Alexander Vindman is a US Amry Infantry Officer; SALUTE!

Trump said "No Quid Pro Quo" that's it....its over...
By what insane twist of cultist logic? Are you nuts? Look at what Trump has done to your brain.
Sondland..."Mr President what do you want...what do you want? I keep hearing all these things what do you want?"...

Trump..."I want nothing...I want nothing...No Quid Pro Quo.....

How illiterate does one have to be to not see that as the end to this entire thing?....
Sondland..."Trump never told me about preconditions for the aid to be realeased or a white house meeting"....

Over tards....
Trump said "No Quid Pro Quo" that's it....its over...
By what insane twist of cultist logic? Are you nuts? Look at what Trump has done to your brain.
Sondland..."Mr President what do you want...what do you want? I keep hearing all these things what do you want?"...

Trump..."I want nothing...I want nothing...No Quid Pro Quo.....

How illiterate does one have to be to not see that as the end to this entire thing?....
Oh, sorry retard...Sondland explicitly testified , under oath, that he pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens at the "express direction" of Trump.

You're not going to get around that, no matter how much you cry like a little b----
That hasn't even remotely been demonstrated and in fact Adam Schiff is conducting a show trial
right now in order to keep republicans from putting up a proper defense and rebuttal to this contrived scam.

This is about as "legitimate" as that other politicized joke Schiff was involved up to his neck in, the Russian collusion
hoax. Grow up.

What evidence have the republics offered to counter all the testimony that trump asked country for an investigation of the Bidens and the wingnut Russian conspiracy that the Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election?

Because I have watched the inquiry and no one has yet.

Try the actual transcripts. It is clear there is no quid pro quo. Even some of Trump's political enemies say the 'actual' call is not a violation in any sense. That makes this show even more ridiculous. Each witness so far has been a bigger disaster than the one before. Colonial Klink was a bigger disgrace than the clueless diplomats. Even though this show is horrible for the country, I must admit it is entertaining. It is so bad, it is funny. Pass the popcorn for the next witness, because they have been getting worse each time.

EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland just made you a liar.

So Vindman did report to Morrison? Or did he go around his superior to burn the commander and chief.
What matters more to you....who he reported to or what he reported??

If someone reported evidence of a murder, would you be more concerned about the evidence or who he reported it to?

In this case, he failed at both. He broke chain of command with information he was not cleared to disclose, and the kicker is that he was just peddling bs to political allies. There was no murder, and there was false reporting. He is Schiff's man to his bones.
Rambunctious said:
How illiterate does one have to be to not see that as the end to this entire thing?....
EVERY Witness They Have Called
Should Have Been The End To This Thing

I'm Not Going To Engage Anyone In Their Circle-Jerk Anymore
And I'm Not Going To Hold My Breath
On When/If This Goes To A Vote, Either
What evidence have the republics offered to counter all the testimony that trump asked country for an investigation of the Bidens and the wingnut Russian conspiracy that the Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election?

Because I have watched the inquiry and no one has yet.

Try the actual transcripts. It is clear there is no quid pro quo. Even some of Trump's political enemies say the 'actual' call is not a violation in any sense. That makes this show even more ridiculous. Each witness so far has been a bigger disaster than the one before. Colonial Klink was a bigger disgrace than the clueless diplomats. Even though this show is horrible for the country, I must admit it is entertaining. It is so bad, it is funny. Pass the popcorn for the next witness, because they have been getting worse each time.

EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland just made you a liar.

So Vindman did report to Morrison? Or did he go around his superior to burn the commander and chief.
What matters more to you....who he reported to or what he reported??

If someone reported evidence of a murder, would you be more concerned about the evidence or who he reported it to?

In this case, he failed at both. He broke chain of command with information he was not cleared to disclose, and the kicker is that he was just peddling bs to political allies. There was no murder, and there was false reporting. He is Schiff's man to his bones.
Here is what is going to happen

There will come a point when even Trump sycophants will stop pretending Trump didn't try to extort a foreign nation to investigate his opponent -- the new deflection will be the same as all the rest of the deflections from Trumpers --- "yea it happened, big deal...."

