Alexander Hamilton Slams Obama!

Im not sure what gives Iran the place to say that Israel doesn't exist and why we can't iron that sticky wicket out, in the very least?

Why is that so hard for The Administration to at least acknowledge that? "Hey, Iran, Israel exists. We know so, because despite the rhetoric from my Republican colleagues, i sign the legislation with my own left hand sending Israel real American Taxpayer Dollars."


Who wrote that for you??????

An actual post dealing with the issue....and including a cogent proposal?????

You're taking all the fun out of this!
Im higher than you on the evolutionary scale of intelligence. Thats just a harsh reality.

Youre just confused as to why I spend my time ridiculing the lost and desperate gullible partisan hacks such as yourself........instead of trying too hard l, like you clearly feel the need to, to impress faceless nobodies with wit (or your lack thereof).
1. Liberals/Progressives/Democrats no longer honor either the Founders nor the Constitution, so the following will most certainly be met with a shrug: they simply don't care. is important to remind real Americans whence our guidance....
All have seen the tyrant ignore the restrictions of the Constitution....and the particular issue today is Obama's wish to enter into an agreement with Iran as his decision alone.

2. Where does the problem arise?
"The President... shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...."


3. Now...why give Obama's plan a second glance?
"Commentators have exposed how bad the Iran deal is in various ways...the deal can't be fixed. Even if sanctions relief were somewhat more gradual, even if the number of centrifuges were somewhat lower, even if the inspections regime were somewhat more robust—the basic facts would remain: Iran gets to keep its nuclear infrastructure, including the most sensitive parts of it. The sanctions come off. And the inspectors can be kicked out. So Iran, a state-sponsor of terror, an enemy of the United States, an aggressive jihadist power, a regime dedicated to the destruction of Israel, will become a threshold nuclear weapons state.

4. ... less of a "deal" than a series of cascading concessions to Iran. Some of the particulars are so indefensible that they may become the best vehicle for stopping or killing the deal. ....
... no sanctions relief if Fordow, which Obama himself said was utterly unnecessary for a peaceful nuclear program, stays open.
No sanctions relief if there aren't any-time, any-place inspections.
No sanctions relief if the centrifuges don't stop spinning, or if enriched uranium isn't shipped out of the country.
No sanctions relief without recognition of Israel's right to exist. .... Congress should—multiply examples of the arrows that can be launched to try to bring down this vulnerable deal.

5. Britain has a parliamentary system of government, and so Neville Chamberlain's parliamentary majority ensured the Munich agreement would go forward. The U.S. Constitution, on the other hand, provides for a separation of powers. As Hamilton explains in Federalist #75:

"However proper or safe it may be in governments where the executive magistrate is an hereditary monarch, to commit to him the entire power of making treaties, it would be utterly unsafe and improper to intrust that power to an elective magistrate of four years' duration. ... The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which contain its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate created and circumstanced as would be a President of the United States."
Special Editorial Kill the Deal The Weekly Standard

Exactly WHY should we believe ANYTHING William Kristol or any of the neocons say? They were the warmongers who helped remove the regional buffer to Iran...Saddam Hussein Ba'athist Iraq leadership and now Iraq's government is ruled by Iran's allies...the Shi'ite majority.

Kristol and the neocon want to bring a NEW war of ideology to America...but like their last failed war, NONE of them will be fighting that war, and none of their sons or daughters will be either.
Why is it when the inept need a way to fill the time in their empty lives, they post a vapid note such as yours.

It has nothing to do with the OP...and, clearly, the OP is perfect or you would have been able to latch on to something....anything....that you could find a way to disagree with....

I just gave up a long time ago trying to follow your nutty screeds.

As a professional writer, my advice is "Write as though you are being paid by the point and penalized by the word."
Im not sure what gives Iran the place to say that Israel doesn't exist and why we can't iron that sticky wicket out, in the very least?

Why is that so hard for The Administration to at least acknowledge that? "Hey, Iran, Israel exists. We know so, because despite the rhetoric from my Republican colleagues, i sign the legislation with my own left hand sending Israel real American Taxpayer Dollars."

Do we get the 'existence' of a Palestinian state out of that? Or is that one more issue that Israel is exempt from.
Thats a seperate issue, see, when a Country who has a record of disallowing transparency into their Arms race simultaneously declares they want to wipe a nearby country off the map? One that happens to receive US Taxpayer money as an ally? You sort of have to wonder why we'd let that rhetoric stand without acknowledgement.

Israel vs. Palestine can be handled as a seperate issue entirely.
Im not sure what gives Iran the place to say that Israel doesn't exist and why we can't iron that sticky wicket out, in the very least?

