Alex Jones: "I really, at a gut level, believe they’re going to kill Trump. I mean, I believe the deep state establishment will murder him...

Trump is slowly assassinating himself.

Yep. Trump sure has an eating problem. :smoke:
I have President Donald J. Trump and Family in My Daily Prayers. How about any of you?

Trump provides no positives for America.
I have President Donald J. Trump and Family in My Daily Prayers. How about any of you?

No....they think they can beat him in the general election, and they are terrified of Desantis.......they are going to keep him alive as long as they can.
Not one of your examples is obese.

Neither is Trump. Go look up what obese means. Nor was that any condition stated in your posts. Quit trying to move the goalposts or I'll remind you that none of Trump's pictures show him being senile, stupid, feeble, or falling on his face like Bilbo Biden.
Yeah, I mean, what proof is there that they'll try anything to keep him from running. Killing him will be their final mistake. It will set the nation on fire, count on it.
Most people expect an assassination attempt on Trump. Epstein was just a warning.
Neither is Trump. Go look up what obese means. Nor was that any condition stated in your posts. Quit trying to move the goalposts or I'll remind you that none of Trump's pictures show him being senile, stupid, feeble, or falling on his face like Bilbo Biden.
As in all things, Trump even lies about his height.

When measured at his actual height, Trump is obese.

That's why when he is sitting, he always leans on his knees and interlaces his fingers. And he has his suits cut to drape over his gut. So you can't tell just how fat he is.

Soros Media Matter obviously monitors the Jones radio program and sells scoops to something that calls itself "Raw Story" but why does Jones personal theory rise to the level of a political discussion? Tired about talking about real political issues?
So, you're in agreement with the assassination of Trump by the Maoist Marxist Democrat Commies?
So you’re in agreement with Alex fucking JONES???

Batshit crazy isn’t a bug with right wingers these days…it’s a feature.
So you’re in agreement with Alex fucking JONES???

Batshit crazy isn’t a bug with right wingers these days…it’s a feature.
Trust me, the day Trump dies from natural causes (and what a great day in America THAT will be), you are going to have every right wing lunatic going on and on how it was an inside job. The man is approaching 80 years old and quite frankly given his physical fitness level, is probably on borrowed time as it is.
Once you see how Fat Boy sits to conceal his fatness, you can never unsee it.





have President Donald J. Trump and Family in My Daily Prayers.
That's twice impeached, currently indicted, failed, one-term, EX President Donald J. Trump.
Once he is assigned his federal inmate number it will make it all quicker to say.
I have President Donald J. Trump and Family in My Daily Prayers. How about any of you?

Trump at the Rubicon Now

The same thing would have happened to Julius Caesar if he hadn't prevented it the hard way.
since all else has failed
Try to keep up Skippy.
Nothing has "failed."
He is (currently) staring down over 70 felony indictments, with more to come.
By this time next year he'll be looking at spending the rest of his natural life in prison.
That is not failure.
This thinking is what the Common peasant thinks and is completely wrong. THE DEEP STATE AND THEIR BILLIONAIRE FAMILY CONTROLLERS, CONTROL THE POLITICAL PARTIES. Both parties are pushing the Great Reset; the Republicants are doing so PASSIVELY while the DemonRats are ACTIVE IN THE DESTRUCTION ( Culturally , Economically and Physically ). They are nothing more than actors for the Davos Cabal of trillionaires. Magas oppose INSANITY and the passage of Bills that are loaded with insane programs such as helping 5 yr olds "transition" to an opposite sex. Libtards and Lefttards look at politics as a "Game" and IF THEIR CANDIDATE WINS,,,,,THE LIBTARD GETS TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES FOR A WEEK OR SO and then they are back on their Psych Drugs.
Now we know where all the blubber comes from.

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