Alert! ACLJ Obtains Obama's Immunity Agreements with Hillary Clinton Aides Destroying Emails/Laptops

The fact that the 'world's top criminal investigation agency' did not / could not even check to find out that Trump's lawyer never traveled to Prague was humiliating for the FBI...and during his 2nd appearance before Congress Cohen rammed that fact up the Democrats' / Conspirators' asses and broke it off, again destroying their false narratives...

FBI Director Comey himself publicly declared Hillary broke law


FBI Agent Page testified under oath that the FBI had enough evidence of criminal activity against Hillary to indict her


Don't let the fact that Hillary and her team attempted to destroy THOUSANDS of OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED DOCUMENTS, attempted to wipe her SUBPOENAED server, illegally destroyed SUBPOENAED cell phones, did not turn in SUBPOENAED SIM cards, LIED to the FBI and to Congress - according to FBI Director testifying to this under oath before Congress deter you from continuing to look like the biggest reality-denying snowflake on the planet...

As I said, no amount of evidence will ever get you partisan criminal-defending idiots to admit Hillary broke laws.


You assert a pile of long ago refuted bullshit and then get all puffed up that someone doesn't agree with your bullshit conclusions.

You have a very sad disease of the mind that prevents you from objectively considering facts if they are not to your political liking. You act as if they don't exist even though you were presented them hundreds of times.
As always, the only thing you can muster in the face of well-documented evidence is 'Bullshit'....which is all anyone expects from snowflakes in defense of Hillary.

The only thing that surprises me about the whole thing is that there are still snowflakes out there (& on here) that still somehow claim Hillary never broke any law...and that Obama's administration was not THE most criminal in US history...
All those indictments and convictions...absolutely the most criminal.
Since when do criminals indict their own? You will be amazed at the indictments that will be coming for what corruption occurred from 2009-2017.

Yep it's a big bad conspiracy.

And when are these indictments coming dupe? Give me a cut off date.
Michael Cohen perjured himself twice before Congress & is doing tome for doing so. During his 2nd appearance, on his way to prison, he destroyed the Democrats' false narrative.

The fact that they were so desperate that they brought a convicted perjured to testify before Congress AGAIN and asked people to believe him 'THIS' time was both pathetic and hilarious.

Moron, Trump is on tape talking about how to pay-off his fuck dolls. What the hell are you taking about?
Lisa Page testimony means DOJ might want to re-open case against Hillary Clinton

"More and more, it appears the Justice Department should have tried to do just that to Hillary Clinton and that only nefarious interference kept the attempt from occurring. Page testified that Department of Justice officials repeatedly dissuaded the FBI from building a criminal case against Clinton for “gross negligence” in her handling of classified information."

Let me guess...your response is going to be 'Bullshit'?!

Moron, Trump is on tape talking about how to pay-off his fuck dolls. What the hell are you taking about?
Poor snowflake - agreements between citizen Trump and women are not illegal...and has nothing to do with VS false claims of 'illegal Russian Collusuon'.


Got anymore straws you can grasp at?
Lisa Page testimony means DOJ might want to re-open case against Hillary Clinton

"More and more, it appears the Justice Department should have tried to do just that to Hillary Clinton and that only nefarious interference kept the attempt from occurring."

Let me guess...your response is going to be 'Bullshit'?!


Moron, nowhere in your link is there any claim that Page said what you claim she said:

"Page testified under oath that the FBI had enough evidence of criminal activity against Hillary to indict her"

She never said ANYTHING like that

DOJ did say there wasn't enough evidence and FBI agreed. Trump's DOJ Inspector General in a through review of the case in 2018 re-affirmed that determination.

Thats the inconvinient fact you can't adress or even aknowledge existing,
because you are just a sad little politico squirrel spinning in your little wheel.
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Lisa Page testimony means DOJ might want to re-open case against Hillary Clinton

"More and more, it appears the Justice Department should have tried to do just that to Hillary Clinton and that only nefarious interference kept the attempt from occurring."

Let me guess...your response is going to be 'Bullshit'?!


Moron, nowhere in your link is there any claim that Page said what you claim she said:

"Page testified under oath that the FBI had enough evidence of criminal activity against Hillary to indict her"

She never said ANYTHING like that.

