Alexandria Occasional Cortex bullies moderate Dimocrats

It will be interesting to see if any Dims take your advice. She claims she will unleash the radicals in her network if the moderates side with Trump.

I am wondering how long the old veteran Leaders are going to put up with her shit before they put her ...and others like Omar ... in her place.

Pelosi has making the off-hand reference to AOC's insane 'Green New Deal', saying 'Or whatever they call it'. It's not working, though.

AOC, Omar, & the Palestinian chick are 'radicals' who have been stirring up shit since they showed up - insanity, racist comments, joining a sit-in protest in Pelosi's office, driving away Amazon from NY....

Cuomo was just the latest fellow Democrat they / AOC has pissed off. The list is growing linger and longer...
AOC has taken a few pages from her fellow New Yorker's (Trump) playbook.

She uses the exact same tactics to keep the spotlight on herself at all times, and to keep her opposition foaming at the mouth.

During the Cohen hearing, though, she was the only one who kept her cool and her head. She asked penetrating questions which provided more avenues of exploration for the committee. She touched on Trump's fraudulent activities with the IRS and insurance companies.

We're going to be hearing a lot more from her.
Bring it on bitch. Any moderate Dem in a state where Trump won will go GOP if you run a lib Dim against the moderates.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) threatened her moderate colleagues during a Thursday Democratic caucus meeting, telling the lawmakers she plans to provide progressive activists searching for primary targets with a list of Democrats who work across the aisle.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi began the meeting by chastising the two dozen moderates who voted on Tuesday in favor of a Republican amendment to a gun control bill that requires gun retailers to report illegal immigrants who attempt to buy a gun.

Washington Post[/a].

Ocasio-Cortez, who routinely wields her massive social media following to pressure her establishment colleagues into supporting her agenda, sought to add force to Pelosi’s call for unity by threatening to expose to the ire of progressive activists any Democrats willing to compromise with Republicans.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP
Ahhhh...I well remember when pseudocons threatened to primary out moderate Republicans.

To this day, they attack anyone in the party with even the smallest bit of sanity who doesn't suck Trump's tiny cock as "RINOs".

That's the first really relevant comment, imo, besides the fact that the GOP proposed turning in the names of every person who failed background check to federal law enforcement ... which seems like they took wayyyy too much acid.

But if the dems go the way of enforcing dogma that the gop's gone ... we may see a viable third party run.
2nd President without 3% GDP growth. And job creation is continuing a 10 year long trend.
I don't fault him for that. It's a trend. The taxcuts for the 1% ... now THAT I blame him for. He just laid down for Mitch and said "have your way with me, my supporters will never notice I lied and let you fuck them over too."
You know that taxcuts for the 1% is a lie. Why do you say crap like that when you know that everyone that pays Federal income tax got a cut? Why?
Yours are temporary, Trump and his pals' are permanent. Oops.
Oh, bullshit. When you have to lie, you're showing how desperate you are. Better to keep silent.

What have I lied about, you deranged cocksucker.
If you can't bear the fact that people respond to elected Democrats when they sound like emptyheaded little pieces of ass, perhaps a better solution would be for you to stop electing emptyheaded pieces of ass.

Because I can assure you that your campaign to intimidate conservatives into self-silencing so that Occasional Cortex can be the only voice in the room is doomed to failure.

She's going to be stupid, we're going to call her on it, and literally no one is going to give a flying fuck about your attempts to gaslight us. Write it down somewhere.

I did not elect her, I do not live in NY and I do not vote you are just a fucking moron for suggesting that I did.

the last thing I want is for you sheep to quit talking about AOC, they are the most entertaining threads on the forum right now.

you people's obsession with the Junior Rep from NY is a sight to behold.

What is even funnier is that you are such a fucking snowflake you call this intimidation. how do you even get out of bed being such a snowflake?

No, what's really funny is how you wasted time typing up this post just as if you were actually saying something.

Democrats elected her.

Democrats touted her as the "new face of the party".

She started talking.

