Alert! ACLJ Obtains Obama's Immunity Agreements with Hillary Clinton Aides Destroying Emails/Laptops

I guess that explains why the Republican majority Congress hasn't indicted anyone in the Trump Administration, but it doesnt explain why the Republican majority Congress failed to indict anyone in the Obama administration despite years of taxpayer funded investigations.

You're kidding, right? I mean no one can seriously be that ignorant of our government....

For example, your comment suggest you have no clue about the 3 separate branches of our government and what their roles / duties / powers are according to the US Constitution. Your comments suggest that you do not understand that CONGRESS does not have the power to indict anyone, that the power to do so is the responsibility of the DOJ....and I do not believe you are too ignorant to know this.

The fact that Republicans had 'control' of both the House and Senate means absolutely NOTHING since Obama owned the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI, all of whom evidence shows committed criminal acts such as Perjury and Illegally spying not just on US citizens but on US Senators and USSC Justices.

Obama's US AG, who ran the Justice Department, was Eric Holder. Holder was caught committing Perjury under oath during is testimony about the Obama gun-running scandal 'Fast and Furious'. He was recommended for indictment for his crime...Umm, WHO was supposed to Indict the US AG? His hand-picked DOJ employees? Yeah, NO - they refused to do so, and Obama protected him. Congress did the only thing they could do - a bipartisan Congress voted to Censure Holder, making him the only Presidential Cabinet member in US history to be Censured....they - Congress - could to that but did not have the power / authority to indict him.

So your theatrical post above (either that or you are ignorant of how our government works) is easily discarded.

Obama OWNED the law enforcement agencies - not that hard to NOT have any indictments that way.
From your link:

Yet the report also rejects Trump’s claims that the FBI went easy on Clinton. Investigators found no evidence that the FBI avoided charges because of political biasultimately concluding the decisions made during the investigation were reasonable.

What part of that do you not fucking get?

Your bringing up that Comey ursurped Lynch's power is a total self-refutation since DOJ position on bringing charges was ultimately same as Comey's - not enough evidence for criminal indictment.


Please explain what the US IG ruling no bias was shown by Comey when he chose to violate FBI rules and protocols, when he took it upon himself to make the decision that Hillary would not be indicted - which was never his job or within his power to make - and when he chose to spew personal opinion about her behavior for which she was not charged / indicted and the US IG rebuking / slamming him for doing those things?

I never made the argument that Comey's actions were based on bias - I said the US IG rebuked Comey for 'usurping the power / role / responsibility of the DOJ / US IG by making his public declaration that Hillary would not be indicted, which the article clearly states and which YOU just helped support. (Thank you.)

Attempting to change the entire discussion by making false accusations that I argued something I did not is pathetic. I could care less why Comey did what he did. I pointed out that he was condemned by the US IG for violating FBI SOP, rules, regulations, and for 'usrpig the authority of the US AG'.

AND, by the way, your final claim is a flat-out debunked LIE, as the article states, which I posted a little earlier:

"Your bringing up that Comey ursurped Lynch's power is a total self-refutation since DOJ position on bringing charges was ultimately same as Comey's - not enough evidence for criminal indictment."

The article clearly states - quotes the US IG report - the US IG made a point to declare it did NOT investigate whether Hillary had committed crimes or not, that it's focus on their investigation was to determine if Comey's actions were effected by bias, not to investigate Hillary, not te 2nd-guess Comey's decision.

It's all in the article - it's all in the report - it's all in the post I made earlier. AGAIN, you deliberately LIE, in the face of evidence posted earlier. AGAIN, your credibility is SHOT! There is simply no reason to read anything else you post as you have been proven to be intentionally lying TWICE and attempting to claim I was arguing some point I did not and could not care less about.

As you asked earlier - right back at you, 'What the F* is wrong with YOU", snowflake?!

Moron, there is not a single word of what you just said that refuted that both the AG and Comey were in agreement on lack of evidence to charge.

Whether Comey ursurped or not, recommended or not, THE OUTCOME FOR THE CASE IS THE SAME - NO INDICTMENT. So your argument is completely retarded.

And IG REPORT ABSOLUTELY second guessed Comey.

It looked for pro, or anti, Hillary bias.

It reviewed department’s prior handling of such cases to ensure consistency.

It reviewed legal basis.

If that’s not second guessing those words have no meaning.
Horowitz, the US IG, declared his report did not exonerate Hillary becaause he did not investigate her to see if Comey was right to NOT indict her.....

