All homeless people deserve to be housed

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All homeless people deserve at a minimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.
So how meaningless wides have you purchased?
No,the military is not what creates my safety fool. And when you understand that you make things less safe for everyone with the positions that you are taking here relative to let them starve, let them be homeless and let them do for themselves when you did not, then you are the clueless one..

You want to make things easier for homeless people?

Let them go fishing for supper without getting arrested for fishing without a license.


Of course, that wouldn't cross the statist area that is known as your brain.

You make no sense whatsoever. Because that's what conservatism is. A senseless philosophy not based in reality.

Because in this state there are plenty of places you can fish without a license. But now if you want to sue a STATE lake, that's a different story.

Times communism has worked? 0

We've never seen communism in a large nation. However there are tribes living on this planet that have been existing for longer than America has been around that do petty much practice communal living successfully.

Polly do you want a cracker? Or are you the parrot in that GEICO commercial?

You fool what was the Soviet Union?


A autocratic government better known as a dictatorship.
No,the military is not what creates my safety fool. And when you understand that you make things less safe for everyone with the positions that you are taking here relative to let them starve, let them be homeless and let them do for themselves when you did not, then you are the clueless one..

You want to make things easier for homeless people?

Let them go fishing for supper without getting arrested for fishing without a license.


Of course, that wouldn't cross the statist area that is known as your brain.

You make no sense whatsoever. Because that's what conservatism is. A senseless philosophy not based in reality.

Because in this state there are plenty of places you can fish without a license. But now if you want to sue a STATE lake, that's a different story.

Times communism has worked? 0

We've never seen communism in a large nation. However there are tribes living on this planet that have been existing for longer than America has been around that do petty much practice communal living successfully.

Polly do you want a cracker? Or are you the parrot in that GEICO commercial?

USSR, China, East Germany and many other countries tried or still have a form of Communism, so how big does a country have to be before it was tried in a large country?

None of these countries were communist.
All homeless people deserve at a minimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.
What else do they deserve? A house needs furniture right? Cable TV? Computer, internet access, how about clothing and a full fridge? Having an empty trailer house doesn't seem like enough. Who pays the utilities?
You forgot the Xbox and the internet.

Samsung TV.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the indoctrinated leftist mindset. You simply could not make this stuff up!

Right now I'm laughing at the absurdity, but people like this will be running the country one day, that's scary.

I'm 56 years old idiot. I know what I am talking about. What you believe is bullshit and its been a proven failure.:Boom2:

You can't form a coherent sentence. My money says you can't drive a 16p nail in 3 whacks, either.

Okay, so you're an old dirty hippie, got it. I loathe durty hippies. :mad:

They stink up the place and want to squat in your backyard.

I've formed plenty of coherent sentences. I can hammer any nail you want like that's supposed to mean something.

Not a dirty hippie, because hippies are now about 70 years old. I was too young to be a hippie.

No, you're a Generation X yuppie instead.

Nah, I was born in 1961, not a yuppie or generation x.

Alright, and I doubt you are 56 seeing you claimed communism was never tried in a large country because if you were a baby boomer or x you would remember the USSR and the fact China is communist!
No,the military is not what creates my safety fool. And when you understand that you make things less safe for everyone with the positions that you are taking here relative to let them starve, let them be homeless and let them do for themselves when you did not, then you are the clueless one..

You want to make things easier for homeless people?

Let them go fishing for supper without getting arrested for fishing without a license.


Of course, that wouldn't cross the statist area that is known as your brain.

You make no sense whatsoever. Because that's what conservatism is. A senseless philosophy not based in reality.

Because in this state there are plenty of places you can fish without a license. But now if you want to sue a STATE lake, that's a different story.

Times communism has worked? 0

We've never seen communism in a large nation. However there are tribes living on this planet that have been existing for longer than America has been around that do petty much practice communal living successfully.

Polly do you want a cracker? Or are you the parrot in that GEICO commercial?
You're welcome to move to one of those countries. You are not welcome to change mine into one.

You notice how the bab
But it changes it for that one, isn't that what Progressives say? Plus certainly, you can find 2-3 million other Progressives like yourself and presto, problem solved without a dime of my money.

Dumb fuck, your money is going there anyway so why not try solving the problem?

But to idiots like you , its better to use your money to pay 20 million of for one bomb, then 30 million for the next bomb, then 50 million for the bomb after that. Year in and year out forever. You would rather do that, then maybe take 10 years to erase a problem forever. That's how stupid you conservatives are.
We've been trying to erase this problem for over 50 years.

To no avail.

It seems those who distribute these programs are doing quite well.

The Baltimore Washington corridor is at a virtual standstill with all of the... Ahem... Conservatives, driving in and out of DC.

Most of this land was open space until 30 years ago.

BTW... Do you have an issue with the Air Force and the delivery systems for these armaments?

