Algerian writer: “Take Islam back from the Islamists!”

It was the first "english" version I got. Later I found another in english from a more acceptable site.
I did not post the article for the site, but for Sansal and what he stands for, what he had to say.
Unfortunately the site from which his opinion was gleaned is neither mainstream nor unbiased and you latched onto that rather than consider the author's creds. If you wish to continue braying about nefarious web sites, please start a new thread and I will subscribe to it. Who knows ... we may find something on which we agree :smiliehug:
What's comical is that if I posted an interesting article about the jews but it happened to be from a neo nazi web site.

SAYIT wouldn't dare read it and would be screaming 'anti-semitism' from the roof tops. .. :lol: :lol:
Unfortunately the site from which his opinion was gleaned is neither mainstream nor unbiased and you latched onto that rather than consider the author's creds. If you wish to continue braying about nefarious web sites, please start a new thread and I will subscribe to it. Who knows ... we may find something on which we agree :smiliehug:
What's comical is that if I posted an interesting article about the jews but it happened to be from a neo nazi web site.

SAYIT wouldn't dare read it and would be screaming 'anti-semitism' from the roof tops. .. :lol: :lol:

Because that would be the source of your post, the hate site. You would not look for another version from a less hateful site as you know that there would not be any.
Shall I give the list of some of the other posters here who've supported exactly that??? I don't think it's wise or 'American' to even entertain such thoughts - I will caution Phoneall against adopting the tactics of those haters, because I think it sullies and degrades whatever 'cause' one is endorsing.

It's your choice Marge. Hate sites are hate sites - whether directed against Jews, Muslims, Blacks or Hispanics - it's the same. The sad thing here is that there is a significant segment here that supports and seeks to legitimize those hate sites, particularly if directed against Muslims.

They don't have the strength of voice here that Jews do. They are much more villified in this country.

Just look at what happens when someone here goes off on Muslims. How many speak up?

Look at what happens when someone (and I'll use Holston as an example) - goes off on Jews? Almost everyone jumps on it.

Something to think about before chastizing me on my choices.

You don't need to caution anyone. Those that have spoken out in support of sites like that clearly indicate their belief in the legitimacy of those sites.

To you and your own biased POV any site that raises awareness of Islamic terrorism, violence and atrocities is a hate site now. The people of the UK have faced terrorism head on every day, unlike the US that has had one incident that raised questions and resulted in a war. We are on constant alert of islamonazi terror attacks and our own security people have said that they know of 2,000 terrorists in the UK. Because of human rights laws and civil liberties we are unable to take any action against them until they step out of line. How many times have you seen that then UK security forces have thwarted yet another islamonazi terrorist attack, and every one aimed at unarmed women and children. We are not allowed to posses guns so cant defend ourselves against terrorism, so we do it the peaceful way and demand changes in the law to combat terrorism. If this means that a handful of muslims are inconvenienced by being deported then isn't that better than having 500 children MASS MURDERED in a school by a terrorists bomb. Every daily paper has comments sections and we see the comments daily of how the muslims are taking over and should be stopped, are the daily papers now hate sites. Or how about the TV stations that do the same thing, are they also hate sites. Until you are forced to live in fear of your life you will never understand how high feelings can run.

And I saw your RABID ISLAMONAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED when you had your little racist dig at the Jews. time to take a long hard look at yourself before telling others they should not be concerned about their own safety.

Jewish immigration to Israel from Europe is down everywhere except France.
It's your choice Marge. Hate sites are hate sites - whether directed against Jews, Muslims, Blacks or Hispanics - it's the same. The sad thing here is that there is a significant segment here that supports and seeks to legitimize those hate sites, particularly if directed against Muslims.

They don't have the strength of voice here that Jews do. They are much more villified in this country.

Just look at what happens when someone here goes off on Muslims. How many speak up?

Look at what happens when someone (and I'll use Holston as an example) - goes off on Jews? Almost everyone jumps on it.

Something to think about before chastizing me on my choices.

You don't need to caution anyone. Those that have spoken out in support of sites like that clearly indicate their belief in the legitimacy of those sites.

To you and your own biased POV any site that raises awareness of Islamic terrorism, violence and atrocities is a hate site now. The people of the UK have faced terrorism head on every day, unlike the US that has had one incident that raised questions and resulted in a war. We are on constant alert of islamonazi terror attacks and our own security people have said that they know of 2,000 terrorists in the UK. Because of human rights laws and civil liberties we are unable to take any action against them until they step out of line. How many times have you seen that then UK security forces have thwarted yet another islamonazi terrorist attack, and every one aimed at unarmed women and children. We are not allowed to posses guns so cant defend ourselves against terrorism, so we do it the peaceful way and demand changes in the law to combat terrorism. If this means that a handful of muslims are inconvenienced by being deported then isn't that better than having 500 children MASS MURDERED in a school by a terrorists bomb. Every daily paper has comments sections and we see the comments daily of how the muslims are taking over and should be stopped, are the daily papers now hate sites. Or how about the TV stations that do the same thing, are they also hate sites. Until you are forced to live in fear of your life you will never understand how high feelings can run.

And I saw your RABID ISLAMONAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED when you had your little racist dig at the Jews. time to take a long hard look at yourself before telling others they should not be concerned about their own safety.

Jewish immigration to Israel from Europe is down everywhere except France.

Wrong as the numbers are rising right across Europe due to the rise of islamonazi anti semitic attacks

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