Those deflections don't age well either.....
Trump said "No Quid Pro Quo" that's it....its over...
By what insane twist of cultist logic? Are you nuts? Look at what Trump has done to your brain.
Sondland..."Mr President what do you want...what do you want? I keep hearing all these things what do you want?"...

Trump..."I want nothing...I want nothing...No Quid Pro Quo.....

How illiterate does one have to be to not see that as the end to this entire thing?....
Oh, sorry retard...Sondland explicitly testified , under oath, that he pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens at the "express direction" of Trump.

You're not going to get around that, no matter how much you cry like a little b----
His interpretation and or hear say....Trump's words to Sondland overrules Sondland's opinion...little bitch....
Sondland..."Trump never told me about preconditions for the aid to be realeased or a white house meeting"....

Over tards....
He also said "‘Everyone Was in the Loop’ on Ukraine Pressure"

He also said....“Secretary Perry, Ambassador Volker and I worked with Mr. Rudy Giuliani on Ukraine matters at the express direction of the president of the United States,” Mr. Sondland told the committee. “We did not want to work with Mr. Giuliani. Simply put, we were playing the hand we were dealt.” With no alternative, he said, “we followed the president’s orders.”

Let me know when someone, maybe Trump, will testify under oath...until then, I will give more credit to the people who testified under penalty of perjury than a guy who has told more lies than any other president in history....a guy who lies so much that even his cult followers concede it
Of course he asked for Ukraine to look into the Bidens corruption. The problem with the Schiff Show is that everyone says there was no extortion. Even the Ukranians say that. The funniest part is that Sondland just specifically admitted that Trump wanted nothing from the Ukranians and that he told his ambassadors no to quid pro quo. I'm not sure what in the hell you lefties are trying to do. If the whole thing is to sink the 2020 election, I've got news for you. These shenanigans make the democrats look desperate and incompetent.
Of course he asked for Ukraine to look into the Bidens corruption. The problem with the Schiff Show is that everyone says there was no extortion. Even the Ukranians say that. The funniest part is that Sondland just specifically admitted that Trump wanted nothing from the Ukranians and that he told his ambassadors no to quid pro quo. I'm not sure what in the hell you lefties are trying to do. If the whole thing is to sink the 2020 election, I've got news for you. These shenanigans make the democrats look desperate and incompetent.
Except the Ukrainians didn't say there was no pressure...

in fact, Zelensky scheduled an appearance on the Fareed Zakaria show to announce an investigation into the Bidens….do you know why he canceled that appearance?

Because Congress found out the military aid was being upheld and released it......therefore, no more need to claim the Bidens are being investigated....

Also, why doesn't Trump or anyone of his minions mention any other examples of what they feel is corruption other than Burisma?? Do you honestly believe Burisma is the only example of Ukrainian corruption??

This was always about Bidens and the even more stupid claim of Crowdstrike hacking the DNC server, sending it to Ukraine and blaming Russia.....with ZERO EVIDENCE

Tell me what law did Hunter Biden break and why hasn't he been charged yet
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.


I didn't see in your post.....when did Vindman become such a whiney twat?
Name another example of corruption in Ukraine that doesn't involve the Bidens or some conspiracy theory about the DNC hacking their own server and sending it to Ukraine.....

I'll wait.....

Oh and if you manage to come up with something -- ask yourself why no one in the Trump admin can mention it?? ask yourself why the only corruption they spoke up about was the manufactured shit about Biden and the DNC?

Then ask yourself how Ukraine investigating this made up shit is for America??
Let me know when someone, maybe Trump, will testify under oath...until then, I will give more credit to the people who testified under penalty of perjury than a guy who has told more lies than any other president in history
That's funny since the LtCol was caught in a lie yesterday....Trump "I want nothing...No quid pro quo" Seems cut and dry to me.....and they got our tax dollars and weapons....and a meeting....LMFAO.....
Vindman is more loyal to the country than he is to Trump.