Why is that so hard for The Administration to at least acknowledge that? "Hey, Iran, Israel exists. We know so, because despite the rhetoric from my Republican colleagues, i sign the legislation with my own left hand sending Israel real American Taxpayer Dollars."

Do we get the 'existence' of a Palestinian state out of that? Or is that one more issue that Israel is exempt from.
Thats a seperate issue, see, when a Country who has a record of disallowing transparency into their Arms race simultaneously declares they want to wipe a nearby country off the map? One that happens to receive US Taxpayer money as an ally? You sort of have to wonder why we'd let that rhetoric stand without acknowledgement.

Israel vs. Palestine can be handled as a seperate issue entirely.

You're the one who brought up Israel and the recognition of states.
Why is it when the inept need a way to fill the time in their empty lives, they post a vapid note such as yours.

It has nothing to do with the OP...and, clearly, the OP is perfect or you would have been able to latch on to something....anything....that you could find a way to disagree with....

I just gave up a long time ago trying to follow your nutty screeds.

As a professional writer, my advice is "Write as though you are being paid by the point and penalized by the word."

Or as I've told her before,

If you insist on being wrong, at least be brief.
Im not sure what gives Iran the place to say that Israel doesn't exist and why we can't iron that sticky wicket out, in the very least?

Why is that so hard for The Administration to at least acknowledge that? "Hey, Iran, Israel exists. We know so, because despite the rhetoric from my Republican colleagues, i sign the legislation with my own left hand sending Israel real American Taxpayer Dollars."

Do we get the 'existence' of a Palestinian state out of that? Or is that one more issue that Israel is exempt from.
Thats a seperate issue, see, when a Country who has a record of disallowing transparency into their Arms race simultaneously declares they want to wipe a nearby country off the map? One that happens to receive US Taxpayer money as an ally? You sort of have to wonder why we'd let that rhetoric stand without acknowledgement.

Israel vs. Palestine can be handled as a seperate issue entirely.

You're the one who brought up Israel and the recognition of states.
This isnt an answer to the question.

Why are we entering negotiations to keep peace within a region without acknowledging that the outspoken goal of one of the parties is to destroy a country that we do business with?

On what Universe can that make sense? Explain why that doesnt matter.
How dare the Founding Fathers make the President subject to a forum of the Several States (senate) when making treaties and agreements that binds the Several States to them!

Those rich white slave owners that gave us freedom of speech, press, religious, firearms, assembly, petition, jury, grand jury, just compensation and warrants KNEW a black man would be elected president one day and wanted measures there for the White Senate to oppress the Black President!
Im not sure what gives Iran the place to say that Israel doesn't exist and why we can't iron that sticky wicket out, in the very least?

Why is that so hard for The Administration to at least acknowledge that? "Hey, Iran, Israel exists. We know so, because despite the rhetoric from my Republican colleagues, i sign the legislation with my own left hand sending Israel real American Taxpayer Dollars."


Who wrote that for you??????

An actual post dealing with the issue....and including a cogent proposal?????

You're taking all the fun out of this!
Im higher than you on the evolutionary scale of intelligence. Thats just a harsh reality.

Youre just confused as to why I spend my time ridiculing the lost and desperate gullible partisan hacks such as yourself........instead of trying too hard l, like you clearly feel the need to, to impress faceless nobodies with wit (or your lack thereof).

Ah....much better.
Glad to see you return to the niche you were born to fill: stupidity.
1. Liberals/Progressives/Democrats no longer honor either the Founders nor the Constitution, so the following will most certainly be met with a shrug: they simply don't care. is important to remind real Americans whence our guidance....
All have seen the tyrant ignore the restrictions of the Constitution....and the particular issue today is Obama's wish to enter into an agreement with Iran as his decision alone.

2. Where does the problem arise?
"The President... shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...."


3. Now...why give Obama's plan a second glance?
"Commentators have exposed how bad the Iran deal is in various ways...the deal can't be fixed. Even if sanctions relief were somewhat more gradual, even if the number of centrifuges were somewhat lower, even if the inspections regime were somewhat more robust—the basic facts would remain: Iran gets to keep its nuclear infrastructure, including the most sensitive parts of it. The sanctions come off. And the inspectors can be kicked out. So Iran, a state-sponsor of terror, an enemy of the United States, an aggressive jihadist power, a regime dedicated to the destruction of Israel, will become a threshold nuclear weapons state.

