Alan West fired for being racist

I thought jews are a religion??? SO are you saying that blacks can be racist???

Bravo Matthew! Now I personally don't think West is a racist, but most certainly you've nailed luddly for admitting that hethinks blacks can be racist.

Who denies that Blacks can be racists?

No one does. It is one of the myths they make up and pretend is truth, believing if they say it often enough, that makes it truth. It's a pathetic, intellectually dishonest way of trying to bolster their own arguments. Ironically, no one but themselves buys that kind of shit.
Bravo Matthew! Now I personally don't think West is a racist, but most certainly you've nailed luddly for admitting that hethinks blacks can be racist.

Who denies that Blacks can be racists?

No one does. It is one of the myths they make up and pretend is truth, believing if they say it often enough, that makes it truth. It's a pathetic, intellectually dishonest way of trying to bolster their own arguments. Ironically, no one but themselves buys that kind of shit.

I have run into some Blacks and whites as well that believe this to be true. Their position is that racism requires being able to enforce discrimination. i think one has nothing to do with the other but I can understand the positon.
Bravo Matthew! Now I personally don't think West is a racist, but most certainly you've nailed luddly for admitting that hethinks blacks can be racist.

Who denies that Blacks can be racists?

No one does. It is one of the myths they make up and pretend is truth, believing if they say it often enough, that makes it truth. It's a pathetic, intellectually dishonest way of trying to bolster their own arguments. Ironically, no one but themselves buys that kind of shit.

[ame=]Michael Eric Dyson Shares Why "Black People Can't Be Racist" Backstage At Don't Sleep! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Blacks CANNOT BE RACIST! - YouTube[/ame]
One simple reason why blacks can?t be racist | Thought Leader
Blacks Can't Be Racist

I would also point out that many colleges teach Critical Race Theory which suggests the the black population cannot be racist because they are not part of the power structure.
To say that this conversation is not being had (especially on college campuses) is just dumb and easily disproved.
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Allen West Out At PJ Media


Former Congressman Allen West is leaving his job at Pajamas Media after an altercation with a female staffer in which he allegedly called her a “Jewish American princess,” BuzzFeed learned on Thursday.

“In order to focus on political interests, Allen West will transition from his full-time role as director of programming for Next Generation.TV to a twice-a-month contributor of written commentary on, effective October 1, 2013,” PJ Media financier Aubrey Chernick wrote to staff in an email from Sept. 16. “I wanted our staff and consultants to have this information first. However, PJ Media is not announcing this publicly for several weeks, so please do not share this news with anyone outside of the company until you see our public announcement.”

Maybe he and Cruz could start another political party. After all, we only have dozens of political parties already and, just think, they could invite Bachmann and $arah and all the other losers to join in.

Oh the jocularity!

So what?

The snobby, self-inflated beitsch probably was exactly what West described her to be!
lol, that is now racist?

I'd have to see something more on this than from buzzardfeed and the old woman gossiper, luddynuddy

Racism has expanded to mean anything anyone wants. It used to be racism meant believing one race was superior to another and meant using the law to keep the brother man down. Now it just means someone said something impolitic and someone's feelings were hurt or someone wanted to score political points.

It's gotten to the point were being accused of racism means nothing.
lol, that is now racist?

I'd have to see something more on this than from buzzardfeed and the old woman gossiper, luddynuddy

Racism has expanded to mean anything anyone wants. It used to be racism meant believing one race was superior to another and meant using the law to keep the brother man down. Now it just means someone said something impolitic and someone's feelings were hurt or someone wanted to score political points.

It's gotten to the point were being accused of racism means nothing.

That's racist!
West wasn't fired for being racist. You people are arguing a non-existant issue. He was fired for anti-semitism. Reality is that he was fired for the same reason he was fired from the military and the same reason he was fired from the Congress. He's a jackass. He got fired for jackassery.
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I thought jews are a religion??? SO are you saying that blacks can be racist???

Since the "quote" feature seems to be beyond your ability, I'm unsure if you're talking to me. But, what the hell, I'll give you my opinion:

There is no such thing as a group or color or creed or ethnicity that cannot be racist.

Indeed, its weird that anyone would think that this ethnic group or that ethnic group is beyond racism.

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