Alaskan Newscaster Goes Out In Grand Style...

Liberals can say what they want, and prop the unprofessional whore all they want like we all know they will, but that was the action of a spoiled typical childish ****.

Nothing more, nothing less.

The funny thing about these scumbag liberals who cannot even bring themselves to admit the bitch was totally unprofessional (just because she is a disgruntled person that smokes and sells pot), is seeing them blame "big tobacco" for getting kids addicted.

Folks, the fucking left try and convince the world (including the kids they are supposedly so concerned about protecting from big tobacco) that pot is not only NOT bad for you, but it is actually GOOD for you.

This is just another prime example of it. You can tell too, which people on here are not parents as they defend the poor black victim as she cursed away off the air.

Liberals are such a disaster.

Nice rant!!!

Oh, and the bolded: good luck with the female vote and the GOP!!!

Yeah, we get it. You have convinced females, blacks, Indians, and anyone else that is not a white Christian that they are victims and the republicans are conducting wars against them.

Like the black slut victim who felt the need to curse her whore ass off the air cause she wanted to smoke and sell her pot. Poor fucking victim.

Stats, you are pathetic, and what is even more you are a brainwashed hack who is ignorant as hell.

Now, go get your pats on your back from the girls on the left. I mean all you need to do is hate republicans enough and be a good enough socialist and those types of women are so depraved they would gladly spread their cheeks for you.

I know your game all too well. Hey, did you ever get that one slut that posts on here that you are obviously trying to get? Is it Mertex or something?
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The reporter is a pot head. It's not surprising that someone else high on pot would act like this. She's quitting to pursue a future in marijuana. This is what you get.

Medical marijuana is helping to save my life.

If I didn't have it I would probably be totally emaciated by now.

Medical marijuana is the only thing that keeps food in my stomach.

I have to take a cancer medicine so that it won't come back and kill me. That medicine makes just about everything I eat not stay in my stomach.

I've tried all the pills and they don't work. The only thing that keeps any food in me is marijuana.

Cancer patients have to fight to keep weight on so that they can fight the cancer. Which is what I'm doing now.

So calling people who smoke marijuana potheads is stupid and shows that you're very uninformed.

Anyone who advocates that it be legalized isn't a pothead. They're an intelligent person who realizes that the war on drugs is a miserable failure.

Should I call everyone who drinks or advocates alcohol alcoholics?

That's your choice to say bs but know you're wrong.

Unlike some people, I don't need validation from anyone.

I know what the truth is and that's all that matters.

What some stranger on a message board thinks means nothing to me.

So if you need to lie to yourself about me that's your choice.

I'm certainly not going to do anything to stop you.

I'm just going to laugh at you.

You got all that from what I posted? Damn, I think you need to smoke some more dope, dope.

i know lots of people who has survived cancer

and didnt need weed to keep weight on

my wife is one of them
You asked the question because you're stupid.

You have no idea what my station in life is.

You couldn't educate a one year old.

Keep up? You're the idiot that brought up nicotine pills.

It's an aid to stop smoking.
I'm definitely more intelligent than you. You were dumb and went to prison. i've never been there.

I do know your station in life. You told me yourself you went to prison. You are a low intellect racist that likes to shoot stray dogs. Next thing we know you will bragging about how you are a serial killer. Thats how most of them start. First they torture animals then move up to humans.

I educated you so a one your old would be way easier since they are more advanced than you are.

I know nicotine pills are an aid to stop smoking. Where did I say they weren't? Your deflection is noted however. That has nothing to do with the fact it replaces the amount of nicotine delivered by a cigarette. If it can deliver the same amount of nicotine as a cigarette why are smokers not taking nicotine pills instead of smoking? Come on. You cant be this dumb and a convict or do they just go together?

You can think what you want. But you'd be wrong.

That was pretty lame and not convincing at all convict. Lets see you prove a nicotine pill would not provide the same amount of nicotine ingested from smoking a cigarette. This should be amusing since you even admitted it is used to quit smoking.

You mean that person who so quickly judges people who smoke marijuana is a convicted criminal?


Talk about a hypocrite.

Yeah. I was surprised when he admitted it but later realized he was trying so hard to impress me he forgot himself. I guess he thought I would think he was tough. I just pegged him as dumb.