4. ... less of a "deal" than a series of cascading concessions to Iran. Some of the particulars are so indefensible that they may become the best vehicle for stopping or killing the deal. ....
... no sanctions relief if Fordow, which Obama himself said was utterly unnecessary for a peaceful nuclear program, stays open.
No sanctions relief if there aren't any-time, any-place inspections.
No sanctions relief if the centrifuges don't stop spinning, or if enriched uranium isn't shipped out of the country.
No sanctions relief without recognition of Israel's right to exist. .... Congress should—multiply examples of the arrows that can be launched to try to bring down this vulnerable deal.

5. Britain has a parliamentary system of government, and so Neville Chamberlain's parliamentary majority ensured the Munich agreement would go forward. The U.S. Constitution, on the other hand, provides for a separation of powers. As Hamilton explains in Federalist #75:

"However proper or safe it may be in governments where the executive magistrate is an hereditary monarch, to commit to him the entire power of making treaties, it would be utterly unsafe and improper to intrust that power to an elective magistrate of four years' duration. ... The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which contain its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate created and circumstanced as would be a President of the United States."
Special Editorial Kill the Deal The Weekly Standard

Exactly WHY should we believe ANYTHING William Kristol or any of the neocons say? They were the warmongers who helped remove the regional buffer to Iran...Saddam Hussein Ba'athist Iraq leadership and now Iraq's government is ruled by Iran's allies...the Shi'ite majority.

Kristol and the neocon want to bring a NEW war of ideology to America...but like their last failed war, NONE of them will be fighting that war, and none of their sons or daughters will be either.

What sort of imbecile denies the truth by claiming not to like the truth-teller?

Oh...your sort of imbecile: a reliable Democrat voter.

"They were the warmongers who helped remove the regional buffer to Iran...Saddam Hussein Ba'athist Iraq leadership.
1. You don't really want me to provide the huge list of Demorat elites who voted in line with exactly what Bush you?

2. Are you ready to deny that ISIS and all we are facing currently is a direct result of this petit mal President refusing to leave a counter-balance of US troops in Iraq?
Sure you are....but that would identify you as both a liar and a fool.
Go for it.
Why is it when the inept need a way to fill the time in their empty lives, they post a vapid note such as yours.

It has nothing to do with the OP...and, clearly, the OP is perfect or you would have been able to latch on to something....anything....that you could find a way to disagree with....

I just gave up a long time ago trying to follow your nutty screeds.

As a professional writer, my advice is "Write as though you are being paid by the point and penalized by the word."

Nay, is honesty that you gave up "a long time ago."
1. Liberals/Progressives/Democrats no longer honor either the Founders nor the Constitution, so the following will most certainly be met with a shrug: they simply don't care. is important to remind real Americans whence our guidance....
All have seen the tyrant ignore the restrictions of the Constitution....and the particular issue today is Obama's wish to enter into an agreement with Iran as his decision alone.

2. Where does the problem arise?
"The President... shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...."


3. Now...why give Obama's plan a second glance?
"Commentators have exposed how bad the Iran deal is in various ways...the deal can't be fixed. Even if sanctions relief were somewhat more gradual, even if the number of centrifuges were somewhat lower, even if the inspections regime were somewhat more robust—the basic facts would remain: Iran gets to keep its nuclear infrastructure, including the most sensitive parts of it. The sanctions come off. And the inspectors can be kicked out. So Iran, a state-sponsor of terror, an enemy of the United States, an aggressive jihadist power, a regime dedicated to the destruction of Israel, will become a threshold nuclear weapons state.

4. ... less of a "deal" than a series of cascading concessions to Iran. Some of the particulars are so indefensible that they may become the best vehicle for stopping or killing the deal. ....
... no sanctions relief if Fordow, which Obama himself said was utterly unnecessary for a peaceful nuclear program, stays open.
No sanctions relief if there aren't any-time, any-place inspections.
No sanctions relief if the centrifuges don't stop spinning, or if enriched uranium isn't shipped out of the country.
No sanctions relief without recognition of Israel's right to exist. .... Congress should—multiply examples of the arrows that can be launched to try to bring down this vulnerable deal.

5. Britain has a parliamentary system of government, and so Neville Chamberlain's parliamentary majority ensured the Munich agreement would go forward. The U.S. Constitution, on the other hand, provides for a separation of powers. As Hamilton explains in Federalist #75:

"However proper or safe it may be in governments where the executive magistrate is an hereditary monarch, to commit to him the entire power of making treaties, it would be utterly unsafe and improper to intrust that power to an elective magistrate of four years' duration. ... The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which contain its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate created and circumstanced as would be a President of the United States."
Special Editorial Kill the Deal The Weekly Standard

Hamilton was ahead of his time. He knew that allowing too much power to a federalist system would result in tyranny. Look around you. It has taken 50 years - but it has now come to fruition. A president that says "to hell with Congress and the American people". Get used to it. It has only just begun. It's "Change we can believe in" and, of course, the "fundamental transformation of America".

