Alexander Vindman is a US Amry Infantry Officer; SALUTE!

I am able to separate Vindman's service as a soldier from his role in this latest attempt to illegitimately remove Trump from office. Vindman himself has said his loyalty is to the "Interagency". Alex Vindman Is Living Proof That The Deep State Exists, And Is Corrupt
Me too, but I do not believe his role in this BS is based on disloyalty....more like a lite form of arrogance.
Or maybe patriotism? He is genuinely concerned?

His patriotism is with Ukraine.
Now that you have read an excerpt of Vindman said- rather than what was fed to you by the Trump attack machine- please point out where Vindman did anything or said anything improper?

After all- you have suggested decapitating Vindman- so he must have done something very bad- and very specific that you can point out.
LOL....seriously? Like Vindman is going to tell in his own statement how he was the source of the whistleblowing and how he got Eric Chiramello to take that information straight to Adama Schiff (violating all sorts of regulations about chain of command and violating direct orders from his Commander in Chief?).
How the Army officer who testified against Trump could end up in a court-martial
Personally, I think Col Klink should have a chance to redeem himself...

He can always be recalled to active duty, and assigned to combat globull warming by spending a few years taking temperature readings at our weather station in Antarctica!!!

What do you mean "recalled to active duty"? He is ON active duty,.

Get your story straight.
What evidence have the republics offered to counter all the testimony that trump asked country for an investigation of the Bidens and the wingnut Russian conspiracy that the Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election?

Because I have watched the inquiry and no one has yet.
There hasn't been a fair proceeding yet, moron. It's Schiff's show trial.
It is being conducted the same as the Clinton impeachment using the same rules. Was that a fair proceeding or a Republican show trial?

Why do you lie?

This is NOT anywhere similar to the Clinton impeachment. To suggest such is laughable!
I watched the testimony

Republicans complain about process and say Trump can do anything he wants in foreign policy while they attack the witnesses
Do you watch? Show me the number of witnesses the republicans have been allowed to call.

I believe that number is zero!
It is the exact same rules that were used during the Clinton impeachment.

Wrong answer again, dumbass!

Clinton was not tried by the kangaroo court that is the current House Intelligence Committee.

Why are you so stupid as to not know that when you lie, you will be called on it?
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

I don't care what he says either, but just because someone has a strong military career does not make them beyond reproach. The narrative is already being set here by the left and the media for any criticism of him.
I think criticism should be based on reality, his actual actions, not attacks on his patriotism, claims of being a spy, attacks on his service. It seems that they can’t attack the message so they try to smear the messenger.

He revealed himself to be a right **** today in his interactions with Devin Nunez. is that criticism reality-based enough for you?
Actually it was Nunes who was the ass.

Why? Because he slipped up and called him "Mister" by mistake?
Or maybe patriotism? He is genuinely concerned?
If Vindmann was genuinely concerned about Trump and Ukraine then there are proper channels and a chain of command to go through.Vindman instead went straight to politcal operatives.
Vindman went directly with his information to a CIA White House plant (Eric Charamella) who in turn went straight to Adam Schiff the man managing this whole absurd circus.

Vindman's actions tell you everything you need to know.

He didn't even report to his direct superior before going to an intel department lawyer. He broke the chain of command to share information he had to clearance to release to political enemies. The funniest part is Colonial Klink said he personally warned the Ukraine President about the Russians, after his past boss let them lose 30% of their country. That is just priceless. lol

That is incorrect...or more likely a blatant lie.

He twice reported his concerns internally, through the chain of command.

His direct superior was Morrison. Did he ever report to Morrison? No. I was indeed correct. His next step was the lawyer, according to his testimony. Does that sound like proper channels to you? I know you hate Trump, but maybe we aren't the cultists here.
Any soldier who goes to testify in a clown-show impeachment of his commander in chief should be court marshaled. I have no doubt he was once a gallant hero but even heros have their foibles.
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Vindmans boss Tim Morrison called into question Vindman's judgment
I watched the testimony

Republicans complain about process and say Trump can do anything he wants in foreign policy while they attack the witnesses
Do you watch? Show me the number of witnesses the republicans have been allowed to call.