So not only is that person a convicted criminal, he's proud of it and thinks it would impress people.

Wow that person really isn't dealing with reality.

No one should be proud they're a criminal. It doesn't impress people.

But then the person is a conservative and they are very impressed with criminals. A lot of them are criminals.
The reporter is a pot head. It's not surprising that someone else high on pot would act like this. She's quitting to pursue a future in marijuana. This is what you get.

Medical marijuana is helping to save my life.

If I didn't have it I would probably be totally emaciated by now.

Medical marijuana is the only thing that keeps food in my stomach.

I have to take a cancer medicine so that it won't come back and kill me. That medicine makes just about everything I eat not stay in my stomach.

I've tried all the pills and they don't work. The only thing that keeps any food in me is marijuana.

Cancer patients have to fight to keep weight on so that they can fight the cancer. Which is what I'm doing now.

So calling people who smoke marijuana potheads is stupid and shows that you're very uninformed.

Anyone who advocates that it be legalized isn't a pothead. They're an intelligent person who realizes that the war on drugs is a miserable failure.

Should I call everyone who drinks or advocates alcohol alcoholics?

That's your choice to say bs but know you're wrong.

Unlike some people, I don't need validation from anyone.

I know what the truth is and that's all that matters.

What some stranger on a message board thinks means nothing to me.

So if you need to lie to yourself about me that's your choice.

I'm certainly not going to do anything to stop you.

I'm just going to laugh at you.

You got all that from what I posted? Damn, I think you need to smoke some more dope, dope.

i know lots of people who has survived cancer

and didnt need weed to keep weight on

my wife is one of them

Did your wife have a very deadly form of breast cancer that always comes back?

The type of breast cancer I had was being fed by my own body hormones. Which basically means my own body chemistry is it's food.

That is the reason it always comes back. It's found and removed then it returns and kills.

Four of my relatives fought it and lost because it always comes back.They had complete mastectomies and a few years later the cancer returned and killed all of them.

Today we have a medication that will block those hormones. My problem with it is that it makes me very sick. Almost nothing stays in my stomach. When I started this over 3 years ago I was a size 9. Now I need a belt to keep size 1 on me. I'm in denial about having to go to a size zero.

When I started I was told I have to be on this medication for 5 years. A few years ago I was told that research showed that 5 years wasn't long enough. It was changed to 10 years. Now studies are showing that people who have this type of cancer can never go off the hormone blockers. It ALWAYS comes back without the hormone blockers.

So I will have to take this medication for the rest of my life if I don't want the cancer to come back and kill me. Which I don't want that to happen.

Some people handle this medication just fine. Some don't. I'm one of those that don't. Everyone's system is different and not every drug reacts the same way to all people. I'm looking at 25 to 30 more years on this drug and if I become totally emaciated, I'm in big trouble.

The only thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. Your wife may not have had the same cancer I had. There are many types of cancer and they're not all alike in all ways.

Your wife is lucky. She didn't have to go through this hell. Me, I'm not lucky and I have to endure this if I want to live.

I just wish that people would understand that everyone is different and to put what one person does on another one and expect everyone to be like that is just ridiculous. We're all different and we all react to things differently.
I'm definitely more intelligent than you. You were dumb and went to prison. i've never been there.

I do know your station in life. You told me yourself you went to prison. You are a low intellect racist that likes to shoot stray dogs. Next thing we know you will bragging about how you are a serial killer. Thats how most of them start. First they torture animals then move up to humans.

I educated you so a one your old would be way easier since they are more advanced than you are.

I know nicotine pills are an aid to stop smoking. Where did I say they weren't? Your deflection is noted however. That has nothing to do with the fact it replaces the amount of nicotine delivered by a cigarette. If it can deliver the same amount of nicotine as a cigarette why are smokers not taking nicotine pills instead of smoking? Come on. You cant be this dumb and a convict or do they just go together?

You can think what you want. But you'd be wrong.

That was pretty lame and not convincing at all convict. Lets see you prove a nicotine pill would not provide the same amount of nicotine ingested from smoking a cigarette. This should be amusing since you even admitted it is used to quit smoking.

You mean that person who so quickly judges people who smoke marijuana is a convicted criminal?


Talk about a hypocrite.