May God have mercy on us.
I dare Congress to vote it down. I don't doubt it's as good a deal as we can get. It seems the Republicans aren't satisfied with anything but war. The notion that, if Iran backtracks it can't be remedied, is ridiculous. If they renege, why can't we?

Or....we can just sit back and watch an American city get vaporized. Pretty cool, right?
1. Liberals/Progressives/Democrats no longer honor either the Founders nor the Constitution, so the following will most certainly be met with a shrug: they simply don't care. is important to remind real Americans whence our guidance....
All have seen the tyrant ignore the restrictions of the Constitution....and the particular issue today is Obama's wish to enter into an agreement with Iran as his decision alone.

2. Where does the problem arise?
"The President... shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...."


3. Now...why give Obama's plan a second glance?
"Commentators have exposed how bad the Iran deal is in various ways...the deal can't be fixed. Even if sanctions relief were somewhat more gradual, even if the number of centrifuges were somewhat lower, even if the inspections regime were somewhat more robust—the basic facts would remain: Iran gets to keep its nuclear infrastructure, including the most sensitive parts of it. The sanctions come off. And the inspectors can be kicked out. So Iran, a state-sponsor of terror, an enemy of the United States, an aggressive jihadist power, a regime dedicated to the destruction of Israel, will become a threshold nuclear weapons state.

4. ... less of a "deal" than a series of cascading concessions to Iran. Some of the particulars are so indefensible that they may become the best vehicle for stopping or killing the deal. ....
... no sanctions relief if Fordow, which Obama himself said was utterly unnecessary for a peaceful nuclear program, stays open.
No sanctions relief if there aren't any-time, any-place inspections.
No sanctions relief if the centrifuges don't stop spinning, or if enriched uranium isn't shipped out of the country.
No sanctions relief without recognition of Israel's right to exist. .... Congress should—multiply examples of the arrows that can be launched to try to bring down this vulnerable deal.

5. Britain has a parliamentary system of government, and so Neville Chamberlain's parliamentary majority ensured the Munich agreement would go forward. The U.S. Constitution, on the other hand, provides for a separation of powers. As Hamilton explains in Federalist #75:

"However proper or safe it may be in governments where the executive magistrate is an hereditary monarch, to commit to him the entire power of making treaties, it would be utterly unsafe and improper to intrust that power to an elective magistrate of four years' duration. ... The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which contain its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate created and circumstanced as would be a President of the United States."
Special Editorial Kill the Deal The Weekly Standard

Hamilton was ahead of his time. He knew that allowing too much power to a federalist system would result in tyranny. Look around you. It has taken 50 years - but it has now come to fruition. A president that says "to hell with Congress and the American people". Get used to it. It has only just begun. It's "Change we can believe in" and, of course, the "fundamental transformation of America".

May God have mercy on us.

I'll never say 'get used to it".....
....but I'm ready to light a candle for the late, great nation.

And that's why I wrote "Liberals/Progressives/Democrats no longer honor either the Founders nor the Constitution, so the following will most certainly be met with a shrug: they simply don't care."

You can see proof of same in the thread.
Im not sure what gives Iran the place to say that Israel doesn't exist and why we can't iron that sticky wicket out, in the very least?

Why is that so hard for The Administration to at least acknowledge that? "Hey, Iran, Israel exists. We know so, because despite the rhetoric from my Republican colleagues, i sign the legislation with my own left hand sending Israel real American Taxpayer Dollars."


Who wrote that for you??????

An actual post dealing with the issue....and including a cogent proposal?????

You're taking all the fun out of this!
Im higher than you on the evolutionary scale of intelligence. Thats just a harsh reality.

Youre just confused as to why I spend my time ridiculing the lost and desperate gullible partisan hacks such as yourself........instead of trying too hard l, like you clearly feel the need to, to impress faceless nobodies with wit (or your lack thereof).

Ah....much better.
Glad to see you return to the niche you were born to fill: stupidity.
"I love it that you sign your posts."

/pc unfunny
1. Liberals/Progressives/Democrats no longer honor either the Founders nor the Constitution, so the following will most certainly be met with a shrug: they simply don't care. is important to remind real Americans whence our guidance....
All have seen the tyrant ignore the restrictions of the Constitution....and the particular issue today is Obama's wish to enter into an agreement with Iran as his decision alone.

