All Lefties should watch "Chernobyl" (HBO)

First find me a single Democrat who says they want to become Communist. I'm sick of this strawman. Nobody on the left is saying they want to be like Russia in the eighties. They like to move to social democracies like those in Europe. Find me a single example that claims otherwise.
No. They're calling communism Democratic Socialism now. Apparently, it is a new and improved communism or the socialism of the East and Venezuela. I know this because the appartchik Sanders informs us.
Ok, show me her informing you then? Youtube has everything available. Show me? Social Democracies have been around about eighty years now. The US has been allied to all of them since then.
It is a graphic retelling of what happens when political correctness takes over a society.

WARNING: This may be dangerous to the mental health of Bernie Sanders' supporters.

P.S. Feel free to compare it with Three Mile Island, where no one was injured.

You are an idiot. The show has nothing to so with political correctness.

And, BTW, political correctness vs your disgusting pig of a president's mouth is much preferable.

Trumpets, you can't live with them and you can't get rid of them. We need majority rule to put these maggots back in their place.

Be a leader kid, go kill you some Trumpies.

another vile animal from the right advocating violence

Your days in the sun will come to an end soon as your great fat orange subhuman leader will wind up in jail and you will be once again sidelined politically. (back under your rocks)

(smile) You're just stupid enough to believe that the two party paradigm is real, Rump works with and for the same Bankers that Barry did. So you didn't actually mean that YOU should put those "maggots" in their place, got it.

Rump screams about building the wall while busing thousands into the country everyday.
Rump screams about being a "peace maker" while poking Iran, NK, China and Russia in the eye.
Rump whines about the budget being too high while spending us into oblivion.

Barry started two wars....Rump will start his....and yet you still think you're morally "superior". You don't want violence kid, you'll lose.

It is a shame about your senility. It does however qualify you to be a Trumpet.

I never advocated violence, that is you processing through dementia.

But if the civil war goes hot, don't forget, all wars are won by the strongest economy and obviously the red states are living off the wealth of the blue states.

Peace, twinkie!
All Lefties should watch "Chernobyl" (HBO)
How can you be so stupid as to not know Lefties are opposed to nuclear power precisely because of incidents like Chernobyl and probably think YOU should watch it.
It is a graphic retelling of what happens when political correctness takes over a society.

WARNING: This may be dangerous to the mental health of Bernie Sanders' supporters.

P.S. Feel free to compare it with Three Mile Island, where no one was injured.
As already correctly noted: it has nothing to do with the myth of ‘political correctness.’

It has to do with a government lying to its people – such as Trump’s incessant lying.
It is a graphic retelling of what happens when political correctness takes over a society.

WARNING: This may be dangerous to the mental health of Bernie Sanders' supporters.

P.S. Feel free to compare it with Three Mile Island, where no one was injured.

You are an idiot. The show has nothing to so with political correctness.

And, BTW, political correctness vs your disgusting pig of a president's mouth is much preferable.

Trumpets, you can't live with them and you can't get rid of them. We need majority rule to put these maggots back in their place.

Be a leader kid, go kill you some Trumpies.

another vile animal from the right advocating violence

Your days in the sun will come to an end soon as your great fat orange subhuman leader will wind up in jail and you will be once again sidelined politically. (back under your rocks)

(smile) You're just stupid enough to believe that the two party paradigm is real, Rump works with and for the same Bankers that Barry did. So you didn't actually mean that YOU should put those "maggots" in their place, got it.

Rump screams about building the wall while busing thousands into the country everyday.
Rump screams about being a "peace maker" while poking Iran, NK, China and Russia in the eye.
Rump whines about the budget being too high while spending us into oblivion.

Barry started two wars....Rump will start his....and yet you still think you're morally "superior". You don't want violence kid, you'll lose.

It is a shame about your senility. It does however qualify you to be a Trumpet.

I never advocated violence, that is you processing through dementia.

But if the civil war goes hot, don't forget, all wars are won by the strongest economy and obviously the red states are living off the wealth of the blue states.

Peace, twinkie!

Where are the libtards going to acquire their weapons and learn how to use them? Will they only use single-shot rifles?
It is a graphic retelling of what happens when political correctness takes over a society.

WARNING: This may be dangerous to the mental health of Bernie Sanders' supporters.

P.S. Feel free to compare it with Three Mile Island, where no one was injured.

Seems you need to watch it since there is not a damn thing in it about political correctness
The Soviet Union was pure state capitalism ever since Stalin killed off all the communists.
Chernobyl, was mostly due to the expediency decision to use graphite instead of heavy water as a moderator.
The US also had similar disasters, but on a smaller scale because they happened sooner, when facilities were smaller for testing purposes.
Essentially the US simply had more money to spend.
The US and the Soviet Unions are almost identical capitalist states.

To be socialist or communists, that would require communal and collaberative planning as well as profit sharing.
Was anything in the USSR communal or collaborative in terms of planning or profit sharing?

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