All eyes on Roberts ahead of Supreme Court's abortion ruling

Should Doctors who kill children for a living be required to have Hospital Admitting Privileges?

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abortions will happen no matter what the law is... Just making them harder to get won't stop them.
Thats typical lib

the left only respects laws that they happen to agree with

only respects life that does not inconvenience them and kill life that they do not want
Fortunately religious beliefs can’t be used to ‘justify’ violating citizens’ rights.

that includes faux atheist beliefs, and it doesn't say atheists get to murder babies and pagans get to sacrifice humans, Aztec don't get to toss virgins into volcanoes, Nazis don't get to toss Jews into ovens, Commies don't get to starve kulaks to death, etc. The Bill Of Rights and 'equal protection' clauses were written from a Christian perspective, not a commie pagan sociopath perspective.
Thats typical lib

the left only respects laws that they happen to agree with

only respects life that does not inconvenience them and kill life that they do not want

Reality check, buddy... if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.
All eyes on Roberts ahead of Supreme Court's abortion ruling
BY JOHN KRUZEL - 06/21/20 06:00 PM EDT 14,769
Chief Justice John Roberts is under the microscope as the Supreme Court prepares to issue its first major ruling on abortion rights in the Trump era, which will give the clearest indication yet of the court’s willingness to revisit protections that were first granted in Roe v. Wade.

The tie-breaking vote may rest with Roberts, and the case stands to test his role as the court’s new ideological center as well as his allegiance to past rulings.
A decision could come as early as Monday, following a blockbuster week at the court.
I will be interested when the ruling comes down. Since you have put this in Breaking News, I expect you will update us and somehow alert us that the decision is in.
‘The Louisiana case stems from a constitutional challenge to a law passed in 2014 by the state's Republican-led legislature that required physicians who perform abortions to hold “active admitting privileges” at a hospital within 30 miles of their facility.’ ibid

A law passed in bad faith having nothing to do with the ‘health and safety’ of women, and everything to do with further eroding the right to privacy.

In Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt the Court struck down a similar Texas law with the same unlawful, bad faith provision, placing an undue – and un-Constitutional – burden on the right to privacy.

If the Louisiana law is allowed to stand, Republican lawmakers hostile to the right to privacy will be able to enact de facto abortion bans through onerous, draconian regulatory measures intended to drive healthcare providers out of business, depriving women of their fundamental right to decide whether to have a child or not.
I recall reading at the time that this law in Texas, before it had been overturned, had already put a number of clinics out of business. I don't know if they were able to revive or not. As my grandmother always said, there's more than one way to skin a cat. And they sure skinned that one.

To me it makes more sense to have a conversation about putting a cap on how far into the pregnancy it can be an on-demand procedure and at the same time, somehow educating the public that closing Planned Parenthood and other clinics only makes unwanted pregnancies more common. Birth control readily available and affordable is the best way to eliminate abortions.
Reality check, buddy... if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.
You might as well legalize every wrong thing on the premise that libs will just do it anyway
‘The Louisiana case stems from a constitutional challenge to a law passed in 2014 by the state's Republican-led legislature that required physicians who perform abortions to hold “active admitting privileges” at a hospital within 30 miles of their facility.’ ibid

A law passed in bad faith having nothing to do with the ‘health and safety’ of women, and everything to do with further eroding the right to privacy.

In Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt the Court struck down a similar Texas law with the same unlawful, bad faith provision, placing an undue – and un-Constitutional – burden on the right to privacy.

If the Louisiana law is allowed to stand, Republican lawmakers hostile to the right to privacy will be able to enact de facto abortion bans through onerous, draconian regulatory measures intended to drive healthcare providers out of business, depriving women of their fundamental right to decide whether to have a child or not.
I recall reading at the time that this law in Texas, before it had been overturned, had already put a number of clinics out of business. I don't know if they were able to revive or not. As my grandmother always said, there's more than one way to skin a cat. And they sure skinned that one.

To me it makes more sense to have a conversation about putting a cap on how far into the pregnancy it can be an on-demand procedure and at the same time, somehow educating the public that closing Planned Parenthood and other clinics only makes unwanted pregnancies more common. Birth control readily available and affordable is the best way to eliminate abortions.

But for most on the right this isn’t about ending abortion – it’s about keeping viable a political weapon to use against opponents and a hot button issue to keep the base engaged, energized, and voting.

It’s about compelling conformity and punishing dissent – not ending abortion.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law that could have left the state with a single abortion clinic.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. voting with the court’s four-member liberal wing but not adopting its reasoning. The chief justice said respect for precedent compelled him to vote with the majority.

Good. That's settled. So, Rump is 0 to 3 so far.
‘The Louisiana case stems from a constitutional challenge to a law passed in 2014 by the state's Republican-led legislature that required physicians who perform abortions to hold “active admitting privileges” at a hospital within 30 miles of their facility.’ ibid

A law passed in bad faith having nothing to do with the ‘health and safety’ of women, and everything to do with further eroding the right to privacy.

In Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt the Court struck down a similar Texas law with the same unlawful, bad faith provision, placing an undue – and un-Constitutional – burden on the right to privacy.

