Alexandra Ocasio Cortez is the perfect socialist...pays 300 dollars for hair cut....

Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?

That's just the point she's not trying to spend her on money she's trying to spend everyone else's money. If you haven't figured that out with a quick perus al of that stupid Green New deal then you are hopelessly obtuse behind recovery.

Maybe you should peruse the New Green Deal.

How much of other people's money will be spent to remedy the effects of climate change because you assfucks are too God damn stupid to believe in science.

It isn't science you moron....when they have to change the data, hide the data, and then lie to the public, it ain't science. This is a cult....and the high priests of the cult live large with mansions on the coasts they say will be swallowed by the ocean and jets that spew pollution as they fly to cult events around the world.....

Just because you lie about & can't understand data collection does not mean it isn't science. It means that you are dumber than shit.

Want to know how fucking stupid you are? You think all homes on the coast are at sea level.

Jesus fuck, get an education.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.

Who is calling for socialism? No one,. You need to quit lying,.

Crazy Bernie calls himself a Socialist. All of the D's on the stage advocated for Socialized Medicine unanimously, even for Illegal Aliens.

Now, I know that Hardcore ultraliberalism and socialism isn't popular in the Americn heartland, and this is the big problem for any of the D candidates in 2020.

But that just means the Dems have to come back toward the center.
All these dumbass Socialist assfucks bragging about how a $300 hair cut isn't that expensive.....


Are these Imbeciles grada A morons or WHAT ???????
(That's actually insulting morons to call them that, morons are smarter)

Their IQ would INCREASE if you drilled a hole in their head, scrambled what tiny bit is in there and drained it empty. :rolleyes:
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Venezuela isn't just socialist, they are Hardcore Ultramarxist. Hell, the people are starving in the streets.

MILLIONS of Leftist dumbasses who voted all the way for Chavez and Socialism are starving and dying right along with everyone else .....

No tears to shed for those.
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.


So a bailout would be applicable?
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?

That's just the point she's not trying to spend her on money she's trying to spend everyone else's money. If you haven't figured that out with a quick perusal of that stupid Green New deal then you are hopelessly obtuse behind recovery.


Trump isn't spending your money when he gives millions to corporate farms?

When corporate farms are subsidized and the food supply is increased the prices are driven down at all the supermarkets.
This is the one reason you'll never see me complain about the EBT system ... The damn thing actually pays for itself. That is not socialism by the way that is what you call smart capitalism.


pays for itself
Yes.........socialists are not for the little guy.....they are for the little guy bowing down to them and submitting to the power of the elite.........and AOC is perfect in her understanding of communism/socialism.....she must have taken lessons from Commie Bro Bernie Sanders.....the socialist with 3 homes......

Ocasio-Cortez Pays Nearly $300 for Haircut While Preaching Socialism
Isn't it ironic how you are triggered by some one spending their own money?

That's just the point she's not trying to spend her on money she's trying to spend everyone else's money. If you haven't figured that out with a quick perusal of that stupid Green New deal then you are hopelessly obtuse behind recovery.


Trump isn't spending your money when he gives millions to corporate farms?

When corporate farms are subsidized and the food supply is increased the prices are driven down at all the supermarkets.
This is the one reason you'll never see me complain about the EBT system ... The damn thing actually pays for itself. That is not socialism by the way that is what you call smart capitalism.


pays for itself

Prices are not coming down despite these fantasies that they will. All the same, great, we can bail beauticians out and get cheaper hair cuts.
AOC was charged $300 for a haircut and Mexico is paying for it
All these dumbass Socialist assfucks bragging about how a $300 hair cut isn't that expensive.....


Are these Imbeciles grada A morons or WHAT ???????
(That's actually insulting morons to call them that, morons are smarter)

Their IQ would INCREASE if you drilled a hole in their head, scrambled what tiny bit is in there and drained it empty. :rolleyes:
Did it ever occur to you that no one is wanting a socialist government?
Venezuela isn't just socialist, they are Hardcore Ultramarxist. Hell, the people are starving in the streets.

