Alexander Vindman is a US Amry Infantry Officer; SALUTE!

LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies.

And you know this ------------------- how?
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies. He is petty. He is deep state and if he were really concerned about our country, he would have declined to comment from the get go. He didn't. And he has shown everyone just who he really is...NOW. I have no respect for the man. Period.

Hey Gracie..............hope you are doing well.
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies.

And you know this ------------------- how?
By listening to him, dear.
His past has no merit on what he says and does NOW. That's the way I see it.
Honorable service has nothing to do with one's political beliefs. I find it inappropriate that he chose to appear in full uniform with his medals on display. The message is "I'm a hero you can't question my motives".

So did Flynn.

So did North.

Why do you hold Vindman to a different standard?

They all earned those medals and ranks.

Then you have a swampy little twat like Nunes deliberately insulting him by calling him Mr.

LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies. He is petty. He is deep state and if he were really concerned about our country, he would have declined to comment from the get go. He didn't. And he has shown everyone just who he really is...NOW. I have no respect for the man. Period.

What did he lie about? Funny that you complain about him lying, but you support Trump and he lies every time he opens his mouth. :abgg2q.jpg:
The OP reminds me of folks who speak of someone that did something really bad, but say "but, he had a hard life" as if that is an excuse. It is no excuse for bad behavior..NOW.

Anyway..just my 2 cents.:spinner:
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies. He is petty. He is deep state and if he were really concerned about our country, he would have declined to comment from the get go. He didn't. And he has shown everyone just who he really is...NOW. I have no respect for the man. Period.

What did he lie about? Funny that you complain about him lying, but you support Trump and he lies every time he opens his mouth. :abgg2q.jpg:

Whoa, that's not quite fair. Sometimes he lies on Tweeter without opening his mouth at all.
Honorable service has nothing to do with one's political beliefs. I find it inappropriate that he chose to appear in full uniform with his medals on display. The message is "I'm a hero you can't question my motives".

So did Flynn.

So did North.

Why do you hold Vindman to a different standard?

They all earned those medals and ranks.

Then you have a swampy little twat like Nunes deliberately insulting him by calling him Mr.
Flynn.............ambushed by the FBI.........while they were moving in to the WH..........a setup from the start to take him out............

They have bankrupted him..............and are now trying to put him in prison..........because he worked for Trump.

If there is any justice in this world..............the FBI creeps who were a disgrace to the so called uniform they wore............should be put under the jail......

Hopefully, the FISA side will frag their corrupt butts.
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies. He is petty. He is deep state and if he were really concerned about our country, he would have declined to comment from the get go. He didn't. And he has shown everyone just who he really is...NOW. I have no respect for the man. Period.

What did he lie about? Funny that you complain about him lying, but you support Trump and he lies every time he opens his mouth. :abgg2q.jpg:
Has Trumps lies affected the economy? Affected our livelihoods? I don't give a damn if he lies. I care about what he DOES. And until the Dems actually get another nominee that is sane, fair, untainted..I will continue to vote Trump for as long as I can. I am independent. I vote for whomever I think is the best at what they are running for. Non partisan. No head in the sand.

Again..just my opinion.
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

I don't care what he says either, but just because someone has a strong military career does not make them beyond reproach. The narrative is already being set here by the left and the media for any criticism of him.
I think criticism should be based on reality, his actual actions, not attacks on his patriotism, claims of being a spy, attacks on his service. It seems that they can’t attack the message so they try to smear the messenger.
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.


It is however, fascinating from a psychological POV, that the nattering nabobs of Rump Cultism have to be reminded of all of the above, innit?
Vindman is more loyal to the country than he is to Trump.

And for that he's gotta pay.

That is the problem with Trumpists.

They confuse loyalty to the country, the Constitution, and the office of the president with loyalty to the person of Trump.
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies. He is petty. He is deep state and if he were really concerned about our country, he would have declined to comment from the get go. He didn't. And he has shown everyone just who he really is...NOW. I have no respect for the man. Period.

What did he lie about? Funny that you complain about him lying, but you support Trump and he lies every time he opens his mouth. :abgg2q.jpg:
Has Trumps lies affected the economy? Affected our livelihoods? I don't give a damn if he lies. I care about what he DOES.

Wow, so you care about others lying, but when it comes to Trump you love him so much you don't care if he lies.

And until the Dems actually get another nominee that is sane, fair, untainted..I will continue to vote Trump for as long as I can. I am independent. I vote for whomever I think is the best at what they are running for. Non partisan. No head in the sand.

Again..just my opinion.

You are basically just the typical hypocritical Trump Humper.
Limbaugh credibly thinks it's Vindman who leaked details of Trump's phone call to Zelinsky to CIA plant Eric Charimella who immediately got together with Adam Schiff and started this whole circus off.
Oh all that is a conspiracy theory coming out of Limbaugh. Without evidence I am sure.
You should listen to the actual testimony and not lie about it.
And you should get the actual facts, not Schiff talking points if you want any credibility at all.
You are too stupid to lie because you willingly swallow what ever gets put in your mouth. I'm sure you believe everything
the Schiff circus puts out.

Listen to the testimony instead of Hannity and Limbaugh.
Vindman is more loyal to the country than he is to Trump.

And for that he's gotta pay.

That is the problem with Trumpists.

They confuse loyalty to the country, the Constitution, and the office of the president with loyalty to the person of Trump.

I am not a "Trumpist", but I am not like you in confusing loyalty to party with loyalty to country.

If he were loyal to Country, he would have objected to Joe Biden strong-arming the Ukrainians into calling off an investigation into the company that was enriching his son, and then bragging that he did. This was a case of ACTUAL quid pro quo, and one involving influence pedaling, no less.

This is obviously not a man of principle, otherwise, he would have complained about the MUCH more egregious abuse of power. Whatever Trump did or did not do or did or did not suggest, it absolutely pales in comparison to the Biden's corruption.
What evidence have the republics offered to counter all the testimony that trump asked country for an investigation of the Bidens and the wingnut Russian conspiracy that the Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election?

Because I have watched the inquiry and no one has yet.
There hasn't been a fair proceeding yet, moron. It's Schiff's show trial.
It is being conducted the same as the Clinton impeachment using the same rules. Was that a fair proceeding or a Republican show trial?
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

I don't care what he says either, but just because someone has a strong military career does not make them beyond reproach. The narrative is already being set here by the left and the media for any criticism of him.
I think criticism should be based on reality, his actual actions, not attacks on his patriotism, claims of being a spy, attacks on his service. It seems that they can’t attack the message so they try to smear the messenger.

He revealed himself to be a right **** today in his interactions with Devin Nunez. is that criticism reality-based enough for you?

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