Alexander Vindman: War Profiteer

LtCol Vindman is a prime example of the left turning treason and espionage into a legal act if you're a Democrat.

Personally if this POS was in my unit I would have a difficult time not beating the holy fuck out of him.
You never heard of "fragging", bro? A lot of nasty pieces of shit have been removed from this earth in that manner.
You obviously don't know what a traitor is, but I don't think he did anything right.
I know what a traitor is, and Vindman fills the bill in spades....He carried the water for one nation, while wearing the uniform of another.

GITMO would be light sentence.
I heard China is going to supply Russians with killer drones.

The proxy war takes a turn, for the worse.
What article of the UCMJ was violated?

923. Art. 123. Offenses concerning Government
(a) IN GENERAL.—Any person subject to this chapter who—
(1) knowingly accesses a Government computer, with an
unauthorized purpose, and by doing so obtains classified
information, with reason to believe such information could be used
to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign
nation, and intentionally communicates, delivers, transmits, or
causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted such
information to any person not entitled to receive it;
(2) intentionally accesses a Government computer, with an
unauthorized purpose, and thereby obtains classified or other
protected information from any such Government computer; or
(3) knowingly causes the transmission of a program,
information, code, or command, and as a result of such conduct,
intentionally causes damage without authorization, to a
Government computer; shall be punished as a court-martial may
(b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:
(1) The term “computer” has the meaning given that term in
section 1030 of title 18.
(2) The term “Government computer” means a computer owned
or operated by or on behalf of the United States Government.
(3) The term “damage”
has the meaning given that term in
section 1030 of title 18.

This section applies to information obtained from Government computers ... there is a similar section for paper-based information.
Revealing privileged information to people in general -and civilians in particular- with no need to know.

I'm former SAC, who had a T-Sec clearance, Corky.
A sad SAC? it figures.

The Chair Force couldn't figure out which side their bread was buttered on. I was Navy and also held a TS-SCI clearance. Now do you want to compare penis length?

What s the UCMJ article, mister "I am far dumber than the people who think I am smart"?
A sad SAC? it figures.

The Chair Force couldn't figure out which side their bread was buttered on. I was Navy and also held a TS-SCI clearance. Now do you want to compare penis length?

What s the UCMJ article, mister "I am far dumber than the people who think I am smart"?
Go rinse the sand out of your vag and return.
Ukraine....Did he wear a Ukrainian uniform?
How were his actions in impeachment one have anything to do with carrying water for Ukraine? Please explain.

He's a douche bag, and I would throw him an anchor if he was drowning, but you are accusing him of conduct not in evidence.
923. Art. 123. Offenses concerning Government
(a) IN GENERAL.—Any person subject to this chapter who—
(1) knowingly accesses a Government computer, with an
unauthorized purpose, and by doing so obtains classified
information, with reason to believe such information could be used
to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign
nation, and intentionally communicates, delivers, transmits, or
causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted such
information to any person not entitled to receive it;
(2) intentionally accesses a Government computer, with an
unauthorized purpose, and thereby obtains classified or other
protected information from any such Government computer; or
(3) knowingly causes the transmission of a program,
information, code, or command, and as a result of such conduct,
intentionally causes damage without authorization, to a
Government computer; shall be punished as a court-martial may
(b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:
(1) The term “computer” has the meaning given that term in
section 1030 of title 18.
(2) The term “Government computer” means a computer owned
or operated by or on behalf of the United States Government.
(3) The term “damage”
has the meaning given that term in
section 1030 of title 18.

This section applies to information obtained from Government computers ... there is a similar section for paper-based information.
He did no such thing. He asserted the content of a phone call he was a listener to. WTF does that have to do with computers?
923. Art. 123. Offenses concerning Government
(a) IN GENERAL.—Any person subject to this chapter who—
(1) knowingly accesses a Government computer, with an
unauthorized purpose, and by doing so obtains classified
information, with reason to believe such information could be used
to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign
nation, and intentionally communicates, delivers, transmits, or
causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted such
information to any person not entitled to receive it;
(2) intentionally accesses a Government computer, with an
unauthorized purpose, and thereby obtains classified or other
protected information from any such Government computer; or
(3) knowingly causes the transmission of a program,
information, code, or command, and as a result of such conduct,
intentionally causes damage without authorization, to a
Government computer; shall be punished as a court-martial may
(b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:
(1) The term “computer” has the meaning given that term in
section 1030 of title 18.
(2) The term “Government computer” means a computer owned
or operated by or on behalf of the United States Government.
(3) The term “damage”
has the meaning given that term in
section 1030 of title 18.

This section applies to information obtained from Government computers ... there is a similar section for paper-based information.
We got a Cliff's Notes version in my orientation/briefing:

Divulge privileged information to someone with no need to know, and prepare for numerous years of free room and board somewhere in Kansas.
We got a Cliff's Notes version in my orientation/briefing:

Divulge privileged information to someone with no need to know, and prepare for numerous years of free room and board somewhere in Kansas.
Privileged information? That's something I never heard during my military service. Must be a Chair Force thing.

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