DOJ did say there wasn't enough evidence and FBI agreed. Trump's Inspector General in 2018 ALSO AGREED with that determination.

Thats the inconvinient fact you can't adress or even aknowledge existing.
You don't read so well do you?! As I pointed out, Coney himself publicly declared to the world Hillary broke laws but would not be recommended for indictment because she was too stupid to know she was breaking laws.

He also claimed that attempting to wipe her computer and attempting to destroy thousands of official subpoenaed documents and devices were not evidence of criminal intent to obstruct justice.

I don't know who is more stupid - Comey for making these moronic claims or snowflakes like you for believing it.

Moron, Trump is on tape talking about how to pay-off his fuck dolls. What the hell are you taking about?
Poor snowflake - agreements between citizen Trump and women are not illegal.

Dumbass it's illegal to make un-declared contributions to the campaign, especially to the tune of half a million dollars. It's also illegal to lie in the various financial documents involved in the under the table pay-off scheme.
Lisa Page testimony means DOJ might want to re-open case against Hillary Clinton

"More and more, it appears the Justice Department should have tried to do just that to Hillary Clinton and that only nefarious interference kept the attempt from occurring."

Let me guess...your response is going to be 'Bullshit'?!


Moron, nowhere in your link is there any claim that Page said what you claim she said:

"Page testified under oath that the FBI had enough evidence of criminal activity against Hillary to indict her"

She never said ANYTHING like that.

DOJ did say there wasn't enough evidence and FBI agreed. Trump's Inspector General in 2018 ALSO AGREED with that determination.

Thats the inconvinient fact you can't adress or even aknowledge existing.
You don't read so well do you?! As I pointed out, Coney himself publicly declared to the world Hillary broke laws but would not be recommended for indictment because she was too stupid to know she was breaking laws.

He also claimed that attempting to wipe her computer and attempting to destroy thousands of official subpoenaed documents and devices were not evidence of criminal intent to obstruct justice.

I don't know who is more stupid - Comey for making these moronic claims or snowflakes like you for believing it.


Hey nutbag, you didn't refute a single fucking word of what you quoted.

Page never said what you claim she said, and no, Comey certianly did not declare what you claim he declared. He declared that the evidence was not sufficient to bring criminal charges.

F.B.I. Director James Comey Recommends No Charges for Hillary Clinton on Email

You just like to bullshit yourself and others.
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No amount of evidence or common sense will ever get snowflakes to accept / admit Hillary committed crimes

Moron you wouldn't know common sense if it hit you with a 2x4.

And the evidence is very simple - an indictment with Hillary's name in it.

Because THERE ACTUALLY IS an indictemnt of Trump's lawyer with Trump as a conspirator. Indictment by the House (aka as impeachment) is incoming as well.
hillary should have been indicted just because it didn't happen doesn't mean a crime didn't happen.
It just means criminals don't indict their own.

No she shouldn't have, and she wasn't. This decision was REVIEWED AND RE-AFFIRMED BY TRUMP'S INSPECTOR GENERAL IN 2018.

DOJ Clinton Report Blasts Comey, Agents, but Finds No Bias in Conclusion

You just don't want to accept simple reality.
what does having a bias or not have to do with violation of laws?
FBI Director Comey himself publicly declared Hillary broke law


FBI Agent Page testified under oath that the FBI had enough evidence of criminal activity against Hillary to indict her


Don't let the fact that Hillary and her team attempted to destroy THOUSANDS of OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED DOCUMENTS, attempted to wipe her SUBPOENAED server, illegally destroyed SUBPOENAED cell phones, did not turn in SUBPOENAED SIM cards, LIED to the FBI and to Congress - according to FBI Director testifying to this under oath before Congress deter you from continuing to look like the biggest reality-denying snowflake on the planet...

As I said, no amount of evidence will ever get you partisan criminal-defending idiots to admit Hillary broke laws.


You assert a pile of long ago refuted bullshit and then get all puffed up that someone doesn't agree with your bullshit conclusions.