...but YOU are trying to tell us he lied and did investigate her and said Comey made the right call...which, again, is not what the US IG said in his report.

Have you told Horowitz this yet?


:rolleyes: Post direct quote from the report.

But even Comey himself said that even though no criminal charges will be brought Hillary was still culpable of mishandling classified materials, and could’ve been subject to internal DoS consequences, so that wasn’t exactly “exoneration” either.

Horowitz said that the investigation that found not enough evidence to charge Hillary was conducted fairly, on sound legal grounds and consistent with prior department treatment of such cases.

It certainly is exoneration of the investigation’s conclusion and the end of the road for the email case. You are just too fucking nuts to understand that part.
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Post direct quote from the report.
I did...TWICE. I can not help it if you can not read it or you WILL not read it. As the saying goes, 'You can lead a horse you water, but you can't make it drink.' Then there's that other famous saying - my favorite, especially in situations like this one: 'You can't fix stupid!'

Hmmm....yet two and a half years of a Republican DoJ produced....what?
IG has referred Comey for prosecution for leaking classified info to the press, and removing 4 documents from the FBI office after he was fired. But Barr is smart. He's going after the big prize...Obama and Hillary. He just needs to go step by step to get to the crooks at the top.
But even Comey himself said that even though no criminal charges will be brought Hillary was still culpable of mishandling classified materials, and could’ve been subject to internal DoS consequences, so that wasn’t exactly “exoneration” either.

Horowitz said that the investigation that found not enough evidence to charge Hillary was conducted fairly, on sound legal grounds and consistent with prior department treatment of such cases.

It certainly is exoneration of the investigation’s conclusion and the end of the road for the email case. You are just too fucking nuts to understand that part.
Denial will get you nowhere. Hillary is going from the White House to the Big House. Barr is proceeding slowly, but surely.
And still ...No evidence of Hillary being a crook yet evidence piling up that Trump is a criminal
As usual you have it 100% backwards. Proof of Trump criminality continues to prove elusive but evidence of Shrilary's criminality is mounting.

The only thing saving Your Guy, is the Office.
Someone should investigate her...and while they're at it look into the Benghazi thing.
I don't understand why no-one has tried to get to the bottom of it!!!
You can't get to the bottom of anything when the Entire Obama Administration was engaged in a cover up. The reason there was this Fake Russia Investigation at all, was because Obama people engaged in the cover up were still in power when Trump took office, so they "Resisted The Peaceful Transition of Power" by committing multiple treasonous acts.
"the right wing is only for the gospel Truth", on Sundays.
I guess that explains why the Republican majority Congress hasn't indicted anyone in the Trump Administration, but it doesnt explain why the Republican majority Congress failed to indict anyone in the Obama administration despite years of taxpayer funded investigations.

You're kidding, right? I mean no one can seriously be that ignorant of our government....

For example, your comment suggest you have no clue about the 3 separate branches of our government and what their roles / duties / powers are according to the US Constitution. Your comments suggest that you do not understand that CONGRESS does not have the power to indict anyone, that the power to do so is the responsibility of the DOJ....and I do not believe you are too ignorant to know this.

The fact that Republicans had 'control' of both the House and Senate means absolutely NOTHING since Obama owned the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI, all of whom evidence shows committed criminal acts such as Perjury and Illegally spying not just on US citizens but on US Senators and USSC Justices.

Obama's US AG, who ran the Justice Department, was Eric Holder. Holder was caught committing Perjury under oath during is testimony about the Obama gun-running scandal 'Fast and Furious'. He was recommended for indictment for his crime...Umm, WHO was supposed to Indict the US AG? His hand-picked DOJ employees? Yeah, NO - they refused to do so, and Obama protected him. Congress did the only thing they could do - a bipartisan Congress voted to Censure Holder, making him the only Presidential Cabinet member in US history to be Censured....they - Congress - could to that but did not have the power / authority to indict him.

So your theatrical post above (either that or you are ignorant of how our government works) is easily discarded.

Obama OWNED the law enforcement agencies - not that hard to NOT have any indictments that way.

It’s been 2 1/2 years since Obama left office. Huber was supposed to be investigating and then indicting Hillary. The Senate is still investigating Hillary. Judicial Watch is investigating Hillary. And still no charges!!!!!

What’s the big holdup Easy? Trump was going to lock her up. The only people getting locked up are Trump employees.
It’s been 2 1/2 years since Obama left office. Huber was supposed to be investigating and then indicting Hillary. The Senate is still investigating Hillary. Judicial Watch is investigating Hillary. And still no charges!!!!!