MILLIONS of Leftist dumbasses who voted all the way for Chavez and Socialism are starving and dying right along with everyone else .....

No tears to shed for those.
Corruption killed Venezuela. You Trumpsters should think about that.

Liberal corruption.

The government socialized all activities including the oil business. Now, Venezuela really doesn't produce much Texas Tea at all. As a result, the nation is starving.
Evidently you assfucks do not know what it costs these days to get your hair styles & get these treatments. Another example of your stupidity & ignorance.

What does visiting a privately own salon & paying for their services have to so with socialism?


Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.

Who is calling for socialism? No one,. You need to quit lying,.

Crazy Bernie calls himself a Socialist. All of the D's on the stage advocated for Socialized Medicine unanimously, even for Illegal Aliens.

Now, I know that Hardcore ultraliberalism and socialism isn't popular in the Americn heartland, and this is the big problem for any of the D candidates in 2020.

But that just means the Dems have to come back toward the center.

1) Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. Maybe you should get off your stupid ass & learn what that is & how it is not socialism.

2) medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine. Under Medicare for all you get healthcare from a Private doctor of your choosing, at a Private healthcare institution. Again, get off your stupid ass & learn what socialized healthcare is all about.

Evidently, being a dumbfuck is popular in the American heartland.
Your full of crap, the average broad doesn't spend anywhere near as much at the beautician.

Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.

Who is calling for socialism? No one,. You need to quit lying,.

Crazy Bernie calls himself a Socialist. All of the D's on the stage advocated for Socialized Medicine unanimously, even for Illegal Aliens.

Now, I know that Hardcore ultraliberalism and socialism isn't popular in the Americn heartland, and this is the big problem for any of the D candidates in 2020.

But that just means the Dems have to come back toward the center.

1) Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. Maybe you should get off your stupid ass & learn what that is & how it is not socialism.

2) medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine. Under Medicare for all you get healthcare from a Private doctor of your choosing, at a Private healthcare institution. Again, get off your stupid ass & learn what socialized healthcare is all about.

Evidently, being a dumbfuck is popular in the American heartland.

"Democratic" Socialism is socialism. Its right in the name, Dave. Much like "National" Socialism is just another form of the same ideology.
Lemme get this straight here.

------------------ You actually took the time to start a thread whining about how much somebody you don't know paid for a hair styling?

Ever had what we call a "life"?

He had to put down his guns for five minutes to whine about it.
Venezuela isn't just socialist, they are Hardcore Ultramarxist. Hell, the people are starving in the streets.

MILLIONS of Leftist dumbasses who voted all the way for Chavez and Socialism are starving and dying right along with everyone else .....

No tears to shed for those.
Corruption killed Venezuela. You Trumpsters should think about that.

Liberal corruption.

The government socialized all activities including the oil business. Now, Venezuela really doesn't produce much Texas Tea at all. As a result, the nation is starving.
It was the mismanagement. Their production flourished under foreign investment & management but that management left when the Government took ownership.
Oh. Yes we do, if we can afford it. My oldest daughter is a top of her field colourist and stylist, who charges $200 for a basic cut and colour. Speciality colour work costs more. She makes a very nice living.

That's the point that kind of service and that kind of charge would vanish completely under a socialist system.

Who is calling for socialism? No one,. You need to quit lying,.

Crazy Bernie calls himself a Socialist. All of the D's on the stage advocated for Socialized Medicine unanimously, even for Illegal Aliens.

Now, I know that Hardcore ultraliberalism and socialism isn't popular in the Americn heartland, and this is the big problem for any of the D candidates in 2020.

But that just means the Dems have to come back toward the center.

1) Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. Maybe you should get off your stupid ass & learn what that is & how it is not socialism.

2) medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine. Under Medicare for all you get healthcare from a Private doctor of your choosing, at a Private healthcare institution. Again, get off your stupid ass & learn what socialized healthcare is all about.

Evidently, being a dumbfuck is popular in the American heartland.

"Democratic" Socialism is socialism. Its right in the name, Dave. Much like "National" Socialism is just another form of the same ideology.
Instead of making a further ass out of yourself, look it up. Become educated for a change.

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