I believe that number is zero!
It is the exact same rules that were used during the Clinton impeachment.

Wrong answer again, dumbass!

Clinton was not tried by the kangaroo court that is the current House Intelligence Committee.

Why are you so stupid as to not know that when you lie, you will be called on it?

The House doesn't 'try' cases.

The House can't be a "Kangaroo court' because it isn't a court. And this isn't a trial.

Meanwhile of course the Trumpettes continue to attack the process- because they can't figure out a way to actually defend what Trump did.
Any soldier who goes to testify in a clown-show impeachment of his commander in chief should be court marshaled. I have no doubt he was once a gallant hero but even heros have their foibles.

Because of course Leo thinks soldiers should be loyal to Trump- not to the United States.
Any soldier who goes to testify in a clown-show impeachment of his commander in chief should be court marshaled. I have no doubt he was once a gallant hero but even heros have their foibles.

Because of course Leo thinks soldiers should be loyal to Trump- not to the United States.
Why do leftists hate certain members of the military and love others?
When your boss calls into question your judgment does your boss allow you to still work in your position?
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

ACM's are participation medals Commanders hand them things out like candy. I got 2 myself one of them I tried to turn down because the reason I got it was fucking retarded.
Any soldier who goes to testify in a clown-show impeachment of his commander in chief should be court marshaled. I have no doubt he was once a gallant hero but even heros have their foibles.

Because of course Leo thinks soldiers should be loyal to Trump- not to the United States.
You don't do politics in uniform.
Any soldier who goes to testify in a clown-show impeachment of his commander in chief should be court marshaled. I have no doubt he was once a gallant hero but even heros have their foibles.

Because of course Leo thinks soldiers should be loyal to Trump- not to the United States.
You don't do politics in uniform.
You don't do many things in the military that you would do in public life. those who have never been in the military will never understand this.
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies. He is petty. He is deep state and if he were really concerned about our country, he would have declined to comment from the get go. He didn't. And he has shown everyone just who he really is...NOW. I have no respect for the man. Period.

What did he lie about? Funny that you complain about him lying, but you support Trump and he lies every time he opens his mouth. :abgg2q.jpg:
Has Trumps lies affected the economy? Affected our livelihoods? I don't give a damn if he lies. I care about what he DOES.

Wow, so you care about others lying, but when it comes to Trump you love him so much you don't care if he lies.

And until the Dems actually get another nominee that is sane, fair, untainted..I will continue to vote Trump for as long as I can. I am independent. I vote for whomever I think is the best at what they are running for. Non partisan. No head in the sand.

Again..just my opinion.

You are basically just the typical hypocritical Trump Humper.
And you don't have very good reading skills and just skip over what anyone says that is contrary to your own opinions.

What exactly did I skip over?
I served in the USAF for 20 years.
So did the guys the military decided were murderers, which is possible even in a combat zone..a long standing ROE. They too wore a uniform and served. Sometimes the difference gets blurred in the heat of battle, and I've never had to face a choice like that, but the people of experience who judged their cases saw murder.
But I make an example of the fact a uniform does not make it's wearer a sterling character.

However neither does it negate the earned respect a wearer deserves. The uniform is a symbol, like the flag, and deserves our respect. Obviously, in the case of Vindman, that respect has shifted to Shifty Donald in certain circles. What irony! A Prez gets caught in a bald-face unconstitutional bribe in front of a whole bunch of people and expects them to cover his butt, and a patriot calls him on it, thru proper channels, and the cult of 38% goes ballistic..not over the crime but over the exposure. Amazing!
One of the things very disturbing about Vindman and may be telling of his incompetency.

In the Army if you are enlisted and serve competently in a combat deployment you are usually awarded a Commendation medal.

If you are an officer you typical get a Bronze Star (no V device). Very common.

Vindman was not awarded a Bronze Star for his tour in Iraq.

Probably a fuck up.

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