What’s the big holdup Easy? Trump was going to lock her up. The only people getting locked up are Trump employees.

What's your rush, OL? Democrats have made witch hunts, coup attempts, and infinite investigations instead of legislating the 'new norm'.

Also SOP now, thanks to Socialist Democrats, if they lose a Presidential election, no worries - they will spend his entire term investigating every aspect of his life in an attempt to remove him from office, and until then they will continue to undermine him and the government.

Democrats have already 'waved' the 2020 'white flag', admitting they have no candidate who can defeat Trump, by attempting to pass laws around the country that prevent him from even being on ballots.


It’s been 2 1/2 years since Obama left office. Huber was supposed to be investigating and then indicting Hillary. The Senate is still investigating Hillary. Judicial Watch is investigating Hillary. And still no charges!!!!!

What’s the big holdup Easy? Trump was going to lock her up. The only people getting locked up are Trump employees.

What's your rush, OL? Democrats have made witch hunts, coup attempts, and infinite investigations instead of legislating the 'new norm'.

Also SOP now, thanks to Socialist Democrats, if they lose a Presidential election, no worries - they will spend his entire term investigating every aspect of his life in an attempt to remove him from office, and until then they will continue to undermine him and the government.

Democrats have already 'waved' the 2020 'white flag', admitting they have no candidate who can defeat Trump, by attempting to pass laws around the country that prevent him from even being on ballots.



What makes you believe Trump will be re-elected? Every day more and more voters abandon the party. More than 20 Republican legislators have resigned, and he's not having any luck finding quality people to run and replace them. Trump has no record to run on. No accomplishments. All he does is pick fights with people.
It’s been 2 1/2 years since Obama left office. Huber was supposed to be investigating and then indicting Hillary. The Senate is still investigating Hillary. Judicial Watch is investigating Hillary. And still no charges!!!!!

What’s the big holdup Easy? Trump was going to lock her up. The only people getting locked up are Trump employees.

What's your rush, OL? Democrats have made witch hunts, coup attempts, and infinite investigations instead of legislating the 'new norm'.

Also SOP now, thanks to Socialist Democrats, if they lose a Presidential election, no worries - they will spend his entire term investigating every aspect of his life in an attempt to remove him from office, and until then they will continue to undermine him and the government.

Democrats have already 'waved' the 2020 'white flag', admitting they have no candidate who can defeat Trump, by attempting to pass laws around the country that prevent him from even being on ballots.


Benghazi investigation went on for 4 years, to what end?
What makes you believe Trump will be re-elected? Every day more and more voters abandon the party. More than 20 Republican legislators have resigned, and he's not having any luck finding quality people to run and replace them. Trump has no record to run on. No accomplishments. All he does is pick fights with people.
No record to run on ? No accomplishments ? WOW!

It's incredible how ignorant liberals are, but if they only see liberal OMISSION media, that explains it.

IGNITING A HISTORIC ECONOMIC BOOM: President Trump’s pro-growth policies are unleashing economic growth and providing opportunities to workers across the country.

  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3 percent over the last four quarters.
  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
  • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
  • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
  • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
    • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
    • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
    • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
    • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
    • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
    • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
    • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
    • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
    • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
    • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
    • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
    • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
      • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
      • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
      • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
      • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
      • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
      • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
      • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
      • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
      • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
        • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
        • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
        • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
        • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
        • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
        • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
      • ROLLING BACK RED TAPE: President Trump is rolling back costly regulations that have burdened hardworking Americans and stifled innovation.

        • President Trump has followed through on and exceeded his promise to roll back two regulations for every new one created.
        • President Trump’s Administration surpassed the 2:1 ratio in 2018, eliminating 12 regulations for every new one in 2018.
        • In 2017, the Trump Administration eliminated 22 regulations for every new one.
        • Since taking office, President Trump’s deregulation efforts have achieved $33 billion in regulatory savings.
        • In 2018, these efforts alone delivered $23 billion in benefits to American families and business owners.
        • President Trump has signed 16 Congressional Review Act resolutions into law, eliminating burdensome Obama-era rules and regulations.
        • President Trump announced U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, which would
          • have harmed America’s economy and cost American workers millions of jobs.
          • President Trump signed an executive order to streamline the permitting process for infrastructure projects with a goal of cutting approval time from up to 10 years to an average of 2 years.
          • President Trump signed legislation to roll back burdensome Dodd-Frank regulations that harmed community banks.
        • LIST: The Incredible Results of President Trump’s First Two Years in Office | Dan Bongino

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But even Comey himself said that even though no criminal charges will be brought Hillary was still culpable of mishandling classified materials, and could’ve been subject to internal DoS consequences, so that wasn’t exactly “exoneration” either.

