Albequrque Police officer shot and killed by career thug criminal

Police: Albuquerque officer shot in traffic stop has died

I had a running thread on all the cops being assaulted and shot on a daily basis. Got too depressing to keep updated. But here's yet another. Albequrque cop shot and killed by career thug.

I'm sure The Great One has a speech prepared.

So this is your life , sitting in you trailer house wearing a tin badge cowering in jesusland scouring the news for cops that get shot ?
Number of US police officers charged in fatal shootings hits 10-year high

The prosecutions represent only a small fraction of the killings by US police. A Washington Post database last week showed 796 fatal police shootings this year, and one maintained by the Guardian recorded 936 deaths from all causes.

Number of US police officers charged in fatal shootings hits 10-year high

Yep. No doubt about it...Mayors and Governors are bowing to political pressure and charging cops. Even if the cop is likely to be's easier to let a jury decide than to clean up a riot.

The ensuing decade of crime spikes will be fun to watch!
Number of US police officers charged in fatal shootings hits 10-year high

The prosecutions represent only a small fraction of the killings by US police. A Washington Post database last week showed 796 fatal police shootings this year, and one maintained by the Guardian recorded 936 deaths from all causes.

Number of US police officers charged in fatal shootings hits 10-year high

Hmmm. 796 fatal police shootings huh.

Out of 900k cops give or take.

So...some sloppy math....that's about 0.1% of cops in America who will shoot someone. Now....let's be pessimistic and say 50% of those are not justified (at least 90% clearly are...but...just to be even more fair to libs). That means 0.05% of cops fatally shoot someone unlawfully.

Hmmm. 0.05%.

Now....let's factor in that cops shoot white people in much larger numbers than blacks....simply because there's more white people out there.

That would mean about what.....0.005% of cops will unlawfully fatally shoot a black man this year?

Wow. I thought there was a crisis? "Systematic extermination" of blacks by cops they say. Blacks can't even walk down the street without a cop shooting them. reality....the % of cops who will unlawfully fatally shoot a black ridiculously tiny....barely even recordable as a stat. 0.005% or lower.

Morons. Do the math.

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