alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

Here's one covering 2014. You can find 2015 yourself, you piece of shit. :)

Your Grayson Christmas Gifts Are on Their Way
LOL! A blog post by Grayson himself, confirmed liar, on HuffPo. No wonder you're such a big fucking fail, Hairboy.
The HUUUGE irony here is that Cruz claims to be a "constitutional conservative" presumably one that follows original intent....and the original intent is clear.....born in one of the United States.

Even if you go back to British law at the time the Constitution was written (we were rejecting British law weren't we?) it was the citizenship of the FATHER that mattered, not the mother........

so Cruz doesnt really have a leg to stand on....he is ineligible for office and I praise Grayson for being willing to go to court over this.
Where does the Constitution define "natural born citizen"? Yeah, nowhere. You pulled that out of your ass.

If you want to be technical George Washington wasn't a natural born citizen of the united states

Which is why the law grandfathered the issue for the Founding Generation.
i believe supreme court justices would have that grandfather clause at the center of the arguments defining natural born.
That one about G Washington wasn't born in America, that takes the f'ing cake. Who in hell would think up some shite like that.

If the Constitution excluded all that weren't born in the US, then every person born before the Constitution was signed would be ineligible, which would be EVERYONE. And no one would then be eligible by the Constitution for the next 35 years after that.

At some point you see someone say something and you are like, WTF!!!!

How can you be born in the United States if you were born before it became the United States?
in box # nine of george washington's long form birth certificate,
mary ball washington put european. :)

George Washington, 1732–1799 | Papers of George Washington

so there is your first "birther". just barely before hillary.
Didn't Grayson get caught in some kind of nasty scandal or got hammered on something he said or did anyway ? Is it desperation by the crats that they have this guy attacking for them ?
if that doesn't qualify him for the U.S.Senate i don't know what would.

wilbur mills all over again. Mills Admits Being Present During Tidal Basin Scuffle
By Stephen Green and Margot Hornblower
Washington Post Staff Writers
Oct. 11, 1974
© The Washington Post

Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark.) yesterday broke three days of silence and denials by admitting that U.S. Park Police found him with his face cut after they stopped his speeding car near the Tidal Basin at 2 a.m. Monday.

In a statement issued by his Capitol Hill office, Mills said his face was cut from his eyeglasses, which broke as he tried to stop an ill woman neighbor, Mrs. Eduardo Battistella, from leaving the vehicle, which, according to police, had no lights on. Identified by police as Annabell Battistella, 38, the woman jumped into the Tidal Basin and was rescued after the car was stopped.

Mills, 65, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said he had left his wife, Polly, home at her request Sunday night as she had a broken foot. He said he left to give a party for Gloria Sanchez, who he said was a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Battistella and was visiting the couple from Argentina. Police said Mrs. Sanchez also was in the car.

gee another fucked up democrat from arkansas... who knew ??

this is capitalism at work: After the Mills' incidents, Foxe continued working as a stripper, changing her stage title from "The Argentine Firecracker" to "The Tidal Basin Bombshell."[3] Capitalizing on her notoriety, she was able to increase her appearance fees for subsequent performances at clubs. When hired by Michael Pinter Jr. for a December '74 show at Club Juana in Orlando, Florida she upped her fee for a 2-week stint from $3,500 to $15,000 a week

is this a great country or what ?

i thought maybe alan grayson with anthony weiner as VP would make a good ticket for the democrats.

i'm so worried that grayson maybe hurting the democrat party.
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7 out of 8 of our first Presidents were not born in the United States since it was not the United States when they were born.

Which also informs one that 'place of birth' is irrelevant to the phrase "Natural Born Citizen".

A condition which exists only where citizenship comes as an axiomatic or 'natural' consequence of birth. And that condition exist ONLY where BOTH PARENTS are a citizen of the same nation.

In every other conceivable circumstance citizenship becomes a function of law... "He was born to a citizen mother or father and the law says..." Doesn't matter what the law says where both parents are Citizens... as any law which would deny citizenship to a child born to citizen parents would be LUDICROUS.

A child born to two parents who are citizens in good standing... is an otherwise unqualified citizen of that nation.

Now... I know all you deep thinkers have your long held beliefs which say this or that... but that is what the fuckin' words mean and you can bray on about how such is not the case from now until the end of time and until you figure out a way to disprove THAT... you're simply fucking WRONG.

So... there's the irrepressible principle you must overcome.

Now get to it.