Horowitz said that the investigation that found not enough evidence to charge Hillary was conducted fairly, on sound legal grounds and consistent with prior department treatment of such cases.

It certainly is exoneration of the investigation’s conclusion and the end of the road for the email case. You are just too fucking nuts to understand that part.
Denial will get you nowhere. Hillary is going from the White House to the Big House. Barr is proceeding slowly, but surely.

It's been nearly 30 years and we're still waiting for Hillary's perp walk. It's not happening. If it was going to happen, it would have happened years ago. At this point, investigating the Clintons is just red meat for the base. Fools like you get excited about it, but it won't go anywhere.

Whatever happened to the Huber Investigation? That one was definitely going to lock Hillary up. A federal prosecutor outside the Washington Swamp, not beholding to anyone. Huber was definitely going to take Hillary down, and he promised a report by the end of 2018, but since then, crickets.

At least 20 investigations and still no charges. Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals who ever lived - who can commit crimes with impunity while the whole world watches, and their enemies are investigating them endlessly, or they're not criminals at all.

Trump has 1 completed investigation which will result in at least 3 charges of obstruction of justice, and has already lead to 7 guilty pleas by his subordinates and staff. Of course Trump had a long list of criminal activities and shady business dealings long before he ever ran for President.

Trump is also a big-time developer, which is an industry rife with bribery and corruption. When a lawyer I worked for counselled his client not to pay an $80,000 bribe to get 40 building permits, the client replied "It's just the cost of doing business. The houses are pre-sold. My customers are waiting. I don't have the time to wait for the police to complete their investigation, lay charges and go to court. If I don't complete the houses within the contractual period, my customers can go elsewhere". I was aware of much of this stuff. There are legendary stories of blatant graft and corruption within the industry that everybody knows, but Trump raised stiffing everyone he ever worked with to an art form.

All of these massive deflections to continue the near 30-year witch hunt against the Clintons are because all of the shit that Trump has pulled from his earliest days in New York, is about to hit the fan, and his carefully crafted image as a brilliant businessman is about to come crashing round his ears.
It's been nearly 30 years and we're still waiting for Hillary's perp walk. It's not happening. If it was going to happen, it would have happened years ago. At this point, investigating the Clintons is just red meat for the base. Fools like you get excited about it, but it won't go anywhere.

Whatever happened to the Huber Investigation? That one was definitely going to lock Hillary up. A federal prosecutor outside the Washington Swamp, not beholding to anyone. Huber was definitely going to take Hillary down, and he promised a report by the end of 2018, but since then, crickets.

At least 20 investigations and still no charges. Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals who ever lived - who can commit crimes with impunity while the whole world watches, and their enemies are investigating them endlessly, or they're not criminals at all.

Trump has 1 completed investigation which will result in at least 3 charges of obstruction of justice, and has already lead to 7 guilty pleas by his subordinates and staff. Of course Trump had a long list of criminal activities and shady business dealings long before he ever ran for President.

Trump is also a big-time developer, which is an industry rife with bribery and corruption. When a lawyer I worked for counselled his client not to pay an $80,000 bribe to get 40 building permits, the client replied "It's just the cost of doing business. The houses are pre-sold. My customers are waiting. I don't have the time to wait for the police to complete their investigation, lay charges and go to court. If I don't complete the houses within the contractual period, my customers can go elsewhere". I was aware of much of this stuff. There are legendary stories of blatant graft and corruption within the industry that everybody knows, but Trump raised stiffing everyone he ever worked with to an art form.

All of these massive deflections to continue the near 30-year witch hunt against the Clintons are because all of the shit that Trump has pulled from his earliest days in New York, is about to hit the fan, and his carefully crafted image as a brilliant businessman is about to come crashing round his ears.
You are ignorant. The Clintons are long-time serial killers, in addition to their latest bureaucratic crimes. They been shielded for decades by their high levels of political power. This is now gone.

Clintons are now toast, as is Obama, whom Barr is going after, and will sweep up the rest of the turds along the way.

Deep State Panel: "Investigating the Investigators" - Judicial Watch

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