Alexandria Occasional Cortex bullies moderate Dimocrats

Bring it on bitch. Any moderate Dem in a state where Trump won will go GOP if you run a lib Dim against the moderates.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) threatened her moderate colleagues during a Thursday Democratic caucus meeting, telling the lawmakers she plans to provide progressive activists searching for primary targets with a list of Democrats who work across the aisle.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi began the meeting by chastising the two dozen moderates who voted on Tuesday in favor of a Republican amendment to a gun control bill that requires gun retailers to report illegal immigrants who attempt to buy a gun.

Washington Post[/a].

Ocasio-Cortez, who routinely wields her massive social media following to pressure her establishment colleagues into supporting her agenda, sought to add force to Pelosi’s call for unity by threatening to expose to the ire of progressive activists any Democrats willing to compromise with Republicans.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP
Pulling a Trump, hmm?

Yep, Trump did the same thing. I doubt DigitalDrifter really cares.

Anyway, bad idea. But we'll have to wait and see.
I don't think Democrats will succumb to the madness like the GOP did
Are you serious ? The current crop of Democratic Presidential hopefuls are reaching extraordinary new heights of batshit insane.
From reparations to Green New Deal, liberal litmus tests put 2020 Dems in risky territory
Bring it on bitch. Any moderate Dem in a state where Trump won will go GOP if you run a lib Dim against the moderates.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) threatened her moderate colleagues during a Thursday Democratic caucus meeting, telling the lawmakers she plans to provide progressive activists searching for primary targets with a list of Democrats who work across the aisle.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi began the meeting by chastising the two dozen moderates who voted on Tuesday in favor of a Republican amendment to a gun control bill that requires gun retailers to report illegal immigrants who attempt to buy a gun.

Washington Post[/a].

Ocasio-Cortez, who routinely wields her massive social media following to pressure her establishment colleagues into supporting her agenda, sought to add force to Pelosi’s call for unity by threatening to expose to the ire of progressive activists any Democrats willing to compromise with Republicans.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP
Pulling a Trump, hmm?

Yep, Trump did the same thing. I doubt DigitalDrifter really cares.

Anyway, bad idea. But we'll have to wait and see.
I don't think Democrats will succumb to the madness like the GOP did
Are you serious ? The current crop of Democratic Presidential hopefuls are reaching extraordinary new heights of batshit insane.
From reparations to Green New Deal, liberal litmus tests put 2020 Dems in risky territory
Primaries are always stupid. A Trump will not be who comes out of the Democratic one.
Little advice to AOC all politics is local what the people in any politicians state or district care about matters far more than what she wants. What she cares about might sell in her part of NY but much less so if not at all outside it.

Sad world when people like Occasional Cortex think their wishes should trump the wishes of these Congressmembers' own constituents.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), a co-chairman of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition, said, “It’s this class of members that got elected that are the reason we have the majority. Many of them come from these [moderate] districts, and their promise to their constituents was that they were going to put people over politics.”

You tell 'er, Steph!
Little advice to AOC all politics is local what the people in any politicians state or district care about matters far more than what she wants. What she cares about might sell in her part of NY but much less so if not at all outside it.

Sad world when people like Occasional Cortex think their wishes should trump the wishes of these Congressmembers' own constituents.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), a co-chairman of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition, said, “It’s this class of members that got elected that are the reason we have the majority. Many of them come from these [moderate] districts, and their promise to their constituents was that they were going to put people over politics.”

You tell 'er, Steph!

Trump never tried to primary anyone?
Little advice to AOC all politics is local what the people in any politicians state or district care about matters far more than what she wants. What she cares about might sell in her part of NY but much less so if not at all outside it.

Sad world when people like Occasional Cortex think their wishes should trump the wishes of these Congressmembers' own constituents.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), a co-chairman of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition, said, “It’s this class of members that got elected that are the reason we have the majority. Many of them come from these [moderate] districts, and their promise to their constituents was that they were going to put people over politics.”

You tell 'er, Steph!

Trump never tried to primary anyone?


I will take your "I can't discuss any subject without making it about Trump" as the surrender it is. You may go.
Little advice to AOC all politics is local what the people in any politicians state or district care about matters far more than what she wants. What she cares about might sell in her part of NY but much less so if not at all outside it.

Sad world when people like Occasional Cortex think their wishes should trump the wishes of these Congressmembers' own constituents.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), a co-chairman of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition, said, “It’s this class of members that got elected that are the reason we have the majority. Many of them come from these [moderate] districts, and their promise to their constituents was that they were going to put people over politics.”

You tell 'er, Steph!

Trump never tried to primary anyone?


I will take your "I can't discuss any subject without making it about Trump" as the surrender it is. You may go.

Just showing that your views are hypocritical since you fail to make the same criticism of the sitting president.
Bring it on bitch. Any moderate Dem in a state where Trump won will go GOP if you run a lib Dim against the moderates.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) threatened her moderate colleagues during a Thursday Democratic caucus meeting, telling the lawmakers she plans to provide progressive activists searching for primary targets with a list of Democrats who work across the aisle.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi began the meeting by chastising the two dozen moderates who voted on Tuesday in favor of a Republican amendment to a gun control bill that requires gun retailers to report illegal immigrants who attempt to buy a gun.

Washington Post[/a].

Ocasio-Cortez, who routinely wields her massive social media following to pressure her establishment colleagues into supporting her agenda, sought to add force to Pelosi’s call for unity by threatening to expose to the ire of progressive activists any Democrats willing to compromise with Republicans.

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP
Ahhhh...I well remember when pseudocons threatened to primary out moderate Republicans.

To this day, they attack anyone in the party with even the smallest bit of sanity who doesn't suck Trump's tiny cock as "RINOs".

And that changes this story with AOC exactly how ?
Pointing fingers at stupid behavior, with your own stupid behavior is not a great strategy.
The constitution says nobody is above the law. Not even people that ignore or disobey immigration law. Nobody is above the law.

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