You have a very sad disease of the mind that prevents you from objectively considering facts if they are not to your political liking. You act as if they don't exist even though you were presented them hundreds of times.
those bullshits are right back at your stupid ass
Ant, the US IG rebuked Comey for recommending no charges be filed, pointing out that was NEVER his job to do, declaring Comey 'usurped the power of the DOJ'.

Comey's job was to report if Hillary committed crimes or not, which he declared she did.

Most snowflakes who defend Hillary prove they have never worked with classified information and devices. Numerous laws and regulations clearly set methods for destroying classified data / devices. There was NEVER any question if Hillary and her team broke those laws - NEVER! If you ever bothered to read any of those laws / regs people posted you would know that.

And, again, Common Sense - and the FBI and existing law - tell us that when someone destroys thousands of official documents that have been subpoenaed during an investigation instead of turning them over as required by the law THAT IS A CRIME despite what you and other snowflakes have repeated for 4 years.
No amount of evidence or common sense will ever get snowflakes to accept / admit Hillary committed crimes

Moron you wouldn't know common sense if it hit you with a 2x4.

And the evidence is very simple - an indictment with Hillary's name in it.

Because THERE ACTUALLY IS an indictemnt of Trump's lawyer with Trump as a conspirator. Indictment by the House (aka as impeachment) is incoming as well.
hillary should have been indicted just because it didn't happen doesn't mean a crime didn't happen.
It just means criminals don't indict their own.

No she shouldn't have, and she wasn't. This decision was REVIEWED AND RE-AFFIRMED BY TRUMP'S INSPECTOR GENERAL IN 2018.

DOJ Clinton Report Blasts Comey, Agents, but Finds No Bias in Conclusion

You just don't want to accept simple reality.
what does having a bias or not have to do with violation of laws?


Dummy, it has to with FBI coming to a fair, unbiased recomendation to not bring charges.

Upon review in 2018 Trump's Inspector General found the descision in Clinton's bias free, legally sound and consistent with previous handling of such cases.

But it doesn't matter how many times Clinton will get cleared, you retards will still keep claiming that she is a criminal, will keep pushing insane vast conspiracy theories about how everyone from Democrats, to Republicans to DOJ and FBI are "in on it!"
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Ant, the US IG rebuked Comey for recommending no charges be filed, pointing out that was NEVER his job to do, declaring Comey 'usurped the power of the DOJ'.

Something is TERRIBLY fucking wrong with you. How hard is it to post something true once a while?

IG rebuked Comey FOR SCREWING HILLARYin the middle of an election, by making public deregatory statements about her without an indictment, which was in direct violation of DOJ guidelines. Comey official firing letter STATES EXACTLY THAT.

FBI routinely makes INTERNAL recommendations for or against prosecution to DOJ, but Comey has decided that in this high profile case he needed to go public with the determination. It was a disasterous descision that ultimately brought him (and more then likely Hillary's presidential bid) down.
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Something is TERRIBLY fucking wrong with you. How hard is it to post something true once a while?

You DO know that just because you say something is false / a lie does not make it so, right?

You can post all the bluster and BS you want, claim I lie without having anything to back it up, only to be embarrassed by the fact that, unlike you, I DO post links / reports / info to back up what I say...

For example:

Watchdog Report Dismantles Trump Claims, but Slams Comey and the FBI

"A report by the Justice Department’s internal watchdog found no political bias in the conduct of an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and account, but it offers a scathing condemnation of how former FBI Director James Comey and other FBI employees handled aspects of the investigation, including extensive violations of Justice Department rules and protocols.

Comey violated protocol by making a public announcement, rather than sending a recommendation to Lynch, then the attorney general.

We concluded that Comey’s unilateral announcement was inconsistent with Department policy and violated long-standing Department practice and protocol by, among other things, criticizing Clinton’s uncharged conduct. We also found that Comey usurped the authority of the Attorney General, and inadequately and incompletely described the legal position of Department prosecutors."

I stated the US IG, in his report, rebuked Comey for 'USURPING THE AUTHORITY OF THE DOJ / US AG'. These are the exact same words the US IG used in his rebuke of Comey in his report.

