Alec Baldwin Has Killed More Than the Omicron Variant

They were just practicing. The real insurgency doesn't happen until the Democrats try to pull the same stunt they did in 2020.
the pro trampers are traitor and did the insurrection. You believe the same lies tramp is spouting.

This has nothing to do with Alex Baldwin.
the pro trampers are traitor and did the insurrection. You believe the same lies tramp is spouting.

This has nothing to do with Alex Baldwin.

I'll see your "insurrection"and raise you one "civil war." Because that's what you folks are going to get in 2024.
doesn’t seem to help…blue states are seeing mass hospitalizations…record numbers…
the pro trampers are traitor and did the insurrection. You believe the same lies tramp is spouting.

This has nothing to do with Alex Baldwin.

SNL has been spoofing US presidents for 30 years.. Trump is a pathetic sissy who couldn't take the joke.
I'll see your "insurrection"and raise you one "civil war." Because that's what you folks are going to get in 2024.

You Trump victims never stop threatening civil war.. That makes you LOSERS just like Trump.
On the contrary. The Constitution gives us every right to overthrow illegitimate regimes like the one currently in poser.
VP Pence knows the Constitution and it doesn't give you the right to overthrow the gov't.
You Trump victims never stop threatening civil war.. That makes you LOSERS just like Trump.
Don't blame us. The 2024 civil war will start among the ranks of the military.

"Three retired U.S. Army generals have warned of insurrection or possibly even civil war if the results of the 2024 presidential election are not accepted by sections of the military. Retired Major Generals Paul D. Eaton and Antonio M. Taguba joined retired Brigadier General Steven M. Anderson urged today's leaders to act to prevent such scenes, calling on today's leaders to "war-game" an attempted coup. In an op-ed for The Washington Post published on Friday, the former military leaders said they were "increasingly concerned" about the "potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk" in the aftermath of the election."

Ex-Army generals fear insurrection or "civil war" in 2024
On the contrary. The Constitution gives us every right to overthrow illegitimate regimes like the one currently in power.

Like TRump? You have no right to overthrow the Constitution. This is America NOT Somalia, you moron.

Overthrowing an election is Trump's deciet.. This is about his sickness and his ego.. his lies and conspiracies.. How could you fall for that?
VP Pence knows the Constitution and it doesn't give you the right to overthrow the gov't.

You have no "government". Just a bunch of silly Obama-era Marxists pretending like they're leading the country. They're merely "play-acting" like they're in charge.
Don't blame us. The 2024 civil war will start among the ranks of the military.

"Three retired U.S. Army generals have warned of insurrection or possibly even civil war if the results of the 2024 presidential election are not accepted by sections of the military. Retired Major Generals Paul D. Eaton and Antonio M. Taguba joined retired Brigadier General Steven M. Anderson urged today's leaders to act to prevent such scenes, calling on today's leaders to "war-game" an attempted coup. In an op-ed for The Washington Post published on Friday, the former military leaders said they were "increasingly concerned" about the "potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk" in the aftermath of the election."

Ex-Army generals fear insurrection or "civil war" in 2024

Then America is finished and will go the way of Libya. Congratulations.
I'll see your "insurrection"and raise you one "civil war." Because that's what you folks are going to get in 2024.

Trump wants to get even with the country because he's a loser. He wants revenge. That makes him a psychopath.. How about YOU?
that link doesn’t really address my post


Long before Donald Trump ever became a credible presidential candidate, let alone the commander in chief, the former reality TV star was guided by one animating principle: “If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard.”

Trump’s desire for revenge played out in public on Thursday when, in an effort to spook conservative members of his own party, the President lumped the Freedom Caucus – a collection of conservative Republican lawmakers – with Democrats and pledged to “fight them” in 2018.

Trump and his White House feel betrayed by the conservative Republicans. Many backed Trump early in the 2016 campaign and stood by him during some of the toughest trials of the campaign. But when it came to passing his first legislative goal – health care reform – the conservatives revolted en masse and killed the bill.

Trump’s top emissaries also made this case directly to lawmakers. Rep. Mark Sanford, a South Carolina Republican, told Charleston’s Post and Courier Thursday that White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney, a former Palmetto State congressman, told him: “The President asked me to look you square in the eyes and to say that he hoped that you voted ‘no’ on this bill so he could run (a Republican primary challenger) against you in 2018.”
Trump wants to get even with the country because he's a loser. He wants revenge. That makes him a psychopath.. How about YOU?

Actually I'm more of a "sociopath." But if my President wants me to go full psychopath on you election-stealing simians, count me in.

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