(And please understand that all facets of the "Nuh uh" defense are axiomatically disqualified from consideration)

I will never understand why some people can't grasp the concepts behind WHY our laws are what they are regarding citizenship and the Presidency.
7 out of 8 of our first Presidents were not born in the United States since it was not the United States when they were born.

Which also informs one that 'place of birth' is irrelevant to the phrase "Natural Born Citizen".

A condition which exists only where citizenship comes as an axiomatic or 'natural' consequence of birth. And that condition exist ONLY where BOTH PARENTS are a citizen of the same nation.

In every other conceivable circumstance citizenship becomes a function of law... "He was born to a citizen mother or father and the law says..." Doesn't matter what the law says where both parents are Citizens... as any law which would deny citizenship to a child born to citizen parents would be LUDICROUS.

A child born to two parents who are citizens in good standing... is an otherwise unqualified citizen of that nation.

Now... I know all you deep thinkers have your long held beliefs which say this or that... but that is what the fuckin' words mean and you can bray on about how such is not the case from now until the end of time and until you figure out a way to disprove THAT... you're simply fucking WRONG.

So... there's the irrepressible principle you must overcome.

Now get to it.

(And please understand that all facets of the "Nuh uh" defense are axiomatically disqualified from consideration)

I will never understand why some people can't grasp the concepts behind WHY our laws are what they are regarding citizenship and the Presidency.

I share your frustration.
not sure where you're coming from here......Cruz's parents weren't "on the road" in fact Cruzes Dad once fought for Castro as I understand it.

I didn't say Cruz's parents were on the Road. Cruz's Mother was and remains a US Citizen. So with regard to 'the obama precedent'... he's qualified.

'Location of birth' is irrelevant to being a natural born citizen.

That said, Constitutionally.... Cruz is disqualified from office.

I'm on record throughout this board stating this at the outset of his campaign. I wrote to the Senator and told him as much and as expected... he ignored my advice and that of others expressing the same sentiment.

That said... while I am going to vote for Doctor Ben Carson in the Primary, I support Senator Cruz as a candidate... on the basis that the practical precedent has been altered and for all intents and purposes, there is no standard in play in any US institution anywhere, at any level for any reason, including candidates for the office of the Presidency... and should Cruz prevail in being nominated, I will vote for him.

In a stunning irony, while being constitutionally disqualified from office, Cruz is among the finest human beings and certainly among the sharpest minds to ever overtly seek the office.

Perhaps... just perhaps, he'll win office and go about the unenviable work of culling the nation of the subversives present in the citizenry, from the citizenry and openly reinstate the constitutional standard, going forward.

ok, well if you think that strictly, constitutionally, speaking he is ineligible Then I agree and think I understand your position.
And while I think he violates the letter of the law......not really the spirit of it.

I have other problems with Cruz, he has the feel of a shill I think......the rhetoric of an outsider ...with the resume of an insider.

Based upon what exactly?

And I'm asking honestly. I'd truly like to know what it is that you're getting, that I'm missing.

well, he worked in the federal bureaucracy dealing with trade for some time, that and his wife works for goldman-sachs...thats what I think makes him an insider.

No, it doesn't. One does not have to be a drunken, unemployed jackwagon in a wife-beater attending Occupy Wall Street protests in order to be outside and opposed to the entrenched, business-as-usual establishment.

This is just another example of how the simplistic, all-or-nothing mentality of the Left falls horribly short of effectiveness in real life.
Btw unless he is the democrat nominee, or a nominee for a third party, he likely doesn't have any standing for the challenge.
I believe that's false. The POTUS makes decisions that affect all American citizens, therefore anyone can bring a suit.

What you believe does change reality
The reality is that I am correct.

The reality is that your statement that you're correct does nothing more than make you slightly less correct than you were before.
not sure where you're coming from here......Cruz's parents weren't "on the road" in fact Cruzes Dad once fought for Castro as I understand it.

I didn't say Cruz's parents were on the Road. Cruz's Mother was and remains a US Citizen. So with regard to 'the obama precedent'... he's qualified.

'Location of birth' is irrelevant to being a natural born citizen.

That said, Constitutionally.... Cruz is disqualified from office.

I'm on record throughout this board stating this at the outset of his campaign. I wrote to the Senator and told him as much and as expected... he ignored my advice and that of others expressing the same sentiment.