Aren't we all though.

Our country is being run like/by a cult.

View attachment 290767
you described Obama and the Dems
Turn on your TV and enjoy the show. Sondland has just taken down Trump, Pence, Pompeo and Giuliani for bonus points. None of those are Dems.
LOL oh the TV told you that so it must be true
actually Sondland said that there was no quid pro quo
What did he lie about? Funny that you complain about him lying, but you support Trump and he lies every time he opens his mouth. :abgg2q.jpg:
Has Trumps lies affected the economy? Affected our livelihoods? I don't give a damn if he lies. I care about what he DOES.

Wow, so you care about others lying, but when it comes to Trump you love him so much you don't care if he lies.

And until the Dems actually get another nominee that is sane, fair, untainted..I will continue to vote Trump for as long as I can. I am independent. I vote for whomever I think is the best at what they are running for. Non partisan. No head in the sand.

Again..just my opinion.

You are basically just the typical hypocritical Trump Humper.
And you don't have very good reading skills and just skip over what anyone says that is contrary to your own opinions.

What exactly did I skip over?
I don't bother responding to you because you have dire need of reading comprehension whatever I say will be over your head.

Most folks aren't good at comprehending bullshit.
The so called "bombshells from this morning all flopped this afternoon...the media will take a day or two to admit it....
LC Vindman came up the hard way going infantry.

I dont care what he says about Trump, he is a real man and worthy of our respect.

Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia

After graduating from State University of New York at Binghamton in 1998, Vindman joined the United States Army and became a career Army officer.[3] He completed the Infantry Officer Basic Course (IOBC) at Fort Benning in 1999 and deployed the next year to South Korea, where he commanded infantry and an anti-armor platoon.[3] In addition to overseas deployments to South Korea and Germany, Vindman is a combat veteran.[3] He was deployed to Iraq to take part in the Iraq War from September 2004 to September 2005.[2] In October 2004,[2] he sustained an injury from a roadside bomb in Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.[3] He was promoted to the rank of major in 2008,[6] and to lieutenant colonel in September 2015.[7]

During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals.[2]

Beginning in 2008, Vindman became a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this capacity he served in the U.S. embassies in Kiev, Ukraine, and Moscow, Russia. Returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military affairs officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Those above qualifications are not easy to come by, even for kiss ass officers.

Sorry...but how he was raised and what trials he faced is not to be confused to what he is doing NOW. He lies. He is petty. He is deep state and if he were really concerned about our country, he would have declined to comment from the get go. He didn't. And he has shown everyone just who he really is...NOW. I have no respect for the man. Period.

What did he lie about? Funny that you complain about him lying, but you support Trump and he lies every time he opens his mouth. :abgg2q.jpg:
Has Trumps lies affected the economy? Affected our livelihoods? I don't give a damn if he lies. I care about what he DOES. And until the Dems actually get another nominee that is sane, fair, untainted..I will continue to vote Trump for as long as I can. I am independent. I vote for whomever I think is the best at what they are running for. Non partisan. No head in the sand.

Again..just my opinion.
In other words you are a republican who is too ashamed to admit it.....because Trump has done nothing different than what most republican admins have done....cut taxes on the wealthy, deregulate the financial sector and explode the deficit....

This belief that Trump is some anomaly to what the GOP has stood on for 40 years is a fantasy....
I'm a republican? Wow. News to me, lol. So glad you think you know who I am, tho. :D

Maybe not a Republican, but definitely a Trump Humper.
Let me know when someone, maybe Trump, will testify under oath...until then, I will give more credit to the people who testified under penalty of perjury than a guy who has told more lies than any other president in history
That's funny since the LtCol was caught in a lie yesterday....Trump "I want nothing...No quid pro quo" Seems cut and dry to me.....and they got our tax dollars and weapons....and a meeting....LMFAO.....

trump's documented 13,500+ lies seem clear to me too.

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