If the Louisiana law is allowed to stand, Republican lawmakers hostile to the right to privacy will be able to enact de facto abortion bans through onerous, draconian regulatory measures intended to drive healthcare providers out of business, depriving women of their fundamental right to decide whether to have a child or not.
I recall reading at the time that this law in Texas, before it had been overturned, had already put a number of clinics out of business. I don't know if they were able to revive or not. As my grandmother always said, there's more than one way to skin a cat. And they sure skinned that one.

To me it makes more sense to have a conversation about putting a cap on how far into the pregnancy it can be an on-demand procedure and at the same time, somehow educating the public that closing Planned Parenthood and other clinics only makes unwanted pregnancies more common. Birth control readily available and affordable is the best way to eliminate abortions.

But for most on the right this isn’t about ending abortion – it’s about keeping viable a political weapon to use against opponents and a hot button issue to keep the base engaged, energized, and voting.

It’s about compelling conformity and punishing dissent – not ending abortion.
Don't agree with you there. It's not about politics to 99% of people on either side of this argument, imo.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law that could have left the state with a single abortion clinic.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. voting with the court’s four-member liberal wing but not adopting its reasoning. The chief justice said respect for precedent compelled him to vote with the majority.

Good. That's settled. So, Rump is 0 to 3 so far.
And Kavanaugh didn't show respect for precedent like he swore to Senator Collins he would.
Boy is she getting a lot of emails this morning saying WE TOLD YOU SO.

But I haven't found his dissent yet. Maybe it was for other reasons. There was more than one issue on the table, I believe.
I wonder if Justice Kavanaugh has an email address? You know, contact your Justices address.

I'd like to send him a pithy email this morning.
And you think someone with a lifetime appointment cares about political fallout? Let us know when your IQ gets above 0 degrees C

Who said anything about "political" fallout? But thanks for proving my point about leftists being dumber than cattle. Roberts built a conservative portfolio all thru his career....Bush43 believed did his associates and social circle....and now this. Hopefully he is SHUNNED from here forward and has to hang out with the trash he's cuddled up to.
I wonder if Justice Kavanaugh has an email address? You know, contact your Justices address.

I'd like to send him a pithy email this morning.

"pithy"? :lol: You leftists created a mortal enemy in Kavanaugh....he hates everything about those who trashed his reputation and you'll never get a favorable vote from him......and rightfully so. Shows your side never realizes their are consequences for their sleazy ways.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law that could have left the state with a single abortion clinic.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. voting with the court’s four-member liberal wing but not adopting its reasoning. The chief justice said respect for precedent compelled him to vote with the majority.

Good. That's settled. So, Rump is 0 to 3 so far.
And Kavanaugh didn't show respect for precedent like he swore to Senator Collins he would.
Boy is she getting a lot of emails this morning saying WE TOLD YOU SO.

But I haven't found his dissent yet. Maybe it was for other reasons. There was more than one issue on the table, I believe.
Yeah, Collins sure was wrong about Kavanaugh. Here is Ron Brownstein commenting on the very same thing...
I wonder if Justice Kavanaugh has an email address? You know, contact your Justices address.

I'd like to send him a pithy email this morning.

"pithy"? :lol: You leftists created a mortal enemy in Kavanaugh....he hates everything about those who trashed his reputation and you'll never get a favorable vote from him......and rightfully so. Shows your side never realizes their are consequences for their sleazy ways.
You mean, we should have ignored the rape charges against him as you did with your tinpot-fuhrer?

Yeah, what were the Dems thinking? We should be more like the Repubs. Anything goes. Wanna grab pussy? No problem. Cavort with porn stars, sure. The same for rape charges. Anything in the pursuit of power.

Yeah, Dems have a lot to learn from the Repubs.
And you think someone with a lifetime appointment cares about political fallout? Let us know when your IQ gets above 0 degrees C

Who said anything about "political" fallout? But thanks for proving my point about leftists being dumber than cattle. Roberts built a conservative portfolio all thru his career....Bush43 believed did his associates and social circle....and now this. Hopefully he is SHUNNED from here forward and has to hang out with the trash he's cuddled up to.

Respecting precedence in a ruling is part of being a good judge, conservative anD liberal. You don’t want good judges. You political partisans.
You mean, we should have ignored the rape charges against him as you did with your tinpot-fuhrer?

Yeah, what were the Dems thinking? We should be more like the Repubs. Anything goes. Wanna grab pussy? No problem. Cavort with porn stars, sure. The same for rape charges. Anything in the pursuit of power.

Yeah, Dems have a lot to learn from the Repubs.

Kavanaugh was clean as a vanilla milkshake growing up. And you Rats knew it, but hit him with the sleaziest trash ever seen in DC.....more important you slimed his family, associates, everybody who knew him....despicable scum. BTW, you want to talk rapists, how about we start with Willy Jeff and Plugs Biden? Your Hollywood pals are the sickest fucks on the planet and those of you who ain't perverts are thieves and murderers. You can't learn anything from us....we don't want to be within a country mile of ya's.
Respecting precedence in a ruling is part of being a good judge, conservative anD liberal. You don’t want good judges. You political partisans.

When have Kagan and DeSotomayer EVER voted against the commie cause? Give up? Never. Not line like the hideous looking robots they are. If the old Jew happened to get hit by a meteor before January, Roberts betrayal won't mean a damn thing.

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