Well you can't solve a billion dollar problem for a few hundred thousand. Which is what we tried to do. Now it's a trillion dollar problem and you conservatives want to solve it with the same few million. .

I do have a problem with the fact that we spend more ono ur military than the rest of the world combined.
A few hundred thousand?

22 trillion.

Since I was 4 years old.

We haven't spent 22 trillion on welfare.

No we spent 100 trillion gazillion dollars on welfare since the 1960s

Shall all the conservatives here line up and ask the same question?

And Grandpa, the nation can't have the providers be takers too. Which is what is hapening here.

Except the providers are not taking from the poor. They are taking from the very tax pool that was created with their wealth.

If I can go from prison to business owner why can't the homeless get a job? Goto school?

But that is exactly what the so called providers are doing dipshit.

So how did you go from prison to business owner? All by yourself? Did you have the money laundered for long enough to beat the statue of limitations? Did you have it stashed under that black rock in Buxton?

Maybe some of you arrogant, obtuse, overblown pricks try remembering how you got your opportunity.

How bout we do that?
Spacious accusations?
You want to make things easier for homeless people?

Let them go fishing for supper without getting arrested for fishing without a license.


Of course, that wouldn't cross the statist area that is known as your brain.

You make no sense whatsoever. Because that's what conservatism is. A senseless philosophy not based in reality.

Because in this state there are plenty of places you can fish without a license. But now if you want to sue a STATE lake, that's a different story.

Times communism has worked? 0

We've never seen communism in a large nation. However there are tribes living on this planet that have been existing for longer than America has been around that do petty much practice communal living successfully.

Polly do you want a cracker? Or are you the parrot in that GEICO commercial?

USSR, China, East Germany and many other countries tried or still have a form of Communism, so how big does a country have to be before it was tried in a large country?

None of these countries were communist.

Now you're changing history?

You better tell China that their Communist party no longer rules them and go back and tell Stalin he was not communist.

Fucking Trotskies claiming something is not communist!
We have the money to do this even if we keep things the same. But if we reduced military spending by cutting it in half, it's easily done.


Another one that claims my money is his, so in this world of yours who is going to protect you?

Your sentiment is disingenuous and unamerican. If you don't like taxes that support the nation, move. You can't benefit from all all society has to offer and then be a btch about paying back. If you want to argue something specific doesn't make sense, go for it.

Translation~ you want to take my money give it to the poor and Pat yourself on the back

Once again fuck you

And I suppose you think tax is theft too? Lol. So misguided.

I want you to pay the conceptual correct amount for what it is you're getting out of the economy and society and your share of what it all needs to operate. Its a machine. If you want it to work well, it needs regular upkeeping. Stop framing it like it's taking your money. There would be no money, no opportunity, no income, no safety if it weren't for the effort of all of the other players combined. Tax is the price for playing. If you don't want to play, go somewhere else.

You stupid fuck we are individuals

Leave us be from your asinine Borg.

Can you add some brains to your response?

Do you understand how our country works?
I'm 56 years old idiot. I know what I am talking about. What you believe is bullshit and its been a proven failure.:Boom2:

You can't form a coherent sentence. My money says you can't drive a 16p nail in 3 whacks, either.

Okay, so you're an old dirty hippie, got it. I loathe durty hippies. :mad:

They stink up the place and want to squat in your backyard.

I've formed plenty of coherent sentences. I can hammer any nail you want like that's supposed to mean something.

Not a dirty hippie, because hippies are now about 70 years old. I was too young to be a hippie.

No, you're a Generation X yuppie instead.

Nah, I was born in 1961, not a yuppie or generation x.

Alright, and I doubt you are 56 seeing you claimed communism was never tried in a large country because if you were a baby boomer or x you would remember the USSR and the fact China is communist!

I was born on Feb. 25, 1961, that's 56 all over the world. But you see I do know and understand what communism is as defined by the one who coined the term.

And not by Rush Limbaugh. Or by American propaganda as taught in he 60s and 70s.

And it is not what we have seen in those particular nations.
You make no sense whatsoever. Because that's what conservatism is. A senseless philosophy not based in reality.

Because in this state there are plenty of places you can fish without a license. But now if you want to sue a STATE lake, that's a different story.

Times communism has worked? 0

We've never seen communism in a large nation. However there are tribes living on this planet that have been existing for longer than America has been around that do petty much practice communal living successfully.

Polly do you want a cracker? Or are you the parrot in that GEICO commercial?

USSR, China, East Germany and many other countries tried or still have a form of Communism, so how big does a country have to be before it was tried in a large country?

None of these countries were communist.

Now you're changing history?

You better tell China that their Communist party no longer rules them and go back and tell Stalin he was not communist.

Fucking Trotskies claiming something is not communist!

No, not changing history, but the fact remains that communism as defined by Marx in his book Mein Kampf had never been practiced by any government yet.
You can't form a coherent sentence. My money says you can't drive a 16p nail in 3 whacks, either.

