute
i thought you guys were kidding, you can't make this up. wife's name is lolita and accused him of domestic violence....
makes me cringe to think what could be next.

katie pavlich

One of our favorite unhinged Democratic Congressmen, Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida, has been accused by his wife of allegedly assaulting her during a domestic dispute. More from the AP:

Florida U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson's wife has accused him of pushing her during an argument over the weekend, but he claims the allegations are a lie.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office confirmed Tuesday that it was investigating a reported domestic violence incident between Grayson and his wife, Lolita, but no charges have been filed.

Grayson's office released a statement denying his wife's accusations. Grayson says he never touched his wife, even after she physically attacked him.

Grayson's wife filed for divorce in January, and the central Florida Democrat claims he was attempting to visit his children when the incident occurred.
Its been widely reported even by the liberal media that her campaign started it. You look kind of ignorant challenging this.
Link it then...
Too bad you can't prove your idiotic claims, huh? Seems delusion is your only friend.

Trying to educate ignorant libs is not my job, in fact I'm fine with liberals being ignorant. I also won't be providing a link proving the earth orbits the sun.
Hell, you can't educate yourself, no less anyone else.

The reason you can't confirm your idiotic claim that Liberal media reports Hillary's campaign started birtherism is because they don't make any such claim.

I know it. You know it. Now everybody reading this knows it.
man you are really stuck on this.
Link? Besides I thought the GOP Congress never passed anything and did nothing.
Here's one covering 2014. You can find 2015 yourself, you piece of shit. :)

Your Grayson Christmas Gifts Are on Their Way
LOL! A blog post by Grayson himself, confirmed liar, on HuffPo. No wonder you're such a big fucking fail, Hairboy.
The HUUUGE irony here is that Cruz claims to be a "constitutional conservative" presumably one that follows original intent....and the original intent is clear.....born in one of the United States.

Even if you go back to British law at the time the Constitution was written (we were rejecting British law weren't we?) it was the citizenship of the FATHER that mattered, not the mother........

so Cruz doesnt really have a leg to stand on....he is ineligible for office and I praise Grayson for being willing to go to court over this.
Where does the Constitution define "natural born citizen"? Yeah, nowhere. You pulled that out of your ass.

If you want to be technical George Washington wasn't a natural born citizen of the united states
ahh.. enter the grandfather clause.
Could O'Bozo ever become a grandfather? Or would the liberal urge to abort save us from that?
Why didn't we have a dialog about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's place of birth before the 08 election? Would a simple law suit have derailed the democrat party's plans to ruin this Country?
Obama set the modern precedence. All you have to do is get some low information Gruberidiots to elect you President and then you don't have to worry about meeting any Constitutional requirement.

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