Alarm as Alabama man to be executed via gas method rejected by veterinarians

Dear me. They are killing this man with a drug that vets refuse to use.
That does not appear to be the act of an advanced society.

Should the US not have an agreed more humane method of killing prople >
Executions are designed by a committee, that's why they're all screwed up.
Read it again. Or have someone read it to you.

That's what you need to do, yes. I realize you struggle with being the product of inbreeding, but this site doesn't support the ability for me to draw you a picture, so here's the next best thing:

The bill would add nitrogen hypoxia as a third option, giving inmates the choice to choose that method of execution were they to desire it.


Dear me. They are killing this man with a drug that vets refuse to use.
That does not appear to be the act of an advanced society.

Should the US not have an agreed more humane method of killing prople >
It really does not matter what method society chooses

The usual lib bleeding hearts will be against it
Agree. The reason to have a humane method is not just for the victim but also for the personnel who have to carry it out.

If the death is messy or, as the study on animals shows if death does not occur immediately or God forbid, the steps have to be repeated... do the prison authorities really need to go through that?

Alabama does not seem to have thought this through.
Sure they have. They just don't give a shit.

They tried to execute him once already by lethal injection, and it failed.
That's what you need to do, yes. I realize you struggle with being the product of inbreeding, but this site doesn't support the ability for me to draw you a picture, so here's the next best thing:

The bill would add nitrogen hypoxia as a third option, giving inmates the choice to choose that method of execution were they to desire it.

Read the full quote you fucking moron.
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There was a time when I took racing dogs for their lethal injection because the owners understandably found it too difficult .
What impressed me was that the dogs were dead after a couple of breaths .
Why does that seem not to work with humans ---- making the obvious dosage increase in line with weight difference ?
Just saying

Dear me. They are killing this man with a drug that vets refuse to use.
That does not appear to be the act of an advanced society.

Should the US not have an agreed more humane method of killing prople >
not enough information, T tainted. Can you tell us the ACTUAL
CHEMICAL FORMULA? Nitrogen is a gas in nature---most of
AIR is nitrogen gas. hint---it is probably something along the
lines of a NERVE GAS----google if you wish
Just shoot him in the forehead
Done and over with. No repeat offending, no rap sheet a mile long. Just Social Distancing of 6ft.

As embarrassingly dumb as this country is right now, we're still not that stupid.
Oh yeah, you are. Murdering babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, then allow all sorts of criminals to do shit over and over till the rap sheet is a mile long. Yep, the world is upside down..
I got this far, where my jaw dropped!

A jury voted by 11 to 1 to give Smith a life sentence, but the trial judge overturned their decision and sent him to death row.

How can that be?

Did the guy ask for a jury trial? Then the jury decision should be upheld. I've never heard of this before. It sounds UN-American. And no, I do not have any sympathy for murderers. God knows how he killed the pastor's wife, but I doubt what he did was lacking in "cruel and unusual"
It's legal in some states.
What a horrible way to die, if you keep yourself out of murder for hire plots you don’t have to face it as an outcome for your choices in life.
[skipping the discussion of the legal and moral controversies about acceptability of execution, and discussing the medical effectiveness of methods...]

The fact that we apparently have not figured out how to quickly, painlessly, and humanely execute the most vile criminals among us makes absolutely no sense.

I had surgery yesterday. There are tens of millions of successful surgeries performed annually.

When the anesthesia was add to my IV, I was in a deep state of unconsciousness in less than 10 seconds. There was no pain as they sliced into my tissues. When I woke up, I had no memory whatsoever of what occurred during my deep peaceful sleep.

They could have shot me up with a gram of Fentanyl or cut my head off with a butter knife, and it would have been humane.

This is inexcusable. I am inclined to believe that all the litigation has actually had the reverse of the intended effect - in the noble but misguided attempt to make executions more humane, they have turned them into torture.

Might as well just go back to firing squad. The status quo is complete nonsense.

[skipping the discussion of the legal and moral controversies about acceptability of execution, and discussing the medical effectiveness of methods...]

The fact that we apparently have not figured out how to quickly, painlessly, and humanely execute the most vile criminals among us makes absolutely no sense.

I had surgery yesterday. There are tens of millions of successful surgeries performed annually.

When the anesthesia was add to my IV, I was in a deep state of unconsciousness in less than 10 seconds. There was no pain as they sliced into my tissues. When I woke up, I had no memory whatsoever of what occurred during my deep peaceful sleep.

They could have shot me up with a gram of Fentanyl or cut my head off with a butter knife, and it would have been humane.

This is inexcusable. I am inclined to believe that all the litigation has actually had the reverse of the intended effect - in the noble but misguided attempt to make executions more humane, they have turned them into torture.

Might as well just go back to firing squad. The status quo is complete nonsense.


Lethal Injection has been the way, but the Death Penalty opponents have lobbied the companies that manufacture the drugs to refuse to sell them to the State Governments for the purposes of execution.

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