Alito accepted an undeclared gift from.a billionaire whose case was before the court

There was no corruption by Alito. Get your facts straight before you come here spewing nonsense.
Even the appearance of impropriety isn’t a good look for an SC justice. The right was all up in arms about presumed improprieties my Ginsburg. What’s the difference now?
Even the appearance of impropriety isn’t a good look for an SC justice. The right was all up in arms about presumed improprieties my Ginsburg. What’s the difference now?
Why should this concern you?
Why wouldn’t SC corruption concern me or anyone for that matter? It seems like a clueless question.
It's just politics as usual. You don't seem concerned about the corruption in our law enforcement and intelligent agencies.
And the reprehensible right comes rushing to the defense of the indefensible.
"indefensible" LOL

I always love this part

"He flew Alito to Alaska on a private jet. If the justice chartered the plane himself, the cost could have exceeded $100,000 one way."

Ever been on a Delta flight? If you charted the flight yourself,m it would have been $210,000

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