All aboard the Klown Kar

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Scott Walker Rules Out Cruz, Rubio And Paul For GOP 2016 Ticket

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) disqualified several frontrunners and tea party favorites for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination on Sunday, saying he believed a current or former governor must fill that position.

"I think it’s got to be an outsider," Walker told ABC's "This Week" when asked about his ideal candidate for the Republican ticket. "I think both the presidential and the vice presidential nominee should either be a former or current governor -- people who have done successful things in their states, who have taken on big reforms, who are ready to move America forward."

Walker was asked if he was thereby ruling out possible bids from Republican Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Ted Cruz (Texas) and Rand Paul (Ky.), all of whom are considered likely to seek their party's nomination in 2016.

"All good guys, but ... it’s got to be somebody who’s viewed as being exceptionally removed from Washington," he responded.

Does that mean they're roll out 999 and ShitStainSantorum again?

ooo ooo, how about my fave?

That your-rents-too-high guy.

Its gonna be a fun time.

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