Alaskan Newscaster Goes Out In Grand Style...

Her station either assigned her to the story or she herself pitched the story. Either way she comes out smelling like fresh dog shit. She should have recused herself or refrained from pitching the story.

Then all those levels of fact checkers in the news department weren't bothered by the fact that a slanted news story, on tape and not a live broadcast, was being shaped by the owner of the pot club. Hey, if they agree with the ideology, then why bother with being a stickler on ethics. That's modern liberal journalism.

The only problem here is that she embarrassed the station with her stunt. Notice that there is no apology about their shoddy and biased journalistic standards.

Let's hope this woman has started a trend - mass resignations from network news personnel revealing that they are Democratic operatives under paper-thin cover masquerading as journalists.
Do not overlook the importance of broadcasters required Public Inspection Files. If you're ever going to write a letter to a station to complain about anything be certain to include in that letter a request that a copy be retained in the Public Information File. Keep a copy of the letter.

At license renewal time the station's own PIF can provide the backup to show that things were or were not done in response to complaints. If the referenced letter is NOT to be found in the file the copy of the complaint containing the filing request can be key to all that follows.
Ravin v. State - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ravin v. State, 537 P.2d 494 (Alaska 1975), was a 1975 decision by the Alaska Supreme Court that held the Alaska Constitution's right to privacy protects an adult's ability to use and possess a small amount of marijuana in the home for personal use. The Alaska Supreme Court thereby became the first-and only-state or federal court to announce a constitutional privacy right that protects some level of marijuana use and possession.

It was brought about by Irwin Ravin, an attorney who deliberately got arrested in Anchorage for refusing to sign a traffic ticket while in possession of marijuana in order to challenge the existing law.

The Court Ruled:

"...we conclude that no adequate justification for the state's intrusion into the citizen's right to privacy by its prohibition of possession of marijuana by an adult for personal consumption in the home has been shown. The privacy of the individual's home cannot be breached absent a persuasive showing of a close and substantial relationship of the intrusion to a legitimate governmental interest. Here, mere scientific doubts will not suffice. The state must demonstrate a need based on proof that the public health or welfare will in fact suffer if the controls are not applied."

Alaskan voters approved a ballot initiative recriminalizing marijuana possession in 1990, but in Noy v. State, the Alaska Court of Appeals held that ballot iniatives are subject to the same constitutional limitations as legislative enactments, and thus the portion of the amended statutes criminalizing possession of less than four ounces of marijuana in the home was unconstitutional. In June 2006, the Alaska Legislature amended the law to prohibit the possession of less than one ounce of marijuana and to make possession of more than one ounce of marijuana a class A misdemeanor. As of November 2009, Alaskan courts have not considered the constitutionality of this statute.

Ah, it was 1990 that they made it illegal. That said, we've voted on legalizing pot a number of times before and it didn't pass - Timeline Alaska and marijuana Alaska Dispatch

Society's opinion on pot has changed since those failed votes though, and this time we shouldn't have a Federal threat hanging over it so we'll see what happens.​
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Medical marijuana is helping to save my life.

If I didn't have it I would probably be totally emaciated by now.

Medical marijuana is the only thing that keeps food in my stomach.

I have to take a cancer medicine so that it won't come back and kill me. That medicine makes just about everything I eat not stay in my stomach.

I've tried all the pills and they don't work. The only thing that keeps any food in me is marijuana.

Cancer patients have to fight to keep weight on so that they can fight the cancer. Which is what I'm doing now.

So calling people who smoke marijuana potheads is stupid and shows that you're very uninformed.

Anyone who advocates that it be legalized isn't a pothead. They're an intelligent person who realizes that the war on drugs is a miserable failure.

Should I call everyone who drinks or advocates alcohol alcoholics?

That's your choice to say bs but know you're wrong.

Unlike some people, I don't need validation from anyone.

I know what the truth is and that's all that matters.

What some stranger on a message board thinks means nothing to me.

So if you need to lie to yourself about me that's your choice.

I'm certainly not going to do anything to stop you.

I'm just going to laugh at you.

You got all that from what I posted? Damn, I think you need to smoke some more dope, dope.

i know lots of people who has survived cancer

and didnt need weed to keep weight on

my wife is one of them

Did your wife have a very deadly form of breast cancer that always comes back?

The type of breast cancer I had was being fed by my own body hormones. Which basically means my own body chemistry is it's food.

That is the reason it always comes back. It's found and removed then it returns and kills.

Four of my relatives fought it and lost because it always comes back.They had complete mastectomies and a few years later the cancer returned and killed all of them.

Today we have a medication that will block those hormones. My problem with it is that it makes me very sick. Almost nothing stays in my stomach. When I started this over 3 years ago I was a size 9. Now I need a belt to keep size 1 on me. I'm in denial about having to go to a size zero.

When I started I was told I have to be on this medication for 5 years. A few years ago I was told that research showed that 5 years wasn't long enough. It was changed to 10 years. Now studies are showing that people who have this type of cancer can never go off the hormone blockers. It ALWAYS comes back without the hormone blockers.

So I will have to take this medication for the rest of my life if I don't want the cancer to come back and kill me. Which I don't want that to happen.

Some people handle this medication just fine. Some don't. I'm one of those that don't. Everyone's system is different and not every drug reacts the same way to all people. I'm looking at 25 to 30 more years on this drug and if I become totally emaciated, I'm in big trouble.

The only thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. Your wife may not have had the same cancer I had. There are many types of cancer and they're not all alike in all ways.

Your wife is lucky. She didn't have to go through this hell. Me, I'm not lucky and I have to endure this if I want to live.

I just wish that people would understand that everyone is different and to put what one person does on another one and expect everyone to be like that is just ridiculous. We're all different and we all react to things differently.

you sound like an asshole

my wife just about lost her life

to cancer

she went for a 146 pounds to 97 pounds

personally i do not care if you smoke weed or not

but with any drug it should prescribed and picked up through a pharmacy

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