Alex Jones: "I really, at a gut level, believe they’re going to kill Trump. I mean, I believe the deep state establishment will murder him...


It is just proof that good nutrition and natural immunity work.

Lots and lots of folks on this very site, have never had the jab, and they are doing just fine.

Studies have been done, that show, yes, if you got a jab or two, your chances of surviving the COVID, are significantly better.

BUT. . . further studies have born out, that the more jabs you get, the more likely you are, to now catch the COVID, over & over. Likewise, these studies have shown, the more likely you are to have a prolonged COVID illness now, and to be required to take a further types of a COVID treatment drug.

You started off sane enough and then quickly fell off the cliff.

No. Additional “jabs” do not make you more susceptible.
I've noticed that Beale can't go more than four sentences without going to crazy town.
I've noticed that Beale can't go more than four sentences without going to crazy town.

Covid-19: Stronger warnings are needed to curb socialising after vaccination, say doctors and behavioural scientists​

You are, of course, free to believe what ever you like. But the factual data and research, supports my statement.

Much like antibiotic resistant drugs, these jabs were the cause of successive waves of more infectious variants of COVID.
Trump is slowly assassinating himself.




Can you tell him to hurry?
This thinking is what the Common peasant thinks and is completely wrong. THE DEEP STATE AND THEIR BILLIONAIRE FAMILY CONTROLLERS, CONTROL THE POLITICAL PARTIES. Both parties are pushing the Great Reset; the Republicants are doing so PASSIVELY while the DemonRats are ACTIVE IN THE DESTRUCTION ( Culturally , Economically and Physically ). They are nothing more than actors for the Davos Cabal of trillionaires. Magas oppose INSANITY and the passage of Bills that are loaded with insane programs such as helping 5 yr olds "transition" to an opposite sex. Libtards and Lefttards look at politics as a "Game" and IF THEIR CANDIDATE WINS,,,,,THE LIBTARD GETS TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES FOR A WEEK OR SO and then they are back on their Psych Drugs.
You call trying to overturn an election passive? Do you also call the Mississippi a creek?
I have President Donald J. Trump and Family in My Daily Prayers. How about any of you?

Jones is a deep end delusional, let's face ir.
and YOUR not?:auiqs.jpg:
Others have said the same thing....He won't quit, so the only way to get rid of him....


hey dumbass,refute these two links here i posted that 9/11 was a joint CIA/mossad operation,you cant,nobody ever has,not one single person could stand toe to toe with me in this thread that it was a joint CIA/mossad operation they just threw childish insults like the monkey trolls they are,

you are a fucking dumbass who thinks belicheat is a great coach ignoring how without tom brady he is a pathetic loser so only idiots like you that believe that crap believe the official version of 9/11. :auiqs.jpg:

dont be a retard,,, that sandy hook was fake as all hell and Jim Fetzer proved it in his book. Right now, no judge or law enforcement will question anything the Deep State does, that is why they can pull one false flag after another.
:yes_text12::TH_WAY~113: Not only that Dr.Know , I just took him to school that the 9/11 version of the government is a wacky unproven conspiracy THEORY,a fantasy they invented and alex jones was far more closer to the truth than what the government said..:abgg2q.jpg:
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President Donald J Trump 2025

bigrebnc1775 as much as i would love that to happen i dont see how it could,if the dems have not been held accountable for 2020 and they dont fix that whats to stop them from getting away with it again?

election fraud has gone on for decades now benefitting both parties.until the stupid sheep get off their asses and DEMAND our corrupt police force to arrest all these criminals in washington,dont see that changing anytime soon.
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Others have said the same thing....He won't quit, so the only way to get rid of him....
yes i normally dont take stock in what alex jones says,he flip flops and is controlled opposition but yeah you are correct,there have been others that are not controlled opposition that have said the same thing like scott mckay and ron paul for instance,who are patriots of the alternative media that have said the same thing.

You can believe what ya want.
It's no skin off my ass.
hey HereWeGoAgain

who gives a fuck about what some stupid fuck who thinks belicheat is the greatest coach ever thinks and that the cheatriots have not tainted a a great sport? :auiqs.jpg:
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The rulers of a banana republic like the US is nowadays will not allow political opponents to live.
indeed,as long as the stupid sheep of America sit on their asses and dont take to the streets and DEMAND our corrupt police forces to arrest all these criminal congressmen in washington,then America will continue to be a banana republic and election fraud that has gone on for decades now that has beneffited both parties,will always continue. 2020 has not bene fixed so i see them getting away with it again in 2024.

our forefathers are rolling over in their graves how the sheep in America let our country become the banana republic it is.all started in 1913.
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Alex Jones, 99.9% wrong.

But a multi-millionaire because gullible rubes

I have President Donald J. Trump and Family in My Daily Prayers. How about any of you?

That'll do it, too.

That will kick it all off.

And I don't even want Trump running in '24, but it matters not. They do him like they did Breitbart--that's it. Nation is torn apart.

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