All homeless people deserve to be housed

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You can't form a coherent sentence. My money says you can't drive a 16p nail in 3 whacks, either.

Okay, so you're an old dirty hippie, got it. I loathe durty hippies. :mad:

They stink up the place and want to squat in your backyard.

I've formed plenty of coherent sentences. I can hammer any nail you want like that's supposed to mean something.

Not a dirty hippie, because hippies are now about 70 years old. I was too young to be a hippie.

No, you're a Generation X yuppie instead.

Nah, I was born in 1961, not a yuppie or generation x.

Alright, and I doubt you are 56 seeing you claimed communism was never tried in a large country because if you were a baby boomer or x you would remember the USSR and the fact China is communist!

I was born on Feb. 25, 1961, that's 56 all over the world. But you see I do know and understand what communism is as defined by the one who coined the term.

And not by Rush Limbaugh. Or by American propaganda as taught in he 60s and 70s.

And it is not what we have seen in those particular nations.

Hilarious.. Considering Russia and China turned away from communism and Cuba and North Korea is shit holes..
I've formed plenty of coherent sentences. I can hammer any nail you want like that's supposed to mean something.

Not a dirty hippie, because hippies are now about 70 years old. I was too young to be a hippie.

No, you're a Generation X yuppie instead.

Nah, I was born in 1961, not a yuppie or generation x.

Alright, and I doubt you are 56 seeing you claimed communism was never tried in a large country because if you were a baby boomer or x you would remember the USSR and the fact China is communist!

I was born on Feb. 25, 1961, that's 56 all over the world. But you see I do know and understand what communism is as defined by the one who coined the term.

And not by Rush Limbaugh. Or by American propaganda as taught in he 60s and 70s.

And it is not what we have seen in those particular nations.

Well tell China that seeing their ruling party is disagreeing with you little Trostky!

Also Rush Limbaugh is a moron like you!

I don't give a damn what Chiba agrees with, They can call themselves communist all they want, but as defined by Marx the are not.
communism as defined by Marx in his book Mein Kampf

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!


Forget it, he's rolling.
Where does the $$$ come from to pay for this dog and pony show?


We have the money to do this even if we keep things the same. But if we reduced military spending by cutting it in half, it's easily done.


Another one that claims my money is his, so in this world of yours who is going to protect you?

Your sentiment is disingenuous and unamerican. If you don't like taxes that support the nation, move. You can't benefit from all all society has to offer and then be a btch about paying back. If you want to argue something specific doesn't make sense, go for it.

Translation~ you want to take my money give it to the poor and Pat yourself on the back

Once again fuck you

And I suppose you think tax is theft too? Lol. So misguided.

I want you to pay the conceptual correct amount for what it is you're getting out of the economy and society and your share of what it all needs to operate. Its a machine. If you want it to work well, it needs regular upkeeping. Stop framing it like it's taking your money. There would be no money, no opportunity, no income, no safety if it weren't for the effort of all of the other players combined. Tax is the price for playing. If you don't want to play, go somewhere else.
The "You didn't build that" guilt trip?
No, you're a Generation X yuppie instead.

Nah, I was born in 1961, not a yuppie or generation x.

Alright, and I doubt you are 56 seeing you claimed communism was never tried in a large country because if you were a baby boomer or x you would remember the USSR and the fact China is communist!

I was born on Feb. 25, 1961, that's 56 all over the world. But you see I do know and understand what communism is as defined by the one who coined the term.

And not by Rush Limbaugh. Or by American propaganda as taught in he 60s and 70s.

And it is not what we have seen in those particular nations.

Well tell China that seeing their ruling party is disagreeing with you little Trostky!

Also Rush Limbaugh is a moron like you!

I don't give a damn what Chiba agrees with, They can call themselves communist all they want, but as defined by Marx the are not.

You think Karl Marx wrote Mein Kumpf which it was written by Hitler, so you don't know shit!
We've never seen communism in a large nation. However there are tribes living on this planet that have been existing for longer than America has been around that do petty much practice communal living successfully.

Polly do you want a cracker? Or are you the parrot in that GEICO commercial?

USSR, China, East Germany and many other countries tried or still have a form of Communism, so how big does a country have to be before it was tried in a large country?

None of these countries were communist.

Now you're changing history?

You better tell China that their Communist party no longer rules them and go back and tell Stalin he was not communist.

Fucking Trotskies claiming something is not communist!

No, not changing history, but the fact remains that communism as defined by Marx in his book Mein Kampf had never been practiced by any government yet.

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and not Karl Marx!

Are you stupid?

Excuse me, Marx wrote the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. Which means that again what I said about communism not being practiced is correct.
Had to close this one. It got way off the original topic. And I got up to 15 deletions and a few warnings and there were 18 pages left.

DON'T DO THAT. Don't wreck threads with sock hunts, personal pissing matches, and multiple topics. It's Zone2 and that's why the rules demand "topical content in every post"..

BTW -- there is NO indication of any new member "socking in" here. We constantly monitor for that. If you have a "theory" --- contact a Moderator. Don't carry this thru 6 or 8 pages of a thread..
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