Yeah. I was surprised when he admitted it but later realized he was trying so hard to impress me he forgot himself. I guess he thought I would think he was tough. I just pegged him as dumb.

So not only is that person a convicted criminal, he's proud of it and thinks it would impress people.

Wow that person really isn't dealing with reality.

No one should be proud they're a criminal. It doesn't impress people.

But then the person is a conservative and they are very impressed with criminals. A lot of them are criminals.

If you would like to know the circumstances of my conviction and incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, just ask.

But please don't assume you know anything about me or what I am proud or not proud of.
Were she white she'd be behind bars for using "obscenity" on the air.

But she's not so it's all good.
You cant be jailed for using profanity on air dummy. Do you live under a rock or something?

Agree. I should have elaborated for the benefit of the clueless: Not for using "obscenity" on the air - for BEING WHITE whilst using "obscenity" on the air.


Seems the FCC may get involved! Written complaints (for the "public file", without doubt) as well as what seems to be a good number of people calling the station and even meeting with the news director about the bias.

Now the right knows how to deal with bias! Start writing formal complaints for the public files, politely requesting on-the-record meetings. But don't complain about the political aspects, rather seek out the conflicts of interest. For example, how about a "reporter" who's doing consulting to a political party? Would that not be a problem (unless, of course, he/she/it were doing for The Democrat Central Committee which is exempt from all laws).

Read how affirmative action has a way of biting back.....

TV reporter who quit on-air to run pot dispensary had been subject of complaints about biased reporting Alaska Dispatch
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Were she white she'd be behind bars for using "obscenity" on the air.

But she's not so it's all good.
You cant be jailed for using profanity on air dummy. Do you live under a rock or something?

Agree. Not for using "obscenity" on the air - for BEING WHITE whilst using "obscenity" on the air.


Seems the FCC may get involved! Written complaints (for the "public file", without doubt) as well as what seems to be a good number of people calling the station and even meeting with the news director about the bias.

Now the right knows how to deal with bias! Start writing formal complaints for the public files, politely requesting on-the-record meetings. But don't complain about the political aspects, rather seek out the conflicts of interest. For example, how about a "reporter" who's doing consulting to a political party? Would that not be a problem (unless, of course, he/she/it were doing for The Democrat Central Committee which is exempt from all laws).

Read how affirmative action has a way of biting back.....

TV reporter who quit on-air to run pot dispensary had been subject of complaints about biased reporting Alaska Dispatch

So that would mean you didnt know what your were talking about claiming there would be no action because she was Black? You still have not provided a source for your AA claim. Everyone knows white women profit from AA more than any group.
So that would mean you didnt know what your were talking about claiming there would be no action because she was Black? You still have not provided a source for your AA claim. Everyone knows white women profit from AA more than any group.

C'mon, Ace, affirmative action is yours and you love it. There will be NO action against her but there's enough screaming by those (read the story I linked) who reported the bias that I would be amazed if the station isn't fined some serious money. Now if the individual had been WHITE the story would, I opine (see, I'm not posing as a reporter) that she'd have been clamped in irons and maybe waterboarded until she confessed that Booooosssshhhhhh mader her do it.

Ace, that shit works for you on the left now it's your turn to suck it up 'cause what goes around has come around.

You're whining.
So that would mean you didnt know what your were talking about claiming there would be no action because she was Black? You still have not provided a source for your AA claim. Everyone knows white women profit from AA more than any group.

C'mon, Ace, affirmative action is yours and you love it. There will be NO action against her but there's enough screaming by those (read the story I linked) who reported the bias that I would be amazed if the station isn't fined some serious money. Now if the individual had been WHITE the story would, I opine (see, I'm not posing as a reporter) that she'd have been clamped in irons and maybe waterboarded until she confessed that Booooosssshhhhhh mader her do it.

Ace, that shit works for you on the left now it's your turn to suck it up 'cause what goes around has come around.

You're whining.
I thought maybe you had a source. I guess you didnt and decided to indulge your fantasies. I dont know what you mean by its my turn to suck it up or what goes around comes around. She quit and said fuck it on TV. Not much they can do to her regardless of her color. The more press they give her the more options she is going to have in the future. You know how this works dont you?
Feigned ignorance doesn't work well given Ace's established reputation as a Marxist leaning Democrat.

