Alito orders Pennsylvania to respond in case asking Supreme Court to halt enforcement of stay-at-home order

SCOTUS will not touch this one with a ten foot pole

They don’t want to decide on public safety


The request is to the PA Supreme Court to respond.


Alito, who handles emergency requests such as this one for the Third Circuit, which encompasses Pennsylvania, found those arguments convincing enough to order that Pennsylvania respond with a defense of Wolf's order by Monday.
SCOTUS will not touch this one with a ten foot pole

They don’t want to decide on public safety


The request is to the PA Supreme Court to respond.


Alito, who handles emergency requests such as this one for the Third Circuit, which encompasses Pennsylvania, found those arguments convincing enough to order that Pennsylvania respond with a defense of Wolf's order by Monday.
Won’t matter
SCOTUS will not touch this one with a ten foot pole

They don’t want to decide on public safety


The request is to the PA Supreme Court to respond.


Alito, who handles emergency requests such as this one for the Third Circuit, which encompasses Pennsylvania, found those arguments convincing enough to order that Pennsylvania respond with a defense of Wolf's order by Monday.
Won’t matter

You are correct, it won't matter. Precedent exists.

The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State.

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