Okay, so you're an old dirty hippie, got it. I loathe durty hippies. :mad:

They stink up the place and want to squat in your backyard.

I've formed plenty of coherent sentences. I can hammer any nail you want like that's supposed to mean something.

Not a dirty hippie, because hippies are now about 70 years old. I was too young to be a hippie.

No, you're a Generation X yuppie instead.

Nah, I was born in 1961, not a yuppie or generation x.

Alright, and I doubt you are 56 seeing you claimed communism was never tried in a large country because if you were a baby boomer or x you would remember the USSR and the fact China is communist!

I was born on Feb. 25, 1961, that's 56 all over the world. But you see I do know and understand what communism is as defined by the one who coined the term.

And not by Rush Limbaugh. Or by American propaganda as taught in he 60s and 70s.

And it is not what we have seen in those particular nations.

Well tell China that seeing their ruling party is disagreeing with you little Trostky!

Also Rush Limbaugh is a moron like you!

Another one that claims my money is his, so in this world of yours who is going to protect you?

Your sentiment is disingenuous and unamerican. If you don't like taxes that support the nation, move. You can't benefit from all all society has to offer and then be a btch about paying back. If you want to argue something specific doesn't make sense, go for it.

Translation~ you want to take my money give it to the poor and Pat yourself on the back

Once again fuck you

And I suppose you think tax is theft too? Lol. So misguided.

I want you to pay the conceptual correct amount for what it is you're getting out of the economy and society and your share of what it all needs to operate. Its a machine. If you want it to work well, it needs regular upkeeping. Stop framing it like it's taking your money. There would be no money, no opportunity, no income, no safety if it weren't for the effort of all of the other players combined. Tax is the price for playing. If you don't want to play, go somewhere else.

You stupid fuck we are individuals

Leave us be from your asinine Borg.

Can you add some brains to your response?

Do you understand how our country works?

I understand how you want my country to work

Notice I didn't include you?

Right about what?

Once again how many homeless people do you have in your home?


Everything I have said. .

You idiot, .

Me having one homeless person in my house doesn't change the fact that we have probably 2-3 million homeless people here. So then fuck that dumb ass question.

But it changes it for that one, isn't that what Progressives say? Plus certainly, you can find 2-3 million other Progressives like yourself and presto, problem solved without a dime of my money.

Dumb fuck, your money is going there anyway so why not try solving the problem?

But to idiots like you , its better to use your money to pay 20 million of for one bomb, then 30 million for the next bomb, then 50 million for the bomb after that. Year in and year out forever. You would rather do that, then maybe take 10 years to erase a problem forever. That's how stupid you conservatives are.
We've been trying to erase this problem for over 50 years.

To no avail.

It seems those who distribute these programs are doing quite well.

The Baltimore Washington corridor is at a virtual standstill with all of the... Ahem... Conservatives, driving in and out of DC.

Most of this land was open space until 30 years ago.

BTW... Do you have an issue with the Air Force and the delivery systems for these armaments?

Well you can't solve a billion dollar problem for a few hundred thousand. Which is what we tried to do. Now it's a trillion dollar problem and you conservatives want to solve it with the same few million. .

I do have a problem with the fact that we spend more ono ur military than the rest of the world combined.
Quit with the Conservative shit.

There are numerous people in this thread and on this board who will tell you that I came here a year and a half ago as a Democrat, 3 Generations, and within 6 months became an independent.

I'm in Maryland and have been a Democrat. Until you Progressive Marxists drove us out.
Small towns in New England used to do that very well.

They each had a "poor farm".

Homeless? It was a place for you to live.

But also a place where you had to work on the farm to grow the food you got to eat.

No work?

No food.


They even had streets named for those places....

Google Maps

Google Maps

Google Maps

Of course some of the bigger places had more grand establishments.

Six New England Poorhouses - New England Historical Society

The Brits were more honest in naming their facilities:

Ripon Museums

I have visited the one above and found it was probably very effective in protecting the homeless from t he elements, from starvation and from abuse by street thugs. Also effective in convincing people who could that they really did want to find work.
Times communism has worked? 0

We've never seen communism in a large nation. However there are tribes living on this planet that have been existing for longer than America has been around that do petty much practice communal living successfully.

Polly do you want a cracker? Or are you the parrot in that GEICO commercial?

USSR, China, East Germany and many other countries tried or still have a form of Communism, so how big does a country have to be before it was tried in a large country?

None of these countries were communist.

Now you're changing history?

You better tell China that their Communist party no longer rules them and go back and tell Stalin he was not communist.

Fucking Trotskies claiming something is not communist!

No, not changing history, but the fact remains that communism as defined by Marx in his book Mein Kampf had never been practiced by any government yet.

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and not Karl Marx!

Are you stupid?
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