Alien: Galaxy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's one last piece for me, a special fanfiction inspired by the iconic and distant Alien sci-fi horror franchise. Thanks,


"The Nostradamus landed on uncharted planet LG-426 and were shocked by an alien intelligent communication signal which was followed by an infestation of small insect-looking creatures with acidic saliva burning through the walls of their parked space-shuttle. The Nostradamus was built by the Weyland Company on Earth, and already the mission for inter-planetary colonization seemd like a doomed disaster!"


"The surviving space explorers ran into a cave on LG-426 and met a strange android named David who shockingly resembled their own crew android Alex. David and Alex were brothers and David was from Weyland's labs just like Alex. However, David's stranded on LG-426 for years now, and apparently the Company knew of this and of these malicious alien creatures inhabiting the planet. David has to explain why Weyland's been using humans as expendable crew to analyze the consciousness of this new alien creature on this planet. David's underground artistic lair is however quite safe!"


DAVID: The alien creature Weyland's been stalking on this planet is called a 'Xenomorph' and grows from small to rather large!


ALEX: It seems to me this Weyland android David who's my twin is responsible for creating evolutionary sculptures of this alien.


"However, all is not negotiation and hot-cakes as some of the larger Xenomorphs begin to challenge the hospitality of David in his underground lair. These large Xenomorph aliens chase some of the surviving Nostradamus crew back to their spaceship as they scramble to relaunch it in a desperate attempt simply to escape. However, the malicious Xeno-alien manages to nab some of these fleeing explorers and just cuts them down with its fierce claws and acidic saliva."


"Fortunately, the captain of the Nostradamus is the calm Orem who simply explains to his crew that to survive this guinea-pig environment on uncharted LG-426, the humans must band together while their own android Alex attemps to wrought more info from the stranded Weyland android David. Orem is in love with one of the female crew members, Natasha, and urges all the crew not to form human emotion biases and work together objectively as if everyone is a relative or loved one on LG-426. Orem is thankfully level-headed, but can he keep things cool in the face of the alien?"


NATASHA: I'm drawing portraits of this Xeno-alien for Weyland and for Orem, so people will feel like we're maintaining sanity!


OREM: Natasha is my sense of security, and my only hope is that her safety will motivate me to be a better angel on this disaster!


"Fortunately, David, the stranded Weyland android, has supplied all the members of Nostradamus with special 'acid-guns' to fight these Xeno-aliens. These guns serve to counter the acid-saliva Xeno-aliens who're simply too 'hot' for the humans to contemplate or cast as normal creatures in this unexplored galaxy. David's special 'acid-guns' remind the Nostradamus that humans have a way to contend with sheer deformity!"


ALEX: If we're to survive this Alien ordeal on LG-426, Orem and Natasha will have to inspire us all to be more...dry.


"There's no way the human explorers can endure this ordeal with the Xeno-aliens on LG-426 without the right combination of wit, imagination, flexibility, speed, humor, and of course, courage. Courage is the face of resilience, and the Xeno-aliens on this uncharted planet test everyone's raw ability to match death with daylight."


ALEX: Do you believe these Xeno-aliens are symbols of evolution?
DAVID: They remind us of the reality behind unpredicted fears!
ALEX: Why're we here to match them, David?
DAVID: Maybe I'm your twin, because Weyland's created a giant laboratory!
ALEX: Is this all the music of the demons?


PETER WEYLAND: The unexplored galaxy-cluster I sent Nostradamus to is a symbol of universal determination.


"What makes this story about space exploration so unique or special is that it captures our basic human angst towards death."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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