All liberals need to be without police security

I may be wrong but I think that the intent of the OP was that if liberals are so distrusting and hostile towards the police as they appear to be on this forum, they should not bother to call 911 if and when the need arises.

At least not with clear conscience.

I am a Constitutionalist libertarian and the only time I call police is to make sure I don't get arrested for NOT calling them. In the past I have called and have NEVER gotten help from police. Ambulances? Yes. Firefighters? You bet. Never a cop.

I was attacked and hospitalized a few weeks ago. There were about a dozen witnesses and that attacker didn't deny it. Yet police refused to arrest him. I didn't even get a police report, but was threatened with arrest myself if I chose to press charges.
I may be wrong but I think that the intent of the OP was that if liberals are so distrusting and hostile towards the police as they appear to be on this forum, they should not bother to call 911 if and when the need arises.

At least not with clear conscience.

Can't you be against some actions conducted by police without being against all?
Brown didn't resist arrest, he attacked a cop. Big difference. Resisting arrest should not be a death sentence, and is actually your right to do so if the attempt to arrest is unlawful.
That is utter horse shit. What planet are you from, Fuckupcopia? No one is allowed to resist arrest. You submit to the cuffs and fight it out in front of a judge.

That's the smart thing to do. But if it is an unlawful arrest, you have the right to resist. Caselaw supports that. Where it breaks down is your average moron on the street thinks that not wanting to go to jail is the same thing as an unlawful arrest. Obviously that is not the case.
They didn't deserve to die, the cops are getting very skittish and becoming stressed. They don't need to kill somebody over just any crime. That choke hold for e
How can debate go forward if you people refuse to drop that bullshit notion it was a chokehold? You can't say "I can't breathe" 11 times if you can't breathe. Garner was committing a crime and he resisted. Who thinks a white guy would have been ignored doing the same thing.

Blacks lose all sympathy when the think they should be above the law.
I can say "I can't breathe" 11 times without breathing

Never saw someone die of an asthma attack? Saw a dude drop dead in my firehouse one night from asthma induced heart attack saying "I can't breathe."
Well, I got sued for putting speedbumps in at my apartment complex. A woman died, and her lawyer claimed that the speed bumps impeded the response time of the ambulance to get to her, and to bring her to the ER.
. You've been in trouble for the oddest reasons. Have you been driving at night through rural parts of Pennsylvania and forget that state law requires you stop every mile to send up a rocket signal?

I was once arrested and had my car impounded for having a dirty license plate. It was really political harassment, but the "reason" the cop gave was that he ran out of tickets in his ticket book. I wasn't jailed, but I was brought back to the station and processed there. This was back before it was all computerized in the cruiser.
They didn't deserve to die, the cops are getting very skittish and becoming stressed. They don't need to kill somebody over just any crime. That choke hold for e
How can debate go forward if you people refuse to drop that bullshit notion it was a chokehold? You can't say "I can't breathe" 11 times if you can't breathe. Garner was committing a crime and he resisted. Who thinks a white guy would have been ignored doing the same thing.

Blacks lose all sympathy when the think they should be above the law.
I can say "I can't breathe" 11 times without breathing usual, you're doing it wrong. Most Americans would like to see urban blacks, particularly teens, wearing these tee's from now on.......or the carnage will continue.


The far left believes deeply that there should be zero absolutes in life = Disney thinking. That's just the way it is........
"All liberals need to be without police security"

Just to explore a bit the hateful stupidity that is the premise of the OP...

How exactly do you propose 'denying' liberals 'police security.' How do you propose identifying those who are 'liberal' to begin with. Will you advocate that 'liberals' wear an “L” on their clothing or be placed on the doors of their homes so the police know not to offer help.

Do you understand that what you propose is illegal and un-Constitutional, a violation of the 14th Amendment's Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses – do you even care.

Your post is a telling example of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to many on the right, and why most conservatives are deserving of contempt.

BOOM!! Conservatives owned. /thread
So I guess you'd be okay with being charged with murder if someone died because they couldnt get to the hospital?

Well, I got sued for putting speedbumps in at my apartment complex. A woman died, and her lawyer claimed that the speed bumps impeded the response time of the ambulance to get to her, and to bring her to the ER.