Give it up, boy, your own tactics have come home to roost.

The station's going down; the AA poster girl romps unfettered across the stage of liberal theater.
Feigned ignorance doesn't work well given Ace's established reputation as a Marxist leaning Democrat.

Give it up, boy, your own tactics have come home to roost.

The station's going down; the AA poster girl romps unfettered across the stage of liberal theater.

Sorry boy. I have no allegiance to the station. They could take them off the air and I could care less. I didn't see anyone that used AA and I dont see a link saying anyone used AA. I guess you are all out of your fantasies aren't you?
You can think what you want. But you'd be wrong.

That was pretty lame and not convincing at all convict. Lets see you prove a nicotine pill would not provide the same amount of nicotine ingested from smoking a cigarette. This should be amusing since you even admitted it is used to quit smoking.

You mean that person who so quickly judges people who smoke marijuana is a convicted criminal?


Talk about a hypocrite.

Yeah. I was surprised when he admitted it but later realized he was trying so hard to impress me he forgot himself. I guess he thought I would think he was tough. I just pegged him as dumb.

So not only is that person a convicted criminal, he's proud of it and thinks it would impress people.

Wow that person really isn't dealing with reality.

No one should be proud they're a criminal. It doesn't impress people.

But then the person is a conservative and they are very impressed with criminals. A lot of them are criminals.

If you would like to know the circumstances of my conviction and incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, just ask.

But please don't assume you know anything about me or what I am proud or not proud of.

I don't care what you were convicted of. To me, you're just another common criminal.

A hypocrite too since you judge people by your own beliefs. Which if you landed in jail, you're beliefs can't be all that upstanding or legal.

Not many people believe that common criminals have much of a leg to stand on when judging other people.

I just hope you've learned your lesson and have rehabilitated yourself so you don't land back in jail.
That was pretty lame and not convincing at all convict. Lets see you prove a nicotine pill would not provide the same amount of nicotine ingested from smoking a cigarette. This should be amusing since you even admitted it is used to quit smoking.

You mean that person who so quickly judges people who smoke marijuana is a convicted criminal?


Talk about a hypocrite.

Yeah. I was surprised when he admitted it but later realized he was trying so hard to impress me he forgot himself. I guess he thought I would think he was tough. I just pegged him as dumb.

So not only is that person a convicted criminal, he's proud of it and thinks it would impress people.

Wow that person really isn't dealing with reality.

No one should be proud they're a criminal. It doesn't impress people.

But then the person is a conservative and they are very impressed with criminals. A lot of them are criminals.

If you would like to know the circumstances of my conviction and incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, just ask.

But please don't assume you know anything about me or what I am proud or not proud of.

I don't care what you were convicted of. To me, you're just another common criminal.

A hypocrite too since you judge people by your own beliefs. Which if you landed in jail, you're beliefs can't be all that upstanding or legal.

Not many people believe that common criminals have much of a leg to stand on when judging other people.

I just hope you've learned your lesson and have rehabilitated yourself so you don't land back in jail.

He hasnt rehabilitated himself. He still lies for no reason about dumb things. One of the habits he picked up while in the pen I guess.
That was pretty lame and not convincing at all convict. Lets see you prove a nicotine pill would not provide the same amount of nicotine ingested from smoking a cigarette. This should be amusing since you even admitted it is used to quit smoking.

You mean that person who so quickly judges people who smoke marijuana is a convicted criminal?


Talk about a hypocrite.

Yeah. I was surprised when he admitted it but later realized he was trying so hard to impress me he forgot himself. I guess he thought I would think he was tough. I just pegged him as dumb.

So not only is that person a convicted criminal, he's proud of it and thinks it would impress people.

Wow that person really isn't dealing with reality.

No one should be proud they're a criminal. It doesn't impress people.

But then the person is a conservative and they are very impressed with criminals. A lot of them are criminals.

If you would like to know the circumstances of my conviction and incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, just ask.

But please don't assume you know anything about me or what I am proud or not proud of.

I don't care what you were convicted of. To me, you're just another common criminal.

A hypocrite too since you judge people by your own beliefs. Which if you landed in jail, you're beliefs can't be all that upstanding or legal.

Not many people believe that common criminals have much of a leg to stand on when judging other people.

