All Democracies commits SUICIDE and that’s why democrats will now be destroyed !!

The wise of the liberal states will now flee to the conservative states and the liberal states will be destroyed
People migrating to a state will bring their politics with them but I don't see politics playing that big a role in the reason for that migration. Plus society itself becomes more liberal by nature as time passes. The difference between a conservative of today and one of 50 years ago is like night and day.

You got to learn history

History shows democracies commits suicide


All democracies of the world will now fast be destroyed !!

First step was abortion legal

Now we see liberal states leaders are elected by the unwise criminals making for a fast fleeing of the wise away from the unwise

The conservative wise states will pressure their own unwise to flee to those same liberal states who are losing their wise to the conservative states ... this will create the liberal stoopid states and the conservative wise states

The conservatives will not give help to the begging unwise liberal states until they are ready to be controlled by the wise

They will totally lose their rights to vote or make decisions

A logic test for voters will have only the wise voting

The freedom of the unwise experiment is over again like all thru history !!
So here we go another false proffit. Ciaiming to know whos name is written in the book of life. Tell us of the law of the wise. Also tell us what the law of the wise sais about knowing the future.Also tell us what the law of the wise sais about those who know whos name is written in the book of life. Unless you are ready to step up and break the first seal you speak blasphemy.

Check all history

The unwise always begs in time to be controlled by the wise

Tell me where this wisdom comes from there buddy. You commit millions of souls to a pit upon what authority? I have not seen any wisdom from you yet. Show me you know the word becuase your writings show otherwise unless you are he that is worthy to break the first seal, you are a false proffit.
The wise of the liberal states will now flee to the conservative states and the liberal states will be destroyed
People migrating to a state will bring their politics with them but I don't see politics playing that big a role in the reason for that migration. Plus society itself becomes more liberal by nature as time passes. The difference between a conservative of today and one of 50 years ago is like night and day.
Conservatism is simply liberalism with a five year lag. It’s part of the problem.


Look at how voters vote to know that conservatism comes from the wise

At 18 the voter is more liberal than at any age as the person gets experience and learns they vote more and more conservative

Which proves today’s educators are s total fraud

If they were real educators then the 18 yr old voter wouid be more conservative than any age since they have just come out of educating

But no just the opposite

Proving educators covers up science and are totally corrupt

All democracies of the world will now fast be destroyed !!

First step was abortion legal

Now we see liberal states leaders are elected by the unwise criminals making for a fast fleeing of the wise away from the unwise

The conservative wise states will pressure their own unwise to flee to those same liberal states who are losing their wise to the conservative states ... this will create the liberal stoopid states and the conservative wise states

The conservatives will not give help to the begging unwise liberal states until they are ready to be controlled by the wise

They will totally lose their rights to vote or make decisions

A logic test for voters will have only the wise voting

The freedom of the unwise experiment is over again like all thru history !!
So here we go another false proffit. Ciaiming to know whos name is written in the book of life. Tell us of the law of the wise. Also tell us what the law of the wise sais about knowing the future.Also tell us what the law of the wise sais about those who know whos name is written in the book of life. Unless you are ready to step up and break the first seal you speak blasphemy.

Check all history

The unwise always begs in time to be controlled by the wise

Tell me where this wisdom comes from there buddy. You commit millions of souls to a pit upon what authority? I have not seen any wisdom from you yet. Show me you know the word becuase your writings show otherwise unless you are he that is worthy to break the first seal, you are a false proffit.

Go check how people votes to understand

Don’t be a chicken go check on how people votes to see which is learned to be better

Liberalism or conservatism

Go check If not that will prove you are liars !!
How people votes proves what system is best

How people changes their voting from 18 to 70

Why does the 18 yr old voter vote more liberal than the 65 yr old voter

This is a simple low logic test
Thanks to the OP for informing me of Mr. Adams's words.

The only "good" thing about last week's Insurrection orgy of looting, vandalism, arson, and murder is that it reminded us that the United States of America is not exceptional.

It will eventually fall, as all once great nations have.

Last week was the beginning of the end.

All democracies of the world will now fast be destroyed !!

First step was abortion legal

Now we see liberal states leaders are elected by the unwise criminals making for a fast fleeing of the wise away from the unwise

The conservative wise states will pressure their own unwise to flee to those same liberal states who are losing their wise to the conservative states ... this will create the liberal stoopid states and the conservative wise states

The conservatives will not give help to the begging unwise liberal states until they are ready to be controlled by the wise

They will totally lose their rights to vote or make decisions

A logic test for voters will have only the wise voting

The freedom of the unwise experiment is over again like all thru history !!
So here we go another false proffit. Ciaiming to know whos name is written in the book of life. Tell us of the law of the wise. Also tell us what the law of the wise sais about knowing the future.Also tell us what the law of the wise sais about those who know whos name is written in the book of life. Unless you are ready to step up and break the first seal you speak blasphemy.

Check all history

The unwise always begs in time to be controlled by the wise

Tell me where this wisdom comes from there buddy. You commit millions of souls to a pit upon what authority? I have not seen any wisdom from you yet. Show me you know the word becuase your writings show otherwise unless you are he that is worthy to break the first seal, you are a false proffit.

Go check how people votes to understand

Don’t be a chicken go check on how people votes to see which is learned to be better

Liberalism or conservatism

Go check If not that will prove you are liars !!
you obviously do not know the law of the wise and are yet anoher false proffit. you do not know the word there fore have no right to speak it. Do check the word and see how the lord judges those who claim to know the lords mind.
Why does the 18 yr old voter vote more liberal than the 65 yr old voter


Less experience to learn
You stoopid Democrats have no chance

The separation has started

The thing you seem to be overlooking is that the Democrat leadership isn't necessarily "unwise". They simply use the ignorance of their constituency, to help them destroy the foundational underpinnings of this Republic in their efforts to instill an authoritarian, socialist regime. They know exactly what they're doing. And they know that their double digit IQ base can't see the forest for the trees. Useful idiots...
Thanks to the OP for informing me of Mr. Adams's words.

The only "good" thing about last week's Insurrection orgy of looting, vandalism, arson, and murder is that it reminded us that the United States of America is not exceptional.

It will eventually fall, as all once great nations have.

Last week was the beginning of the end.

It will only fall if the system is changed

A democracy of the wise will bring the best

A democracy of the unwise will bring the worst
You stoopid Democrats have no chance

The separation has started

The thing you seem to be overlooking is that the Democrat leadership isn't necessarily "unwise". They simply use the ignorance of their constituency, to help them destroy the foundational underpinnings of this Republic in their efforts to instill an authoritarian, socialist regime. They know exact what they're doing. And they know that their double digit IQ base can't see the forest for the trees. Useful idiots...

Yes they are unwise because they will destroy themselves
Bringing in the unwise to vote a person in office will soon destroy that same person. So that is unwise !
Democrats are the stoopid
aw, aint that special. ask for the word and you get an insult. dig deep for that one ?LOL another fucking idiot. Can demonstrate no knowlege of the word but wants to judge in the llords place. good luck with that one when you see st. pete
Bringing in the unwise to vote a person in office will soon destroy that same person. So that is unwise !
You seem to think that these same "unwise" will retain the power to vote, once they've outlasted their usefulness. You are wrong.
Bringing in the unwise to vote a person in office will soon destroy that same person. So that is unwise !
You seem to think that these same "unwise" will retain the power to vote, once they've outlasted their usefulness. You are wrong.


A logic test will come for voting and men are.the most logical so they will be doing the voting like all thru history

Learn history

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