Thank you for bombarding us / me with your emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating OPINIONS - much like the Trump Dossier, supported by NOTHING....but as you can see, I did NOT lie about anything. As EVERYONE can see, YOU are a reality-denying, lying snowflake who has lost what little credibility you may have had left, which was not much to begin with.
No amount of evidence or common sense will ever get snowflakes to accept / admit Hillary committed crimes

Moron you wouldn't know common sense if it hit you with a 2x4.

And the evidence is very simple - an indictment with Hillary's name in it.

Because THERE ACTUALLY IS an indictemnt of Trump's lawyer with Trump as a conspirator. Indictment by the House (aka as impeachment) is incoming as well.
hillary should have been indicted just because it didn't happen doesn't mean a crime didn't happen.
It just means criminals don't indict their own.

No she shouldn't have, and she wasn't. This decision was REVIEWED AND RE-AFFIRMED BY TRUMP'S INSPECTOR GENERAL IN 2018.

DOJ Clinton Report Blasts Comey, Agents, but Finds No Bias in Conclusion

You just don't want to accept simple reality.
what does having a bias or not have to do with violation of laws?


Dummy, it has to with FBI coming to a fair, unbiased recomendation to not bring charges.

Upon review in 2018 Trump's Inspector General found the descision in Clinton's bias free, legally sound and consistent with previous handling of such cases.

But it doesn't matter how many times Clinton will get cleared, you retards will still keep claiming that she is a criminal, will keep pushing insane vast conspiracy theories about how everyone from Democrats, to Republicans to DOJ and FBI are "in on it!"
It's not the FBI's job to bring charges. Thanks for showing your ignorence.
The only thing that surprises me about the whole thing is that there are still snowflakes out there (& on here) that still somehow claim Hillary never broke any law...and that Obama's administration was not THE most criminal in US history...
Yep who needs law enforcement and journalism when you have garbage propaganda and brainwashed idiots like you?
BTW, another interesting thing this article points out is that, contrary to snowflake past and present claims, this US IG Report did NOT 'Exonerate' / Prove Hillary did NOT break the law and did NOT deserve to be Indicted:

The US IG did not investigate whether Hillary had broken laws or not - their entire focus was on determining if Comey's actions were due to personal bias or just extremely serious lapses in judgment:

"The IG report does not extensively re-litigate the decision not to recommend charges against Clinton in July, and notes that its role is not to second-guess outcomes. Rather, investigators were focused on whether the decisions made by the department were reasonable and untainted by bias, they said"

While newly released Obama administration Agency documents / evidence, FBI memos new FBI Director Wray previously refused to release until just this week, testimony, etc... provides a serious challenge to the US IG's decision at that time regarding 'bias', Horowitz makes it clear he did not investigate to determine if Hillary was guilty or not of committing crimes, ONLY if Comey's decision to publicly declare Hillary had committed crimes and that HE was not going to recommend indictment was biased.
Moron you wouldn't know common sense if it hit you with a 2x4.

And the evidence is very simple - an indictment with Hillary's name in it.

Because THERE ACTUALLY IS an indictemnt of Trump's lawyer with Trump as a conspirator. Indictment by the House (aka as impeachment) is incoming as well.
hillary should have been indicted just because it didn't happen doesn't mean a crime didn't happen.
It just means criminals don't indict their own.

No she shouldn't have, and she wasn't. This decision was REVIEWED AND RE-AFFIRMED BY TRUMP'S INSPECTOR GENERAL IN 2018.

DOJ Clinton Report Blasts Comey, Agents, but Finds No Bias in Conclusion

You just don't want to accept simple reality.
what does having a bias or not have to do with violation of laws?


Dummy, it has to with FBI coming to a fair, unbiased recomendation to not bring charges.

Upon review in 2018 Trump's Inspector General found the descision in Clinton's bias free, legally sound and consistent with previous handling of such cases.

But it doesn't matter how many times Clinton will get cleared, you retards will still keep claiming that she is a criminal, will keep pushing insane vast conspiracy theories about how everyone from Democrats, to Republicans to DOJ and FBI are "in on it!"
It's not the FBI's job to bring charges. Thanks for showing your ignorence.
no it is not the job of a special counsel like Mueller to bring charges according to him. A special prosecutor like Starr yes FBI yes of course what the hell are you talkin about LOL...

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