Alarm as Alabama man to be executed via gas method rejected by veterinarians

Lethal Injection has been the way, but the Death Penalty opponents have lobbied the companies that manufacture the drugs to refuse to sell them to the State Governments for the purposes of execution.
I think the bleeding hearts and their lawyers have also totally screwed the system up.

Drug companies don't normally get decide which individual patients their drugs are used on (although the FDA gets to approve acceptable uses), doctors do.

Anesthesia followed with Fentanyl (or whatever). Painless and humane. The status quo is nonsense.

One more thing the Leftist have messed up.

Of course, I have no pity whatsoever about the unintended or even intentional suffering violent criminals, but as a civilized society we strive to avoid cruel and unusual punishment as prohibited by the 8th Amendment.

Dear me. They are killing this man with a drug that vets refuse to use.

Dear Tommy,

Nitrogen is not a drug. It is the air you breathe - the oxygen to keep you alive.

It is the method the guy CHOSE for execution.

By law, the guy shouldn't even have been executed, his jury voted 11-1 to keep him alive and the JUDGE overrode it with an out of date law that no longer applied.

Why aren't you upset with the judge?

Vets don't use it for entirely different reasons that you didn't even bother to understand as usual.

Dear me. They are killing this man with a drug that vets refuse to use.
That does not appear to be the act of an advanced society.

Should the US not have an agreed more humane method of killing prople >
There is no humane way to flush a turd down the toilet. You should try it.

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law . Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. › bill › se...
S.142 - Hyde Amendment Codification Act 113th Congress (2013-2014)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law . Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. › bill › se...
S.142 - Hyde Amendment Codification Act 113th Congress (2013-2014)
This is a death-penalty thread idiot.
Being pro-life I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of direct self defense.

I agree. I wish you actually voted that way (rather than for the most pro-abortion administration in American history). It would help us.
[skipping the discussion of the legal and moral controversies about acceptability of execution, and discussing the medical effectiveness of methods...]

The fact that we apparently have not figured out how to quickly, painlessly, and humanely execute the most vile criminals among us makes absolutely no sense.

I had surgery yesterday. There are tens of millions of successful surgeries performed annually.

When the anesthesia was add to my IV, I was in a deep state of unconsciousness in less than 10 seconds. There was no pain as they sliced into my tissues. When I woke up, I had no memory whatsoever of what occurred during my deep peaceful sleep.

They could have shot me up with a gram of Fentanyl or cut my head off with a butter knife, and it would have been humane.

This is inexcusable. I am inclined to believe that all the litigation has actually had the reverse of the intended effect - in the noble but misguided attempt to make executions more humane, they have turned them into torture.

Might as well just go back to firing squad. The status quo is complete nonsense.

Yet, it is inhumane to put a criminal to death, but it is perfectly normal to yank an unborn child out of the mother, while the baby feels the pain of the operation. The world is upside down.

Dear me. They are killing this man with a drug that vets refuse to use.
That does not appear to be the act of an advanced society.

Should the US not have an agreed more humane method of killing prople >
Death by firing squad is very humane.

Dear me. They are killing this man with a drug that vets refuse to use.
That does not appear to be the act of an advanced society.

Should the US not have an agreed more humane method of killing prople >
This is actually a very complex issue.

Please let us know if you'd like to have a serious discussion about those complexities.
You tell the same lie as g5000. He has "pro-life" in his sig, and, like you, voted for the most pro-abort administration in American history. Both of you are hypocritical POSs.

Stomping your feet while performing an internet hissy fit changes nothing.

Some of us have actual principles.

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