Alexandra Ocasio Cortez is the perfect socialist...pays 300 dollars for hair cut....

Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism

Lemme get this straight here.

------------------ You actually took the time to start a thread whining about how much somebody you don't know paid for a hair styling?

Ever had what we call a "life"?

So pointing out hypocrisy is only allowed if it's against the republican right.


You people have strange ideas of hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is claiming you’re working for average Americans, and then you give tax cuts to billionaires.

Actually, the President's tax reform was no benefit to billionaires. His own tax advisor told him that it would cost him plenty. The $10,000 limitation of State/Local income tax deductions really kicked Trump's ass. Remember he lives in high tax New York City.

But he did it because it was the right thing to do.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Lemme get this straight here.

------------------ You actually took the time to start a thread whining about how much somebody you don't know paid for a hair styling?

Ever had what we call a "life"?

So pointing out hypocrisy is only allowed if it's against the republican right.


You people have strange ideas of hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is claiming you’re working for average Americans, and then you give tax cuts to billionaires.

Actually, the President's tax reform was no benefit to billionaires. His own tax advisor told him that it would cost him plenty. The $10,000 limitation of State/Local income tax deductions really kicked Trump's ass. Remember he lives in high tax New York City.

But he did it because it was the right thing to do.
Oh please, it was more wealth redistribution in the "proper" direction. Which is we're why supposed to wail on incoherently about a hair cut price tag.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?
If you question predatory capitalism you are not allowed to have any money, those are the rules, you must be homeless and penniless. What do you expect to see, her policies taken to task? And besides, her district is too multicultural, way too much representation for the unsubstantial people.
Lemme get this straight here.

------------------ You actually took the time to start a thread whining about how much somebody you don't know paid for a hair styling?

Ever had what we call a "life"?

Deflection does very little to blunt the extreme point being made here.
As is always the case with leaders of a socialist cause they live like the top 1% while asking everyone else to live like the bottom 1%.


The only extreme point at play here is that the OP is a no-life control freak who wants to dick-tate how other people can spend their own money.

No, you dumb ass.....AOC wants to dictate how you can spend your own money, while she spends 300 dollars on a hair cut.......

FIne --- **PROVE** that. Do you not read English?

The only asshat trying to dick-tate how somebody else spends her money is the OP. Oh wait, that was you wasn't it.

Guess what, I'm going out to spend money this weekend. And there's fuck-all you can do about that. So go ahead and stomp your feet and hold your breath until you turn blue or whatever, I could give a rat's ass.

Are you really this stupid.......AOC is constantly prattling on about the rich, and cow farts and then goes out and gets a luxury hair asshat.

You can spend your money any way you want you dipstick...I'm not the one trying to take all of your money, she is....

Aaaaaaaaaaand again ........... link?

I notice I keep going "link?" and you keep going "humma humma humma". I'm satisfied with where I am. How 'bout chew?
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Actually she paid $260 for cut, style, color, and lowlights. That's about the going rate here in Wichita KS, according to my lady friend. It should be much more expensive in NYC. She got a good deal.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?

That's just the point she's not trying to spend her on money she's trying to spend everyone else's money. If you haven't figured that out with a quick perusal of that stupid Green New deal then you are hopelessly obtuse behind recovery.

Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?

That's just the point she's not trying to spend her on money she's trying to spend everyone else's money. If you haven't figured that out with a quick perusal of that stupid Green New deal then you are hopelessly obtuse behind recovery.


Trump isn't spending your money when he gives millions to corporate farms?
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?

Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?

That's just the point she's not trying to spend her on money she's trying to spend everyone else's money. If you haven't figured that out with a quick perus al of that stupid Green New deal then you are hopelessly obtuse behind recovery.

Maybe you should peruse the New Green Deal.

How much of other people's money will be spent to remedy the effects of climate change because you assfucks are too God damn stupid to believe in science.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Actually, my daughter owns a salon in eastern PA. $80 for a woman to get her hair cut.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Actually, my daughter owns a salon in eastern PA. $80 for a woman to get her hair cut.

$80 is a lot less than $300.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?

That's just the point she's not trying to spend her on money she's trying to spend everyone else's money. If you haven't figured that out with a quick perus al of that stupid Green New deal then you are hopelessly obtuse behind recovery.

Maybe you should peruse the New Green Deal.

How much of other people's money will be spent to remedy the effects of climate change because you assfucks are too God damn stupid to believe in science.

It isn't science you moron....when they have to change the data, hide the data, and then lie to the public, it ain't science. This is a cult....and the high priests of the cult live large with mansions on the coasts they say will be swallowed by the ocean and jets that spew pollution as they fly to cult events around the world.....
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.

Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.


Exactly right. If the beauty salon business was socialized, the beauticians would only give basic low-cost service, and a limited selection of do's.

In the Socialist Paradise of North Korea, everyone has the same basic cuts, even the Supreme Leader.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.


Exactly right. If the beauty salon business was socialized, the beauticians would only give basic low-cost service, and a limited selection of do's.

In the Socialist Paradise of North Korea, everyone has the same basic cuts, even the Supreme Leader.
So why are you assfucks having a fit? When has AOC said she wanted socialism.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.

Who is calling for socialism? No one,. You need to quit lying,.

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