Algerian writer: “Take Islam back from the Islamists!”

Boualem Sansal the writer being interviewed has this to say in the article, "I am not a Muslim, I am not religious".

So what makes him think muslims are going to listen to his pro western infidel nonsense and agree with it?? .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
What makes you think anybody listens to your Holocaust denying Shariah loving bullshit?
Nope. I trashed the source. I investigated it. Did you?


You like the message you don't look at the source.

Then I read the article :)

Doesn't change the fact that the source is crap. But hey, I'll remember that next time you whine about something posted from Ma'an news or one of those sites you constantly trash ;)

The source is the author, former Algerian Minister of Trade Boualem Sansal, who courageously said what many have said for years ... that Islam has been hijacked by radical Islamists and his co-religionist's failure to stand up to them is a threat to all peace-seeking peeps. Sunni Man dumped on the "pro-western infidel" and you piled-on like a good little lap dog before even reading the article. Now you have egg all over you ... again.

The source used to link was "The Muslim Issue" - a well known hate site. I usually won't read articles from hate sites because it's a way of supporting them and their message - and I won't.

You can. You probably agree with the message of those sites. I don't.

You did not think there might be another site?

"Take Islam back from the Islamists!"

Or that I might have a good reason for posting the article?

not every thing I read has an english version, or not the first source I come across. I didn't think german, deutschlandradiokultur, would be a good first choice for a link.
The source is the author, former Algerian Minister of Trade Boualem Sansal, who courageously said what many have said for years ... that Islam has been hijacked by radical Islamists and his co-religionist's failure to stand up to them is a threat to all peace-seeking peeps. Sunni Man dumped on the "pro-western infidel" and you piled-on like a good little lap dog before even reading the article. Now you have egg all over you ... again.

The source used to link was "The Muslim Issue" - a well known hate site. I usually won't read articles from hate sites because it's a way of supporting them and their message - and I won't.

You can. You probably agree with the message of those sites. I don't.

Evidently Sansal's message was posted there and when you finally stopped whining about the website and read it you admitted it was "a really interesting article and he makes some interesting points." You know about as much about me as you apparently know about most subjects ... nothing. :cool:

I won't support hate sites. I read it from the other link Aris posted.

You can support "The Muslim Issue" all you want - it's a free world.
The source is the author, former Algerian Minister of Trade Boualem Sansal, who courageously said what many have said for years ... that Islam has been hijacked by radical Islamists and his co-religionist's failure to stand up to them is a threat to all peace-seeking peeps. Sunni Man dumped on the "pro-western infidel" and you piled-on like a good little lap dog before even reading the article. Now you have egg all over you ... again.

The source used to link was "The Muslim Issue" - a well known hate site. I usually won't read articles from hate sites because it's a way of supporting them and their message - and I won't.

You can. You probably agree with the message of those sites. I don't.

You did not think there might be another site?

"Take Islam back from the Islamists!"

Or that I might have a good reason for posting the article?

not every thing I read has an english version, or not the first source I come across. I didn't think german, deutschlandradiokultur, would be a good first choice for a link.

Fair enough :)
I don't know you well enough to know.
The source used to link was "The Muslim Issue" - a well known hate site. I usually won't read articles from hate sites because it's a way of supporting them and their message - and I won't.

You can. You probably agree with the message of those sites. I don't.

Evidently Sansal's message was posted there and when you finally stopped whining about the website and read it you admitted it was "a really interesting article and he makes some interesting points." You know about as much about me as you apparently know about most subjects ... nothing. :cool:

I won't support hate sites. I read it from the other link Aris posted.

You can support "The Muslim Issue" all you want - it's a free world.
It's not a hate site just because you say so, Islam apologist. It's a site created by and for those who have suffered because of Islam. And they have every right to express their personal experience.

Now that you're done with your pathetic attempt derailing the thread, let's get back on topic.
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Well cool, the Kindergarten crew has arrived.

Have at it :)
I wouldn't take them seriously - I'd either bunk off to Conspiracy Theoryland or I might think they were pulling my leg.

Guess what, Sunni Man believes the book to be factual.

Looks like you won't be taking him seriously any more , eh?

Not on that subject (or is he pulling my leg?)

But - he's spot on about "The Muslim Mission" site isn't he?

I did not bother checking out the site. Given the subject matter the author's creds - engineer, economist, former Algerian Minister of Trade - seemed to be in order. Truth is I wouldn't have ever seen his words had A2C not posted. Your wonderful Sunni Man trashed the author ("So what makes him think muslims are going to listen to his pro western infidel nonsense and agree with it?? " - Sunni Man) BEFORE discovering the website.
Sunni obviously has a problem with "pro western infidel nonsense" but evidently that's OK with you. :cool:
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Guess what, Sunni Man believes the book to be factual.

Looks like you won't be taking him seriously any more , eh?

Not on that subject (or is he pulling my leg?)

But - he's spot on about "The Muslim Mission" site isn't he?

