Alan West fired for being racist

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Allen West Out At PJ Media


Former Congressman Allen West is leaving his job at Pajamas Media after an altercation with a female staffer in which he allegedly called her a “Jewish American princess,” BuzzFeed learned on Thursday.

“In order to focus on political interests, Allen West will transition from his full-time role as director of programming for Next Generation.TV to a twice-a-month contributor of written commentary on, effective October 1, 2013,” PJ Media financier Aubrey Chernick wrote to staff in an email from Sept. 16. “I wanted our staff and consultants to have this information first. However, PJ Media is not announcing this publicly for several weeks, so please do not share this news with anyone outside of the company until you see our public announcement.”

Maybe he and Cruz could start another political party. After all, we only have dozens of political parties already and, just think, they could invite Bachmann and $arah and all the other losers to join in.

Oh the jocularity!
“No, I didn’t get fired,” West said. “I’m leaving to pursue political aspirations. That’s it. There’ll be a statement that comes out and it’s effective in October.”

sure, uh-huh, gotcha. ...
Jewish American Princess?

Isn't there a reality tv show called the Princesses? I don't have television but I thought I read something about it.

So how can you have a television show called that but if an individual uses the term they're a racist?

Aye carumba what idiocy is this now?
lol, that is now racist?

I'd have to see something more on this than from buzzardfeed and the old woman gossiper, luddynuddy
I thought jews are a religion??? SO are you saying that blacks can be racist???

Bravo Matthew! Now I personally don't think West is a racist, but most certainly you've nailed luddly for admitting that hethinks blacks can be racist.
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Allen West Out At PJ Media


Former Congressman Allen West is leaving his job at Pajamas Media after an altercation with a female staffer in which he allegedly called her a “Jewish American princess,” BuzzFeed learned on Thursday.

“In order to focus on political interests, Allen West will transition from his full-time role as director of programming for Next Generation.TV to a twice-a-month contributor of written commentary on, effective October 1, 2013,” PJ Media financier Aubrey Chernick wrote to staff in an email from Sept. 16. “I wanted our staff and consultants to have this information first. However, PJ Media is not announcing this publicly for several weeks, so please do not share this news with anyone outside of the company until you see our public announcement.”

Maybe he and Cruz could start another political party. After all, we only have dozens of political parties already and, just think, they could invite Bachmann and $arah and all the other losers to join in.

Oh the jocularity!

So wait, after all this time calling white people racist, you turn on a black man and call him racist? Just what goes through that head of yours?
“No, I didn’t get fired,” West said. “I’m leaving to pursue political aspirations. That’s it. There’ll be a statement that comes out and it’s effective in October.”

sure, uh-huh, gotcha. ...

His Tea Party Patriot pal with the "niggah" sign must love this. It's a sad commentary on a sad man
Clearly Luddy is a racist, siding against a black man after he has been "fired" by a company.

Although it sounds a little strange that if he is being fired they are still going to run commentary from him twice a month.
This will turn out just like the other lib fabrications. Sarah Palin was fired from Fox, Cumulus fired both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. MSNBC clobbers Fox in the ratings.

Libs never tire of lying.
actually, that does sound a little harsh, given comedians talk about Jewish-American Princesses all the time.

Now do you see the difference between comedians and Allen West?

West committed a huge no no. He can go after the black all day and get pats on the back but you cannot be racist against Jews, that "racism" is not tolerated. :lol:
Allen West Out At PJ Media


Former Congressman Allen West is leaving his job at Pajamas Media after an altercation with a female staffer in which he allegedly called her a “Jewish American princess,” BuzzFeed learned on Thursday.

“In order to focus on political interests, Allen West will transition from his full-time role as director of programming for Next Generation.TV to a twice-a-month contributor of written commentary on, effective October 1, 2013,” PJ Media financier Aubrey Chernick wrote to staff in an email from Sept. 16. “I wanted our staff and consultants to have this information first. However, PJ Media is not announcing this publicly for several weeks, so please do not share this news with anyone outside of the company until you see our public announcement.”

Maybe he and Cruz could start another political party. After all, we only have dozens of political parties already and, just think, they could invite Bachmann and $arah and all the other losers to join in.

Oh the jocularity!

But, But, only whites can be racist!

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