She got, and gets, responded to exactly like every other elected official in the country.

Self-deluding twat waffles like you try to pretend that constitutes "obsession" in her case because it's a hell of a lot easier than having to actually talk about the shit spewing from her mouth.

End of discussion.
So King is the posterchild for all gopers?

Seems I touched a nerve...people do not like the truth being told about them

Well, imo G5000 may be right that there's MAYBE a method to her madness. Time will tell if she's really serious about just printing money. The Amazon deal in queens seemed a bit weird to me. Getting to Yankee Stadium from Queens is no picnic .. and JFK .... faghetabout it.
If you can't bear the fact that people respond to elected Democrats when they sound like emptyheaded little pieces of ass, perhaps a better solution would be for you to stop electing emptyheaded pieces of ass.

Because I can assure you that your campaign to intimidate conservatives into self-silencing so that Occasional Cortex can be the only voice in the room is doomed to failure.

She's going to be stupid, we're going to call her on it, and literally no one is going to give a flying fuck about your attempts to gaslight us. Write it down somewhere.

I did not elect her, I do not live in NY and I do not vote you are just a fucking moron for suggesting that I did.

the last thing I want is for you sheep to quit talking about AOC, they are the most entertaining threads on the forum right now.

you people's obsession with the Junior Rep from NY is a sight to behold.

What is even funnier is that you are such a fucking snowflake you call this intimidation. how do you even get out of bed being such a snowflake?

No, what's really funny is how you wasted time typing up this post just as if you were actually saying something.

Democrats elected her.

Democrats touted her as the "new face of the party".

She started talking.

She got, and gets, responded to exactly like every other elected official in the country.

Self-deluding twat waffles like you try to pretend that constitutes "obsession" in her case because it's a hell of a lot easier than having to actually talk about the shit spewing from her mouth.

End of discussion.
So King is the posterchild for all gopers?

Seems I touched a nerve...people do not like the truth being told about them
Naw, that wasn't a nerve you touched. You stuck your finger into the light socket again.
Trump has created jobs. You know Trump isn't dumb. You don't like the fact he's President, but you know he's not dumb.
2nd President without 3% GDP growth. And job creation is continuing a 10 year long trend.
I don't fault him for that. It's a trend. The taxcuts for the 1% ... now THAT I blame him for. He just laid down for Mitch and said "have your way with me, my supporters will never notice I lied and let you fuck them over too."
You know that taxcuts for the 1% is a lie. Why do you say crap like that when you know that everyone that pays Federal income tax got a cut? Why?
Yours are temporary, Trump and his pals' are permanent. Oops.
Oh, bullshit. When you have to lie, you're showing how desperate you are. Better to keep silent.
Bring it on bitch. Any moderate Dem in a state where Trump won will go GOP if you run a lib Dim against the moderates.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) threatened her moderate colleagues during a Thursday Democratic caucus meeting, telling the lawmakers she plans to provide progressive activists searching for primary targets with a list of Democrats who work across the aisle.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi began the meeting by chastising the two dozen moderates who voted on Tuesday in favor of a Republican amendment to a gun control bill that requires gun retailers to report illegal immigrants who attempt to buy a gun.

Washington Post[/a].

Ocasio-Cortez, who routinely wields her massive social media following to pressure her establishment colleagues into supporting her agenda, sought to add force to Pelosi’s call for unity by threatening to expose to the ire of progressive activists any Democrats willing to compromise with Republicans.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP
Ahhhh...I well remember when pseudocons threatened to primary out moderate Republicans.

To this day, they attack anyone in the party with even the smallest bit of sanity who doesn't suck Trump's tiny cock as "RINOs".

And that changes this story with AOC exactly how ?
Pointing fingers at stupid behavior, with your own stupid behavior is not a great strategy.
Bring it on bitch. Any moderate Dem in a state where Trump won will go GOP if you run a lib Dim against the moderates.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) threatened her moderate colleagues during a Thursday Democratic caucus meeting, telling the lawmakers she plans to provide progressive activists searching for primary targets with a list of Democrats who work across the aisle.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi began the meeting by chastising the two dozen moderates who voted on Tuesday in favor of a Republican amendment to a gun control bill that requires gun retailers to report illegal immigrants who attempt to buy a gun.