I did not bother checking out the site. The author's creds - engineer, economist, former Algerian Minister of Trade - seemed to be in order. Truth is I wouldn't have ever seen his words had A2C not posted. Your wonderful Sunni Man trashed the author ("So what makes him think muslims are going to listen to his pro western infidel nonsense and agree with it?? " - Sunni Man) BEFORE discovering the website.
Sunni obviously has a problem with "pro western infidel nonsense" but evidently that's OK with you. :cool:

I have a problem with hate sites.
Not on that subject (or is he pulling my leg?)

But - he's spot on about "The Muslim Mission" site isn't he?

I did not bother checking out the site. The author's creds - engineer, economist, former Algerian Minister of Trade - seemed to be in order. Truth is I wouldn't have ever seen his words had A2C not posted. Your wonderful Sunni Man trashed the author ("So what makes him think muslims are going to listen to his pro western infidel nonsense and agree with it?? " - Sunni Man) BEFORE discovering the website.
Sunni obviously has a problem with "pro western infidel nonsense" but evidently that's OK with you. :cool:

I have a problem with hate sites.

I have a prob with hate peeps: ("pro western infidel nonsense" - Sunni Man) and their apologists. :cool:
Well cool, the Kindergarten crew has arrived.

Have at it :)
I don't tango with mental midgets who kiss Holocaust deniers asses. Find someone your own intellectual level, like a tapeworm.
"Pro western infidel nonsense?" You do live in our western infidel world don't you?
Perhaps it's time you do what your heart desires and get the fuck out, Abdul.
You do realize the author lives in Algeria and is addressing Algerian people?

(fyi Algeria is not located in the west}
there are other voices out there

5 min ago
Algerian writer: “Take Islam back from the Islamists!”
Terrorist created by Grand Mufti al-Hussaini that forced itself onto Israel for the sake of Jihad began in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The terrorists who forced their way into Israel from Egypt ended up in Gaza. The terrorists pouring in from…

The author is very ignorant of history.. He's just parroting what lame brains want to hear.

He is just writing foolishness about Islam so that naive western people will buy his books and make him a lot of money.

When in reality, muslim people think he is a loon and wouldn't give him the time of day. ... :cool:

He is just writing foolishness about Islam so that naive western people will buy his books and make him a lot of money.

When in reality, muslim people think he is a loon and wouldn't give him the time of day. ... :cool:

Yeah! Allah forbid a true Muslim would suggest that his co-religionists need to marginalize their rabid Islamists and make 21st century Islamic culture something peaceful! Somebody get me a fatwa, quick! :cool::cool:

He is just writing foolishness about Islam so that naive western people will buy his books and make him a lot of money.

When in reality, muslim people think he is a loon and wouldn't give him the time of day. ... :cool:

Yeah! Allah forbid a true Muslim would suggest that his co-religionists need to marginalize their rabid Islamists and make 21st century Islamic culture something peaceful! Somebody get me a fatwa, quick!
Co-religionist?? ... :confused:

In the article he states, "I am not a Muslim, I am not religious".
Boualem Sansal the writer being interviewed has this to say in the article, "I am not a Muslim, I am not religious".

So what makes him think muslims are going to listen to his pro western infidel nonsense and agree with it?? .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

What makes you think that Christians will listen to your pro Islamic terrorist nonsense and agree with it.


He is just writing foolishness about Islam so that naive western people will buy his books and make him a lot of money.

When in reality, muslim people think he is a loon and wouldn't give him the time of day. ... :cool:
LOL When was the last time any Muslim or ex Muslim said anything negative abut Islam that you didn't say "muslim people think he is a loon and wouldn't give him the time of day".

Either that or they are killed for telling the truth about Islam.
It's actually a really interesting article and he makes some interesting points, particularly about the role of Islam in those countries and what, I'm thinking is a lack of a "civil society" that is needed for democracy, seperate from religion and government.

I think this is also a key difference between Islam in western countries, such as the US and Islam in Africa or the ME.

Another good point.

He really makes good points...

You really are speaking from both sides of your mouth. First you trash him, now you praise him. Rather than advising others to investigate the source perhaps you should take your own advice.

Nope. I trashed the source. I investigated it. Did you?


You like the message you don't look at the source.

Then I read the article :)

Doesn't change the fact that the source is crap. But hey, I'll remember that next time you whine about something posted from Ma'an news or one of those sites you constantly trash ;)

The source is the same no matter which site it comes from, it is only when the source is the site that it becomes suspect
Sources matter. If you select an article from a source that's a recognizable hate site - it taints it and it's difficult to get around that.

Would you take seriously someone who posted an article from a site such as Jew Watch News

I wouldn't.

When people choose to use such sites for their sources, then it leads one to question their agendas as well.

Would you take someone who read the book "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", claiming the book to be factual seriously?

Yes or no ?

I wouldn't take them seriously - I'd either bunk off to Conspiracy Theoryland or I might think they were pulling my leg.

So if CBS produced an editorial claiming that the Protocols were in fact not written by Jewish rabbis you would accept it at face value. This without considering the source of the original report that could have come from some rabid pro Israeli

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