Alito accepted an undeclared gift from.a billionaire whose case was before the court

Alito felt no reason to recuse himself from a case involving the billionaire, even after accepting a free ride on his jet to a fishing trip.
He and Clarence Thomas should be disbarred.
He and Clarence Thomas should be disbarred.
But they won't be. They are the repub puppets on the USSC. Anita Hill was right all along.

It is mind boggling to think that Thomas sleeps with a woman that is a proud insurrectionist. And he denies that he knew she was trying to overturn the 2020 election. Please Thomas, we are not stupid.
It is mind boggling to think that Thomas sleeps with a woman that is a proud insurrectionist. And he denies that he knew she was trying to overturn the 2020 election. Please Thomas, we are not stupid.
Now there’s an original, if horrifying, thought.

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Just judicial ethics, but MAGA only demands ethics from “the other guy”. Wonder why they’re screaming about Biden? Because they’re trying to divert attention from themselves. J6 isn’t the only way MAGA is destroying our democracy. They’re also undermining the SC!
What part of any of my posts defends this ? I pointed out facts and that's it and at no time mentioned any of the shit you are ranting about. By the way the US is not and never has been a Democracy, it's a Constitutional Republic. Maybe you should learn the difference.
What part of any of my posts defends this ? I pointed out facts and that's it and at no time mentioned any of the shit you are ranting about. By the way the US is not and never has been a Democracy, it's a Constitutional Republic. Maybe you should learn the difference.
Oh boy, the old Constitutional Republic canard! Be as outraged as you like. I don’t care about your snowflake feelings, as long as you refuse to accept reality. What you call facts, I call delusions.
Oh boy, the old Constitutional Republic canard! Be as outraged as you like. I don’t care about your snowflake feelings, as long as you refuse to accept reality. What you call facts, I call delusions.
Your the one who went retard and started ranting. The fact is the US is a Constitutional Republic no matter how much you loons wish otherwise. The Founding Fathers were very clear on that.

The other fact I've stated in this thread is that the USSC does not have the same ethics codes that the rest of the Government has.

No delusions with me because I can prove the facts I stated you however have an incorrect opinion on everything. I'm sure you'll rant some more.

Your the one who went retard and started ranting. The fact is the US is a Constitutional Republic no matter how much you loons wish otherwise. The Founding Fathers were very clear on that.

The other fact I've stated in this thread is that the USSC does not have the same ethics codes that the rest of the Government has.

No delusions with me because I can prove the facts I stated you however have an incorrect opinion on everything. I'm sure you'll rant some more.

A Trumpista claiming someone else is going full retard, how ironic! You betray yourself by denying that a constitutional republic IS. a democracy.. The rest of your post isn’t going to be worth much, if you insist on holding onto a false construct.
Alito felt no reason to recuse himself from a case involving the billionaire

I guess he is learning to act like a democrat! Name the last Democrat who recused themself? Did Katie Hobbs recuse herself from running the Arizona election despite her being a candidate on the ticket? Did Loretta Lynch recuse herself from deciding Hillary's innocence in the email scandal despite meeting with her husband Bill privately on the tarmac of an airport for 20 minutes???
Alito felt no reason to recuse himself from a case involving the billionaire

I guess he is learning to act like a democrat! Name the last Democrat who recused themself? Did Katie Hobbs recuse herself from running the Arizona election despite her being a candidate on the ticket? Did Loretta Lynch recuse herself from deciding Hillary's innocence in the email scandal despite meeting with her husband Bill privately on the tarmac of an airport for 20 minutes???

I read this morning the long excellently researched ProPublica article that revealed that Republican Supreme Court Judge Alito enjoyed a billionaire-funded trip to Alaska, refused to report it as a gift, and did not recuse himself from at least 10 cases that awarded over $2.4 billion to his host’s Hedge Fund … in the spirit of the even more corrupt Clarence Thomas.

The same Federalist Society connected billionaires and operatives provided similar perks to now-deceased USSC Judge Scalia.

I like reading almost everything from ProPublica, which is a fine investigative news source edited by a well-known conservative ex-managing editor of the Wall Street Journal. The ProPublica article on this subject raises the curtain on much more than a single trip.

It gives examples of how sinister financial corruption in the (generally very well paid) judicial system is today, and how billionaires financing political operatives of the Federalist Society not only arrange these trips (and other substantial benefits) to right-wing judges, they provided the very list of judges that Trump appointed to the USSC and to regional Federal Judge positions.

Of course on the state level, especially in “Red States,” approval from the Federalist Society is essential for candidates even considering running for elected judicial positions.

So much for “draining the Swamp,” eh?

Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court
Did that same source talk about the other 1000 plus trips Supreme Court Justices have taken in the last several years and the Ginsberg‘s trip to Israel that was one of 14 trips made that was funded entirely from private citizens including a billionaire that had a case later before the Supreme Court or did your source biased against certain justices and favored others, like Ginsberg?
A Trumpista claiming someone else is going full retard, how ironic! You betray yourself by denying that a constitutional republic IS. a democracy.. The rest of your post isn’t going to be worth much, if you insist on holding onto a false construct.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a Conservative and you should really read some history, because the Founding Fathers were very vocal on how much they loathed Democracies. You have been tricked into thinking the US is something it has never been.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a Conservative and you should really read some history, because the Founding Fathers were very vocal on how much they loathed Democracies. You have been tricked into thinking the US is something it has never been.
I’m not surprised your kind despises democracy. You proved it on J6. I’m not impressed with your interpretation of what the FFs thought. IMO, you’ve been swallowing anti-democrstic propaganda, instead of reading their actual words. They also warned us about keeping the republic safe from attacks from groups like the MAGA crowd.. Not impressed with your claim to not be a Trump supporter, if it quacks like a duck…. :cool-45:
You feel that way about Ginsberg when she accepted an all expense paid trip to Israel from a billionaire, who had a case in front of the Supreme Court or is she different?
You provide no link and thus no context. You admit you haven’t read the excellent investigative report in ProPublica. Provide a real link with evidence of your claims and then I will tell you what I think about it.

In passing I will say that Ginsburg was a close friend of Scalia — and not nearly so “radical” a jurist as she is often portrayed.

I do know that Ginsburg, being a prominent Jewish woman and pathbreaker on women’s rights, did not hide her several well-publicized trips to Israel, and they were very well reported in the press. At the end of her life she received awards there for her pioneering work on behalf of women, and she consulted with Supreme Court judges in Israel. She was not especially religious — having opposed many aspects of Orthodox Jewish practice and “law” that discriminated against women.

Did she ever violate the law? Not report gifts? Did she ever not recuse herself when she should have? I have no idea. I await you providing your own real evidence.

Many judges may be guilty of small improprieties. Of this I have no doubt whatsoever. But I doubt Ruth Ginsburg ever voted to hear a controversial case brought by a major private Hedge Fund owner (a case earlier rejected by lower courts) — who happened to be a billionaire friend & “gift-giver” — and then rule in his favor to the tune of 2.4 billion dollars!

Since liberal judges like Ginsburg voted against Citizens United and for abortion rights, they tend not to be wined and dined by powerful well-funded Conservative groups like the Federalist Society.
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Alito felt no reason to recuse himself from a case involving the billionaire, even after accepting a free ride on his jet to a fishing trip.
Alito did nothing wrong.

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