That said... while I am going to vote for Doctor Ben Carson in the Primary, I support Senator Cruz as a candidate... on the basis that the practical precedent has been altered and for all intents and purposes, there is no standard in play in any US institution anywhere, at any level for any reason, including candidates for the office of the Presidency... and should Cruz prevail in being nominated, I will vote for him.

In a stunning irony, while being constitutionally disqualified from office, Cruz is among the finest human beings and certainly among the sharpest minds to ever overtly seek the office.

Perhaps... just perhaps, he'll win office and go about the unenviable work of culling the nation of the subversives present in the citizenry, from the citizenry and openly reinstate the constitutional standard, going forward.

ok, well if you think that strictly, constitutionally, speaking he is ineligible Then I agree and think I understand your position.
And while I think he violates the letter of the law......not really the spirit of it.

I have other problems with Cruz, he has the feel of a shill I think......the rhetoric of an outsider ...with the resume of an insider.

Based upon what exactly?

And I'm asking honestly. I'd truly like to know what it is that you're getting, that I'm missing.

well, he worked in the federal bureaucracy dealing with trade for some time, that and his wife works for goldman-sachs...thats what I think makes him an insider.

Hmm... well, ok. We can agree to disagree on that and what all that means.

But just as an FYI, prior to becoming the US Senator for the State of Texas, Cruz worked for the State of Texas. To the best of my knowledge, he's never worked for the US Federal Government.

I could be wrong, but that's my understanding.

Let me know what ya have that is different from that, will ya?

Not being a Leftist, I'm a lot more concerned with what Cruz's actions were in working with whatever level of government, rather than simply a kneejerk rejection of anyone with any experience with government.

It's like the real world requires thought and maturity and discernment, or something.
i know, the birther thing again, doesn't seem to want to go away.

anyway republicans want sick people to die quickly. grayson is back. he is the dizzying hugo chavez of our American congress.

Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

if you google die quickly, you get this:

COLMES: Well, his mother was born here, so I guess like Obama, though it’s interesting to me the people who had a problem with Obama, though it’s interesting to me that the people who had a problem with Obama’s birth certificate don’t have a problem with Ted Cruz who literally was born in another country and renounced his Canadian citizenry.

GRAYSON: I don’t know … the Constitution says natural-born Americans, so now we’re counting Canadians as natural born Americans? How does that work? I’m waiting for the moment that he gets the nomination and then I will file that beautiful lawsuit saying that he’s unqualified for the job because he’s ineligible.

COLMES: So you’re saying should he get the nomination, Alan Grayson will file a lawsuit against his candidacy.

GRAYSON: Absolutely! Call me crazy but I think the president of America should be an American.

COLMES: Now I wonder, does he qualify because of having an American mother can considered an American citizen and in fact he renounced his Canadian citizenship to be an American citizen, but you’re talking about American birth, but I believe if that’s one of you parents —

GRAYSON: Look, even the anchor babies are actually born here. He doesn’t even meet that qualification.

COLMES: Right. And although I don’t like the term anchor babies, it’s been embraced by people like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — not Ted Cruz — Marco Rubio who may in fact be one, as I understand.

GRAYSON: Oh, it’s shocking. In Cruz’s case, it is obvious what happened. The Canadians got pissed off at us for acid rain, so they gave us Ted Cruz.

grayson is not considered to be one of the high intellectuals of the DC congress...
alan colmes is just plain creepy.



Wow, no one was qualified to be president at that time. Brilliant.

7 out of 8 of our first Presidents were not born in the United States since it was not the United States when they were born.

That's true. They were naturalized citizens of the U.S. when they became president; for which, the Constitution made provisions. There are, only two classifications of U.S. citizens, natural or naturalized.

Yes, and the law covers this situation, as well, by stating that the children of US citizens are US citizens, regardless of whether their moms drop them here or elsewhere.
What goes around comes around. You all ever heard that said?

How about; You reap what you sow?

The Dems are gonna RAKE Canadian Ted over the proverbial coals for running for President and not being natural born.

And it is gonna be so cool.

Didnt you all think it so cool how the Repubs treated Preident Obama? Unfortunately, you all could never prove Obama wasn.t natural born.

With Canadian Ted thats a piece of cake.

Yes, the Democrats are going to work very hard to build this tempest in a teapot, because they never understand the concept of "substance". All they see is, "You said it about us, so now we're going to say it about you, nyah nyah".

At no time are they ever mature enough to grasp those little things called "individual facts". There's no such thing as "valid concerns and objections" with Democrats. They interpret everything as just a way to say "I don't like you".