Washington Post[/a].

Ocasio-Cortez, who routinely wields her massive social media following to pressure her establishment colleagues into supporting her agenda, sought to add force to Pelosi’s call for unity by threatening to expose to the ire of progressive activists any Democrats willing to compromise with Republicans.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

One song sums her up nicely.

This is more apt, as she is living in the head of each of you....

If you can't bear the fact that people respond to elected Democrats when they sound like emptyheaded little pieces of ass, perhaps a better solution would be for you to stop electing emptyheaded pieces of ass.

Because I can assure you that your campaign to intimidate conservatives into self-silencing so that Occasional Cortex can be the only voice in the room is doomed to failure.

She's going to be stupid, we're going to call her on it, and literally no one is going to give a flying fuck about your attempts to gaslight us. Write it down somewhere.

Well put.
If you can't bear the fact that people respond to elected Democrats when they sound like emptyheaded little pieces of ass, perhaps a better solution would be for you to stop electing emptyheaded pieces of ass.

Because I can assure you that your campaign to intimidate conservatives into self-silencing so that Occasional Cortex can be the only voice in the room is doomed to failure.

She's going to be stupid, we're going to call her on it, and literally no one is going to give a flying fuck about your attempts to gaslight us. Write it down somewhere.

I did not elect her, I do not live in NY and I do not vote you are just a fucking moron for suggesting that I did.

the last thing I want is for you sheep to quit talking about AOC, they are the most entertaining threads on the forum right now.

you people's obsession with the Junior Rep from NY is a sight to behold.

What is even funnier is that you are such a fucking snowflake you call this intimidation. how do you even get out of bed being such a snowflake?

No, what's really funny is how you wasted time typing up this post just as if you were actually saying something.

Democrats elected her.

Democrats touted her as the "new face of the party".

She started talking.

She got, and gets, responded to exactly like every other elected official in the country.

Self-deluding twat waffles like you try to pretend that constitutes "obsession" in her case because it's a hell of a lot easier than having to actually talk about the shit spewing from her mouth.

End of discussion.
So King is the posterchild for all gopers?

Have you heard the head of the RNC on talk shows proclaiming that to be the case?
No, what's really funny is how you wasted time typing up this post just as if you were actually saying something.

Democrats elected her.

Democrats touted her as the "new face of the party".

She started talking.

She got, and gets, responded to exactly like every other elected official in the country.

Self-deluding twat waffles like you try to pretend that constitutes "obsession" in her case because it's a hell of a lot easier than having to actually talk about the shit spewing from her mouth.

End of discussion.

Every other elected official in the country has a dozen threads a day made about them on political forums by right wing sheep?

really? Odd how I missed all of those

Every other elected official in the country says something insanely stupid every other day?

Really? Odd how I missed all of that.
Bring it on bitch. Any moderate Dem in a state where Trump won will go GOP if you run a lib Dim against the moderates.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) threatened her moderate colleagues during a Thursday Democratic caucus meeting, telling the lawmakers she plans to provide progressive activists searching for primary targets with a list of Democrats who work across the aisle.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi began the meeting by chastising the two dozen moderates who voted on Tuesday in favor of a Republican amendment to a gun control bill that requires gun retailers to report illegal immigrants who attempt to buy a gun.

Washington Post[/a].

Ocasio-Cortez, who routinely wields her massive social media following to pressure her establishment colleagues into supporting her agenda, sought to add force to Pelosi’s call for unity by threatening to expose to the ire of progressive activists any Democrats willing to compromise with Republicans.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Someone will put her list where the sun doesn't
Little advice to AOC all politics is local what the people in any politicians state or district care about matters far more than what she wants. What she cares about might sell in her part of NY but much less so if not at all outside it.

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