2. Where does the problem arise?
"The President... shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...."


3. Now...why give Obama's plan a second glance?
"Commentators have exposed how bad the Iran deal is in various ways...the deal can't be fixed. Even if sanctions relief were somewhat more gradual, even if the number of centrifuges were somewhat lower, even if the inspections regime were somewhat more robust—the basic facts would remain: Iran gets to keep its nuclear infrastructure, including the most sensitive parts of it. The sanctions come off. And the inspectors can be kicked out. So Iran, a state-sponsor of terror, an enemy of the United States, an aggressive jihadist power, a regime dedicated to the destruction of Israel, will become a threshold nuclear weapons state.

4. ... less of a "deal" than a series of cascading concessions to Iran. Some of the particulars are so indefensible that they may become the best vehicle for stopping or killing the deal. ....
... no sanctions relief if Fordow, which Obama himself said was utterly unnecessary for a peaceful nuclear program, stays open.
No sanctions relief if there aren't any-time, any-place inspections.
No sanctions relief if the centrifuges don't stop spinning, or if enriched uranium isn't shipped out of the country.
No sanctions relief without recognition of Israel's right to exist. .... Congress should—multiply examples of the arrows that can be launched to try to bring down this vulnerable deal.

5. Britain has a parliamentary system of government, and so Neville Chamberlain's parliamentary majority ensured the Munich agreement would go forward. The U.S. Constitution, on the other hand, provides for a separation of powers. As Hamilton explains in Federalist #75:

"However proper or safe it may be in governments where the executive magistrate is an hereditary monarch, to commit to him the entire power of making treaties, it would be utterly unsafe and improper to intrust that power to an elective magistrate of four years' duration. ... The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which contain its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate created and circumstanced as would be a President of the United States."
Special Editorial Kill the Deal The Weekly Standard

Hamilton was ahead of his time. He knew that allowing too much power to a federalist system would result in tyranny. Look around you. It has taken 50 years - but it has now come to fruition. A president that says "to hell with Congress and the American people". Get used to it. It has only just begun. It's "Change we can believe in" and, of course, the "fundamental transformation of America".

May God have mercy on us.

I'll never say 'get used to it".....
....but I'm ready to light a candle for the late, great nation.

And that's why I wrote "Liberals/Progressives/Democrats no longer honor either the Founders nor the Constitution, so the following will most certainly be met with a shrug: they simply don't care."

You can see proof of same in the thread.

Understood. But you have to keep in mind...this didn't start with the faculty lounge communist. It started nearly 50 years ago where each successive president was allowed to "stretch" the law to suit his needs. It has been a slow, insidious movement by those who are "actually" in power to turn this country into a tyranny. Screw freedom. It's all about amassing fortunes - on our backs. Freedom is nothing more than a word now. Our "Freedom" has been gone for the last 30 years.

Funny, I was talking to some friends the other day and the subject of illegal immigration came up. I recall, back in the late 50s (living in Arizona) that there were hardly NO Mexicans in that state. Some would be brought in to harvest cotton and onions, but then sent back to Mexico. Practically every town I lived in (old man was in the Air Force) had zero Mexicans in them. Hell, it was like this up until the 70s. Now? look around you.

Same thing with these "so-called" laws. What exactly do they do? In the majority of the cases during the 60s on - they give to one group while taking away from another.

We have been hoodwinked by multi=national billionaires and their puppets in Washington DC. Disagree with your "government"? You, my friend, are now a "Domestic Terrorist". Keep that term in mind for the next 10 years. It will be used EXTENSIVELY in the future. Watch and see. Just like the Scots who disagreed with England were labeled "Enemies" and the Irish were called "Terrorists" because they wanted a foreign country out of their land - get ready to be labeled.

And the Left? Well, just like the good "loyalists" who turned against their countrymen in the early Colonies - These same folks will be more than happy to support this countries demise.
Hamilton was ahead of his time. He knew that allowing too much power to a federalist system would result in tyranny. Look around you. It has taken 50 years - but it has now come to fruition. A president that says "to hell with Congress and the American people". Get used to it. It has only just begun. It's "Change we can believe in" and, of course, the "fundamental transformation of America".

May God have mercy on us.

There is no God.

And no nation could continue to be administered in an 18th century fashion. If the Federal Government is large, it is because it is meeting the needs of a modern state.

For instance, our biggest expenses are 1) Taking Care of the Elderly and 2) Being part of a Global community. These are things that the Founders never could have conceived of, as it took months to travel in their days and no one really lived past 60.
Now explain how you could be so ignorant as to post "I don't doubt it's as good a deal as we can get."
I'll take the deal over Republicans getting us into another war. If the Iranians renege, so can we. Quit the hand wringing and sound like an American. If you listen to the Republicans, you'd think we're a weak country, instead of a super power.

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