And that's why every time they get into power and remind people of how peurile they are, the people can't get rid of them fast enough.
Well one thing, if there is a debate and prime time TV picks up on it that is way more then they ever did for Obama. Although Obama was born in Hawaii it has been pretty much decided it really didn't matter as long as his mother was American.

Not exactly. If Obama was not born in Hawai'i, then the question becomes how many years of her adult life his mother resided in the US, and how recently prior to his birth. Given his mother's antipathy toward the US and penchant for chasing around the globe after lousy men, it would be a valid concern . . . which is why it was important to ascertain where Obama was born.
"alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee"

A lawsuit that will not need to be filed.

Because Hillary Clinton is such a charismatic leader that people are orgasmically excited about? :lmao:

I don't blame you Democrats for freaking. If I had to push a dud like that, I'd be looking for a magic cure, too.
LOL! A blog post by Grayson himself, confirmed liar, on HuffPo. No wonder you're such a big fucking fail, Hairboy.
The HUUUGE irony here is that Cruz claims to be a "constitutional conservative" presumably one that follows original intent....and the original intent is clear.....born in one of the United States.

Even if you go back to British law at the time the Constitution was written (we were rejecting British law weren't we?) it was the citizenship of the FATHER that mattered, not the mother........

so Cruz doesnt really have a leg to stand on....he is ineligible for office and I praise Grayson for being willing to go to court over this.
Where does the Constitution define "natural born citizen"? Yeah, nowhere. You pulled that out of your ass.

If you want to be technical George Washington wasn't a natural born citizen of the united states

Which is why the law grandfathered the issue for the Founding Generation.
i believe supreme court justices would have that grandfather clause at the center of the arguments defining natural born.

Why? Last time I checked, there weren't any people left alive who were born in the British colonies prior to the formation of the United States.

Pretty sure it's a moot point now.
That one about G Washington wasn't born in America, that takes the f'ing cake. Who in hell would think up some shite like that.

If the Constitution excluded all that weren't born in the US, then every person born before the Constitution was signed would be ineligible, which would be EVERYONE. And no one would then be eligible by the Constitution for the next 35 years after that.

At some point you see someone say something and you are like, WTF!!!!

How can you be born in the United States if you were born before it became the United States?
in box # nine of george washington's long form birth certificate,
mary ball washington put european. :)

George Washington, 1732–1799 | Papers of George Washington

so there is your first "birther". just barely before hillary.

He WAS European when he was born.

Once again, so the fuck what? Are you even vaguely capable of focusing on real, relevant points?
I didn't say Cruz's parents were on the Road. Cruz's Mother was and remains a US Citizen. So with regard to 'the obama precedent'... he's qualified.

'Location of birth' is irrelevant to being a natural born citizen.

That said, Constitutionally.... Cruz is disqualified from office.

I'm on record throughout this board stating this at the outset of his campaign. I wrote to the Senator and told him as much and as expected... he ignored my advice and that of others expressing the same sentiment.

That said... while I am going to vote for Doctor Ben Carson in the Primary, I support Senator Cruz as a candidate... on the basis that the practical precedent has been altered and for all intents and purposes, there is no standard in play in any US institution anywhere, at any level for any reason, including candidates for the office of the Presidency... and should Cruz prevail in being nominated, I will vote for him.

In a stunning irony, while being constitutionally disqualified from office, Cruz is among the finest human beings and certainly among the sharpest minds to ever overtly seek the office.

Perhaps... just perhaps, he'll win office and go about the unenviable work of culling the nation of the subversives present in the citizenry, from the citizenry and openly reinstate the constitutional standard, going forward.

ok, well if you think that strictly, constitutionally, speaking he is ineligible Then I agree and think I understand your position.
And while I think he violates the letter of the law......not really the spirit of it.

I have other problems with Cruz, he has the feel of a shill I think......the rhetoric of an outsider ...with the resume of an insider.

Based upon what exactly?

And I'm asking honestly. I'd truly like to know what it is that you're getting, that I'm missing.

well, he worked in the federal bureaucracy dealing with trade for some time, that and his wife works for goldman-sachs...thats what I think makes him an insider.

Hmm... well, ok. We can agree to disagree on that and what all that means.

But just as an FYI, prior to becoming the US Senator for the State of Texas, Cruz worked for the State of Texas. To the best of my knowledge, he's never worked for the US Federal Government.

