Alert: Biden Preparing This Afternoon To Give Speech Blaming Trump For Inspiring Mass Shootings

That old fool is crazy. There has to be a breaking point where pro-America patriots have had enough.

Joe Biden to Accuse President Trump of Inspiring Mass Shootings | Breitbart
Yet Biden won't denounce Anti-Semitism and Anti-Christian hate speech in his own party.
Neither will he address his Party's constant attacks and calls for violence against Law Enforcement.
He won't denounce his party's affiliations with The KKK and ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and Islamic Jihadists;

None of this is true. ANTIFA and BLM are not the same as white supremacists.
They are Left Tard Snow Flake Multicultural Supremacists, which is far worse than The Democrat Terror Group (KKK) The Hate Tard DemNazi Party uses to keep Blacks in line and voting for The "D" like you do every night with your boyfriend. The KKK is starting to get jealous of ANTIFA. So the Dems need to keep the peace between just two of their nearly a dozen domestic terrorist groups. I think they even used to give them bonuses based on violence and division they can cause in America. So maybe they should go back to that again.
Politics as usual...except this year I admit - politics as usual is on steroids.
Right now the Democrat candidates are trying to out left each other in order to win the primary.
The vast majority of Americans are not far left. Less than 10%.
This gives Trump a supreme advantage as you can bet your ass his minions are cataloging every single whacky comment made by them now and dare them to deny what they said. At that point they either have to deny they meant it, or admit they were just saying it to win the primary.... they sure as hell can't admit they really believe it.
Right now I would say the odds are in favor for a Trump win a good 80% chance. And getting better.
Unless something unforeseen happens... Trump wins another 4 years and he has the far left pushers getting these candidates to go there for it.
That old fool is crazy. There has to be a breaking point where pro-America patriots have had enough.

Joe Biden to Accuse President Trump of Inspiring Mass Shootings | Breitbart
How many Cops were killed because of obama's rhetoric and hate-filled speech against the police?
cop killing rose during obama's 8 years so try again

You guys really don't bother to confirm something before you post it, do you?

"Data from the Officers Down Memorial Page, which tracks law enforcement officer fatalities in real time, illustrates the point. During the Reagan years, for instance, an average of 101 police officers were intentionally killed each year. Under George H.W. Bush that number fell to 90. It fell further, to 81 deaths per year, under Bill Clinton, and to 72 deaths per year under George W. Bush.

Under Obama, the average number of police intentionally killed each year has fallen to its lowest level yet — an average of 62 deaths annually through 2015. If you include the 2016 police officer shootings year-to-date and project it out to a full year, that average of 62 deaths doesn't change."

So where did you get your info? From Trump at a rally? FAKE NEWS
I posted some of this earlier but there is more from the source I posted
The 66 felonious deaths occurred in 29 states and in Puerto Rico. The number of officers killed as a result of criminal acts in 2016 increased by 25 when compared with the 41 officers who were feloniously killed in 2015. The five- and 10-year comparisons show an increase of 17 felonious deaths compared with the 2012 figure (49 officers) and an increase of eight deaths compared with 2007 data (58 officers).
And assaults

In 2016, of the 57,180 officers assaulted while performing their duties, 28.9 percent were injured. The largest percentage of victim officers (32.2 percent) were assaulted while responding to disturbance calls. Assailants used personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) in 78.0 percent of the incidents, firearms in 4.2 percent of incidents, and knives or other cutting instruments in 1.9 percent of the incidents. Other types of dangerous weapons were used in 16.0 percent of assaults.
FBI Releases 2016 Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted in the Line of Duty — FBI
So I believe I made my case

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