I just hope you've learned your lesson and have rehabilitated yourself so you don't land back in jail.

Then stay ignorant.
Three of our most leftist are undergoing emergency assistance at nearby laughing academies over this one thread!

Meanwhile, apparently the list of those whose written complaints should have given even the most editorially left-leaning TV stations a clue as to with what they were dealing grows like mushrooms in the forests of The Alaska Panhandle.
You mean that person who so quickly judges people who smoke marijuana is a convicted criminal?


Talk about a hypocrite.

Yeah. I was surprised when he admitted it but later realized he was trying so hard to impress me he forgot himself. I guess he thought I would think he was tough. I just pegged him as dumb.

So not only is that person a convicted criminal, he's proud of it and thinks it would impress people.

Wow that person really isn't dealing with reality.

No one should be proud they're a criminal. It doesn't impress people.

But then the person is a conservative and they are very impressed with criminals. A lot of them are criminals.

If you would like to know the circumstances of my conviction and incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, just ask.

But please don't assume you know anything about me or what I am proud or not proud of.

I don't care what you were convicted of. To me, you're just another common criminal.

A hypocrite too since you judge people by your own beliefs. Which if you landed in jail, you're beliefs can't be all that upstanding or legal.

Not many people believe that common criminals have much of a leg to stand on when judging other people.

I just hope you've learned your lesson and have rehabilitated yourself so you don't land back in jail.

He hasnt rehabilitated himself. He still lies for no reason about dumb things. One of the habits he picked up while in the pen I guess.

Yes you're probably correct about that.

I would have a hard time believing any conservative rehabilitated themselves. They have got to be some of the most lazy people I've ever encountered.

I'm sure he blames someone else for landing in jail.
You mean that person who so quickly judges people who smoke marijuana is a convicted criminal?


Talk about a hypocrite.

Yeah. I was surprised when he admitted it but later realized he was trying so hard to impress me he forgot himself. I guess he thought I would think he was tough. I just pegged him as dumb.

So not only is that person a convicted criminal, he's proud of it and thinks it would impress people.

Wow that person really isn't dealing with reality.

No one should be proud they're a criminal. It doesn't impress people.

But then the person is a conservative and they are very impressed with criminals. A lot of them are criminals.

If you would like to know the circumstances of my conviction and incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, just ask.

But please don't assume you know anything about me or what I am proud or not proud of.

I don't care what you were convicted of. To me, you're just another common criminal.

A hypocrite too since you judge people by your own beliefs. Which if you landed in jail, you're beliefs can't be all that upstanding or legal.

Not many people believe that common criminals have much of a leg to stand on when judging other people.

I just hope you've learned your lesson and have rehabilitated yourself so you don't land back in jail.

Then stay ignorant.

I don't care what law you broke. It's none of my business.

You're just another common criminal as far as I'm concerned. I don't believe much of what a criminal says so it doesn't matter to me what you did.

You broke the law. You went to prison. I just hope that you have learned your lesson and will become a contributing member to our society.
Yeah. I was surprised when he admitted it but later realized he was trying so hard to impress me he forgot himself. I guess he thought I would think he was tough. I just pegged him as dumb.

So not only is that person a convicted criminal, he's proud of it and thinks it would impress people.

Wow that person really isn't dealing with reality.

No one should be proud they're a criminal. It doesn't impress people.

But then the person is a conservative and they are very impressed with criminals. A lot of them are criminals.

If you would like to know the circumstances of my conviction and incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, just ask.

But please don't assume you know anything about me or what I am proud or not proud of.

I don't care what you were convicted of. To me, you're just another common criminal.

A hypocrite too since you judge people by your own beliefs. Which if you landed in jail, you're beliefs can't be all that upstanding or legal.

Not many people believe that common criminals have much of a leg to stand on when judging other people.

I just hope you've learned your lesson and have rehabilitated yourself so you don't land back in jail.

Then stay ignorant.

I don't care what law you broke. It's none of my business.

You're just another common criminal as far as I'm concerned. I don't believe much of what a criminal says so it doesn't matter to me what you did.

You broke the law. You went to prison. I just hope that you have learned your lesson and will become a contributing member to our society.

You're liberal tolerance is showing as well as your continued ignorance.

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