I could be wrong, but that's my understanding.

Let me know what ya have that is different from that, will ya?

Not being a Leftist, I'm a lot more concerned with what Cruz's actions were in working with whatever level of government, rather than simply a kneejerk rejection of anyone with any experience with government.

It's like the real world requires thought and maturity and discernment, or something.

I couldn't agree more.

Cruz is about as far out of the bureaucracy as it gets, and still have experience in government. His work as Texas Solicitor General in taking on the United States and winning, says a lot about what and who Cruz is.

The chronic Leftist pant wetting over Cruz is all anyone of reason needs to know, to know who they're most worried about.

The coolest part is that they have no one to run against Cruz or anyone else... Doc Carson is a political neophyte, and they can't even face him. And why is that?

It's because of the same reasons that the can't compete with Cruz... He's a highly principled man, who is well versed in American Principle, knows exactly who he is, where he's going and doesn't give a single dam' about the Left, is vehemently offended by Political Correctness and loathes the media, what it is and what it represents.

Trump... LOL... Wild Card of Wild Cards.

Personally... I think Trump has a gift for defending Trumps own interests. At the moment his interests rests in getting the highest ratings, and setting the press on it's ass. And he's doing that by playing on the visceral hatred of the Ideological Left by each and every American, and their deep seated hope that he will bring to the Left some deep seated pain; reversal of o-cult-care... reversal of the Federal Licensing of Degeneracy... total annihilation of the Islamic pests and the shutting down of every facet of Left-think set into public policy over the last 70 years.

It's a dream that will never materialize, but its a wonderful dream nonetheless. Trump's in for Trump. Now and forever. And his Ego makes that of the Brown Clown something closer to Gandhi.
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What goes around comes around. You all ever heard that said?

How about; You reap what you sow?

The Dems are gonna RAKE Canadian Ted over the proverbial coals for running for President and not being natural born.

And it is gonna be so cool.

Didnt you all think it so cool how the Repubs treated Preident Obama? Unfortunately, you all could never prove Obama wasn.t natural born.

With Canadian Ted thats a piece of cake.

It was Hillary Clinton that first raised the issue of Obama not being born in the US.
Stop lying, rightie...

The story appeared on a rightwing blog on March 5th, 2008...

i know, the birther thing again, doesn't seem to want to go away.

anyway republicans want sick people to die quickly. grayson is back. he is the dizzying hugo chavez of our American congress.

Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

if you google die quickly, you get this:

COLMES: Well, his mother was born here, so I guess like Obama, though it’s interesting to me the people who had a problem with Obama, though it’s interesting to me that the people who had a problem with Obama’s birth certificate don’t have a problem with Ted Cruz who literally was born in another country and renounced his Canadian citizenry.

GRAYSON: I don’t know … the Constitution says natural-born Americans, so now we’re counting Canadians as natural born Americans? How does that work? I’m waiting for the moment that he gets the nomination and then I will file that beautiful lawsuit saying that he’s unqualified for the job because he’s ineligible.

COLMES: So you’re saying should he get the nomination, Alan Grayson will file a lawsuit against his candidacy.

GRAYSON: Absolutely! Call me crazy but I think the president of America should be an American.

COLMES: Now I wonder, does he qualify because of having an American mother can considered an American citizen and in fact he renounced his Canadian citizenship to be an American citizen, but you’re talking about American birth, but I believe if that’s one of you parents —

GRAYSON: Look, even the anchor babies are actually born here. He doesn’t even meet that qualification.

COLMES: Right. And although I don’t like the term anchor babies, it’s been embraced by people like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — not Ted Cruz — Marco Rubio who may in fact be one, as I understand.

GRAYSON: Oh, it’s shocking. In Cruz’s case, it is obvious what happened. The Canadians got pissed off at us for acid rain, so they gave us Ted Cruz.

grayson is not considered to be one of the high intellectuals of the DC congress...
alan colmes is just plain creepy.



Wow, no one was qualified to be president at that time. Brilliant.

7 out of 8 of our first Presidents were not born in the United States since it was not the United States when they were born.

That's true. They were naturalized citizens of the U.S. when they became president; for which, the Constitution made provisions. There are, only two classifications of U.S. citizens, natural or naturalized.

Yes, and the law covers this situation, as well, by stating that the children of US citizens are US citizens, regardless of whether their moms drop them here or elsewhere.

While I agree with you, many on the right do not and will not vote for Cruz should he be the GOP nominee.

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