Alcoholism? Rehab? Gimme a Break!

Are we talking about the Clinton definition of sexual relationship or the accepted definition? Most states now have online predator laws. That is where I would be looking, if I were going to charge him with something.

you may get him with that but again it will go to age of consent laws....nailing him on harassment is easy....but the intern seems to enjoy the banter as much as foley does.....doesn't make it right....just more difficult to prove unwanted.....can't harass the willing
LOL!!!!!!!!!! It's great to see cons defend Foley. I love it!!!!!!!

can't answer the questions huh?

waht makes you think i am a conservative or that i am defending foley?

i am just asking questions you can't answer.

you sure are good at accusing people of things i will give you would have done well at the salem witch trials
dude! what are you going to do when your wife asks you to talk dirty to her?

I am referring to graphic details provided by other people. For example, if your neighbor started talking about how he enjoys sodomizing his wife every Friday night until she squeals like a pig, is your first thought going to be "I am intrigued" or "This is pretty nasty"
you may get him with that but again it will go to age of consent laws....nailing him on harassment is easy....but the intern seems to enjoy the banter as much as foley does.....doesn't make it right....just more difficult to prove unwanted.....can't harass the willing

It will come down to internet law. There are huge jurisdiction issues here and the only way they can go is federal. I'll research tomorrow after class and let you know what federal statute says about this.

If they go by the page's home state law, the parent's determine whether it was unwanted.
He's not defending. He's punching holes in the case against him. I can see where he is coming from. Foley may skirt the law on this one and get off.(pun intended)

in order to win a case you must be able argue both sides with equal zeal.....

most people on this planet are not capable of this .... they are blinded by their own beliefs and simply can not do it ..... in other should never be able to beat yourself in chess ..... if you can .... you can not litigate and win every time
I am referring to graphic details provided by other people. For example, if your neighbor started talking about how he enjoys sodomizing his wife every Friday night until she squeals like a pig, is your first thought going to be "I am intrigued" or "This is pretty nasty"

i am a live and let live i would tell my neighbor "thats just fantastic and by the way she sounds more like a baby harp seal" then walk away ....
i am a live and let live i would tell my neighbor "thats just fantastic and by the way she sounds more like a baby harp seal" then walk away ....

haha, I like that answer. I've always thought the baby harp seal made a more erotic noise :p:
can't answer the questions huh?

waht makes you think i am a conservative or that i am defending foley?

i am just asking questions you can't answer.

you sure are good at accusing people of things i will give you would have done well at the salem witch trials

You're right. He may GET OFF :p: on technicallities. But the fact that he exchanged EROTIC email with young pages doesn't disturb you??
he should treat his homosexuality problem, too! If that were cured, this incident would never have happened.

It's an issue of power. He is able to control the small child. He is also a homosexual, but if he weren't, he'd just go after little girls.
You're right. He may GET OFF :p: on technicallities. But the fact that he exchanged EROTIC email with young pages doesn't disturb you??

Hell yes it is disturbing. He also resigned. What else do you want? What he did can never be politically classified as sex. President Clinton made sure of that.
You're right. He may GET OFF :p: on technicallities. But the fact that he exchanged EROTIC email with young pages doesn't disturb you??

most of what politicians do disturbs me.....

anyway, as i understand the facts....the page was 16 or 17 ...age of consent in DC is 16....based on what i have read....seems the page didn't protest too much and gave as good as they got....that said....what foley did is not morally or ethically correct, nor is what the page did morally or ethically correct and i think the fact that foley resigned is a good thing...

tell me why is this a big deal?
the age of consent in DC is 16 (i am sure there are nuances to the law)

a senate intern must be at least 16

the facts so far (and that may change) indicate no sexual relations, not even the clinton kind, only flirting on line

at the moment i see no crime (sexual harassment maybe, but hey the bar was set pretty high during the blow job years) just stupidity.....

Did you forget the D.C. law I just posted?

4 years appart with a minor and concent no longer matters, if there even was any, which so far seems there was not. Foley is 52...
You'll find that I do very little in the way of "avoiding" - particularly in regard to friends of mine being insulted. Let's examine, shall we?

It sounds to me like she was saying, "Funny thing about the pedophilia thing, seems so far that he wasn't getting any? He's just an online voyeur". And that is nothing more or less than a faithful recounting of the facts as we now understand them.

Sounds more to me like you are very young, and not yet a parent. It is quite possible that you don't grasp the seriousness of what you have done here. Let me give you some advice: when you're talking to a parent, and his/her kids come into the conversation, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS VERY CAREFULLY. You are dealing with primal feelings of love, fear, and ferocity that are beyond your capacity to understand.

I still think you should apologize.

I still think shes trying to play it down. Whats so funny about a 52 year old man writting dirty messeages to a minor? He's "just" a voyer... no he was not, the kids worked where he worked, he knew them and he communicated with them. That isn't voyerism by any stretch.

Far as the rest about being a parent goes, thats what shocked me the most about what she said.
musicman said:
It sounds to me like she was saying, "Funny thing about the pedophilia thing, seems so far that he wasn't getting any? He's just an online voyeur". And that is nothing more or less than a faithful recounting of the facts as we now understand them.

I still think shes trying to play it down. Whats so funny about a 52 year old man writting dirty messeages to a minor?

You're actually at a crossroads here. You can conduct yourself like some kind of slimy mall lawyer, quibbling disingenuously over the meaning of words like "funny", while truth and decency walk away from you in disgust - or you can be a man, step up, and say, "I shot my mouth off about things I didn't understand, in a way that was ignorant and disrespectful, and I was wrong for doing that". This could be a pivotal moment in your life. I'll be watching with great interest.
dillo wrote:

No. Although frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if he was lying about part or all of it. What I am accusing him of is pulling out every possible misery in his life and throwing it out there in an attempt to garner any and every possible morsel of public sympathy he can. And I find that to be pathetic, sad, and indicative of our its-everyones-fault-but-mine culture that our politicians, Republican and Democrat alike, seem to revel in.

He has accepted total responsibilty for his actions, spilled all the beans and resigned from public office. His life is ruined. There's a time to let up on sinners who have confessed, repented and are seeking help.

There are hundreds of infamous "sick fucks" who deny to this day that they even did anything wrong. Look how quickly the Libs are done with him. To them his sin is being a conservative and they plan to "convict" as many as they can to take advantage of his actions. They don't really think what he did was wrong--they think what he did was an opporunity for them.

Let's identify all the "sick fucks" here--especially the ones who won't even admit what they are doing.
Have you even seen these Im's????

If so could you post a :link: for them...

I read the im's on drudgreport Friday. They are salacious, but that seems all they have. The guy is sick and I'm glad he resigned. What I find interesting though, as with the Plame affair, a well known problem was held for political reasons. It wasn't just the republicans that knew there was a problem.
I read the im's on drudgreport Friday. They are salacious, but that seems all they have. The guy is sick and I'm glad he resigned. What I find interesting though, as with the Plame affair, a well known problem was held for political reasons. It wasn't just the republicans that knew there was a problem.

Amen--How disingenuous can the party that supports borderline if not outright perverted sexual behavior be ? This move is so transparent that Clinton would hit on it if a 14 year old girl was wearing it. :boobies:
It looks like the alcoholism thing didn't wash. There are other congressmen (not rabid Democrats) calling him on it. Looks like he didn't even drink on a regular basis, much less to excess. Even if it was an excuse, it's not even true. So now, his latest excuse is that he was abused as a a priest. What a slimeball.

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