All Democracies commits SUICIDE and that’s why democrats will now be destroyed !!

Democrats are the stoopid
aw, aint that special. ask for the word and you get an insult. dig deep for that one ?LOL another fucking idiot. Can demonstrate no knowlege of the word but wants to judge in the llords place. good luck with that one when you see st. pete

Learn history. It is clear
learn history dumb fuck? All governents end name one that did not. when our governemnt ends republicans and democrats die alike dumb fuck.
Who can quess how all this will come down ??

Never in history has the men been denied so this is coming in November

Trump will call out the military and law enforcement on the whole deep state and stop their brainwashed women

Who is in the military ??

The men are very strong for trump and the Obama women are strong against trump ??

What will happen with that ??

The men will throw out the Obama brainwashed women

Who can guess what else will come down ?
The wise and men of liberal states will flood to the conservative states to get ready to stop the crooked liberals

The powerful white men voting conservative in the liberal states will reasemble in the conservative states and help push the liberals in the conservative states to the liberal states

Once they have the stoopid liberals separate into the liberal states the stopping them will be easy
That is why the USA is a republic.

The founders did not make this democracy

The founders only had a democracy of the wise

This democracy of the unwise will be stopped by the wise

Who else can see what’s coming fast ?
The deep state is in a panic to stop Barr who will prove how corrupt the system has become
The USA is not a democracy. Sorry.

Wrong dead wrong

It is a republic type of democracy

The founders said no to what we have today which is a democracy of the unwise

The founders had a democracy of the wise
No election in November

The men will lock up the deep state and make logic tests for voters to go with the founders intent

America’s change in voting was s crime against the founders
Trump has the men

Trump has the white men in a landslide

Trump has the law enforcement in a landslide

Trump has the military men in a landslide who will throw out the Obama brainwashed military women
Democracy is when the voters controls the govt

That’s what we have

But the founders limited it to only the most wise to elect the leaders

This will come back with logic tests for voting
Who can guess all the chess moves now ??

The wise of the liberal states will flee to help the conservative states against the liberal
a lot of that anger that so many people are feeling goes beyond police murder, and it goes to the fact that we have a President who is a narcissist and a pathological liar.

it speaks to the over-all powerlessness that people are now feeling amidst all of the crises that we are experiencing with, clearly, a President who is a fraud and a danger to the country.

This is a narcissist who could care less about anything other than his own political power and financial well-being.
Perhaps we're looking at a slightly more sophisticated troll than we're giving it credit for...

It could also be a domestic Hyper-Liberal faking semi-literacy with broken English, designed to make Conservatives look even worse than they already do...

No self-respecting Conservative or Right-Winger would be caught dead mouthing proposals and mantras like this piece-of-$hit does...

In any event, the little internet butt-floss has no clue how strong and united America is when put to the test...

Unlike the chicken$hit pu$$y Russians who servilely and slavishly surrendered their recent hard-won political freedom to another strongman suffering from Tsar Envy.
Perhaps we're looking at a slightly more sophisticated troll than we're giving it credit for...

It could also be a domestic Hyper-Liberal faking semi-literacy with broken English, designed to make Conservatives look even worse than they already do...

No self-respecting Conservative or Right-Winger would be caught dead mouthing proposals and mantras like this piece-of-$hit does...

In any event, the little internet butt-floss has no clue how strong and united America is when put to the test...

Unlike the chicken$hit pu$$y Russians who servilely and slavishly surrendered their recent hard-won political freedom to another strongman suffering from Tsar Envy.

Men are united and women are united

Wake the heck up

This is men against women
Democrats are in a panic because the majority of the men are united against them

They are scared to death to check on who is on whose side

They are are bluffers and chicken so they lie
Perhaps we're looking at a slightly more sophisticated troll than we're giving it credit for...

It could also be a domestic Hyper-Liberal faking semi-literacy with broken English, designed to make Conservatives look even worse than they already do...

No self-respecting Conservative or Right-Winger would be caught dead mouthing proposals and mantras like this piece-of-$hit does...

In any event, the little internet butt-floss has no clue how strong and united America is when put to the test...

Unlike the chicken$hit pu$$y Russians who servilely and slavishly surrendered their recent hard-won political freedom to another strongman suffering from Tsar Envy.

Men are united and women are united

Wake the heck up

This is men against women
You need to throw-away your Russian translation of Monty Python's "Gay Boys in Bondage" and grow up, son...

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