Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Is ‘Pretty Much All Fantasy-land.’

Although there may be more cars than airplanes travel numbers would indicate that air travel is by no means small. Remember that one cross country roundtrip by air is the equivalent of 20% of a car's yearly CO2 production (according to the NY Times article I posted above). These are the numbers for 2017:

"Americans were also the most frequent fliers by nationality and represented nearly a fifth of the total air traffic in 2017. Note that these figures are not simply the number of unique passengers that flew, but rather the tally of passenger journeys, so one person might account for several journeys depending on how much they traveled last year. Here’s how the totals of fliers by nationality (not by residence) shaped up.

  1. United States of America: 632 million, 18.6% of all passengers
  2. People’s Republic of China: 555 million, 16.3% of all passengers
  3. India: 161.5 million, 4.7% of all passengers
  4. United Kingdom: 147 million, 4.3% of all passengers
  5. Germany: 114.4 million, 3.5%"
Over 4 Billion Passengers Flew In 2017 Setting New Travel Record

Do you have a clue as to how much carbon an A380 will spew flying 8,000 miles? Go ahead and divide it by the 500 passengers.

Of course you think people should fly rather than use Skype. You know manmade climate change is BS like I do.

Actually, what I know is that I'm 57 and winters are a lot more mild now than when I grew up in the 1970's.

Should also point out most planes are not A380... Usually, they were the sardine cans with wings I usually ended up flying on.

Again- 253 Million cars vs. 5000 airliners...
Any jet flying transatlantic is a heavy - a big jet releasing carbon at 40,000 feet.
Weather is not climate.
They are flown by people who look at screens and dials for up to 18 hours a day.

They are guided by people who stare at a computer screen 8 hours a day.

Your excuses are the lamest and you are embarrassing yourself immensely.
I was saying that if someone travels frequently the production of CO2 is important. Based on the call to reduce one's carbon footprint often expressed by those who believe "climate change" is a man-made phenomena, you would think that something like Skype would be a better alternative to air travel for meetings.

Here is one of many estimates regarding air travel:

"Take one round-trip flight between New York and California, and you’ve generated about 20 percent of the greenhouse gases that your car emits over an entire year."

and so what? How many of us take a round trip? I take MAYBE one every couple of years. Cars produce most of the greenhouse gases, and they are probably the easiest thing to address. Require higher efficiency standards, introduce more electric cars, provide for more urban mass transit... it's what you can fix.
Any jet flying transatlantic is a heavy - a big jet releasing carbon at 40,000 feet.

And that is only a small fraction of air travel.

Weather is not climate.

I agree. The CLIMATE in Chicago is a lot warmer than it was when I was a kid. When I was a kid, we had snow in Mid November and it stayed around until April before it started melting. Today, we are lucky to get snow by Christmas in any significant amount. It usually starts warming up in February...

I'm sorry you've been so brainwashed by the Koch Brothers, but those old fucks are going to be dead by the time we have to contend with this getting REALLY BAD.
Any jet flying transatlantic is a heavy - a big jet releasing carbon at 40,000 feet.

And that is only a small fraction of air travel.

Weather is not climate.

I agree. The CLIMATE in Chicago is a lot warmer than it was when I was a kid. When I was a kid, we had snow in Mid November and it stayed around until April before it started melting. Today, we are lucky to get snow by Christmas in any significant amount. It usually starts warming up in February...

I'm sorry you've been so brainwashed by the Koch Brothers, but those old fucks are going to be dead by the time we have to contend with this getting REALLY BAD.
Only in Dufusland is flying jets all over the world to attend a meeting greener than Skype.

And no, the climate of Chicago the last 50 years is statistically the same.
I was saying that if someone travels frequently the production of CO2 is important. Based on the call to reduce one's carbon footprint often expressed by those who believe "climate change" is a man-made phenomena, you would think that something like Skype would be a better alternative to air travel for meetings.

Here is one of many estimates regarding air travel:

"Take one round-trip flight between New York and California, and you’ve generated about 20 percent of the greenhouse gases that your car emits over an entire year."

and so what? How many of us take a round trip? I take MAYBE one every couple of years. Cars produce most of the greenhouse gases, and they are probably the easiest thing to address. Require higher efficiency standards, introduce more electric cars, provide for more urban mass transit... it's what you can fix.

You are not the issue. Again:

Although there may be more cars than airplanes travel numbers would indicate that air travel is by no means small. Remember that one cross country roundtrip by air is the equivalent of 20% of a car's yearly CO2 production (according to the NY Times article I posted above). These are the numbers for 2017:

"Americans were also the most frequent fliers by nationality and represented nearly a fifth of the total air traffic in 2017. Note that these figures are not simply the number of unique passengers that flew, but rather the tally of passenger journeys, so one person might account for several journeys depending on how much they traveled last year. Here’s how the totals of fliers by nationality (not by residence) shaped up.

  1. United States of America: 632 million, 18.6% of all passengers
  2. People’s Republic of China: 555 million, 16.3% of all passengers
  3. India: 161.5 million, 4.7% of all passengers
  4. United Kingdom: 147 million, 4.3% of all passengers
  5. Germany: 114.4 million, 3.5%"
Over 4 Billion Passengers Flew In 2017 Setting New Travel Record

You are not the issue. Again:

Again- 253 million cars vs. 5000 airliners..

Yes, car owners are the problem... a problem we can fix by simply demanding better fuel efficiency and more public transit.

As the article points out, her plan is not only impractical in terms of actually working, it would severely limit our freedoms with every day surveillance by the government to see that we are all using the right amount of natural resources, like water, and the right amount of electricity, etc. It would also put a huge financial burden on the average tax payer, a most oppressive plan indeed. I reckon justice for all is oppression for all.

Oh, then she throws in there free health care for giggles, cuz................why not?

As the article points out, her plan is not only impractical in terms of actually working, it would severely limit our freedoms with every day surveillance by the government to see that we are all using the right amount of natural resources, like water, and the right amount of electricity, etc. It would also put a huge financial burden on the average tax payer, a most oppressive plan indeed. I reckon justice for all is oppression for all.

Oh, then she throws in there free health care for giggles, cuz................why not?
Severely limiting our freedom is a feature, not a bug.
You are not the issue. Again:

Again- 253 million cars vs. 5000 airliners..

Yes, car owners are the problem... a problem we can fix by simply demanding better fuel efficiency and more public transit.

If you believe CO2 is a problem you cannot deny that airline travel in the US is a contributor and part of the "problem".

Your desire to defend Ocasio-Cortez from the charge that she does not practice what she preaches regarding the environment is understandable given how much you like her. However:

632 million passenger journeys on airlines by Americans in 2017 is not an insignificant occurrence that can be scoffed at by saying, cars are worse, cars are worse, cars are worse.......

The fact is that with software like Skype, an alternative to airline travel for meetings exists and should be used by those who claim to be concerned for the environment.


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