Wait what? You put speed bumps on a public road without permission?

No, I put them on the entry road to the apartment complex that I own. Well, I have controlling interest in the company technically. So I didn't get sued personally but my management company did.

Sounds like someone trying to cash in on a dead parent.

But no I dont believe you have the right to impede others movement.
If you do you should be ready to pay the consequences be they financial or loss of life.

Then I suppose we should sue people who get in a crash turn downtown into gridlock. Or the President when he comes to town. Or people who didn't take care of that dead tree that came down across the roadway. Or Macy's for holding that parade every year. Or the police when they put up those DWI checkpoints. Hmmm, actually, maybe you do have a point here after all.

In some cases, yes. If their negligence caused the "zone of danger" that put others in peril, then yes, they should be liable.

So if you're negligence caused a wreck on the highway. Which stop traffic and someone who was at a complete stop. Then a car comes over a hill at full highway speed (65 mph) and doesn't see it and nails the car. The person is killed. Your negligence put that person in that position that created their death so yes, courts have ruled that the person is liable for their death. Not 100% but they at least contributed to the situation that led to the wreck.
Well, I got sued for putting speedbumps in at my apartment complex. A woman died, and her lawyer claimed that the speed bumps impeded the response time of the ambulance to get to her, and to bring her to the ER.

Wait what? You put speed bumps on a public road without permission?

No, I put them on the entry road to the apartment complex that I own. Well, I have controlling interest in the company technically. So I didn't get sued personally but my management company did.

Sounds like someone trying to cash in on a dead parent.

But no I dont believe you have the right to impede others movement.
If you do you should be ready to pay the consequences be they financial or loss of life.

Then I suppose we should sue people who get in a crash turn downtown into gridlock. Or the President when he comes to town. Or people who didn't take care of that dead tree that came down across the roadway. Or Macy's for holding that parade every year. Or the police when they put up those DWI checkpoints. Hmmm, actually, maybe you do have a point here after all.

In some cases, yes. If their negligence caused the "zone of danger" that put others in peril, then yes, they should be liable.

So if you're negligence caused a wreck on the highway. Which stop traffic and someone who was at a complete stop. Then a car comes over a hill at full highway speed (65 mph) and doesn't see it and nails the car. The person is killed. Your negligence put that person in that position that created their death so yes, courts have ruled that the person is liable for their death. Not 100% but they at least contributed to the situation that led to the wreck.

Agreed. What it really comes down to in most of these cases is what is "reasonable." For instance if your car breaks down in the middle of the road, let's say the brakes jusst seized right up. It would not be reasonable to expect that you could move the car, and therefore would probably not be liable. On the other hand, a reasonable person would not just simply leave their car parked in the road, on a blind turn or something. Also, it is not "reasonable" to expect that you could drive recklessly and not be held accountable for that recklessness when it effects other drivers.

I happen to believe that public protests and crowd gatherings ARE reasonable, and justified, even if I don't agree with their cause.
So what you're saying, is Brown and Garner didn't do anything wrong?

Brown was begging to get shot. Garner, that case is more debatable. I won't say he was murdered, but there should have still been some accountability for his death. A better look at use of force policies for one thing.
I don't disagree with Garner, but the fact is he resisted arrest and if he didn't he would be alive.
That is not a fact.
Are you blind? There is video.
The title says what I mean. Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and all liberals don't need police protection. You demean them and all of your actions got two of them murdered. You don't deserve their service.

Police need to be accountable for their actions just like anyone else. There are some police who should not be trusted with the responsibility

Just because you demand some police be removed does not mean you want all removed
The protesters are starting to attack cops at random. Liberals started this bullshit. So you have blood on your hands.
Funny ABOUT that, LIBERALS are mostly smart intellectuals living in gated communities. They support gays, illegal aliens, poor blacks and Muslims that want Sharia law. The people that have the least to with the consequences of their demands, want the most and are the most outspoken condescending jerks on this board. But not to surprising.

It's difficult not to be condescending with someone of your obvious intelligence.
They didn't deserve to die, the cops are getting very skittish and becoming stressed. They don't need to kill somebody over just any crime. That choke hold for e
How can debate go forward if you people refuse to drop that bullshit notion it was a chokehold? You can't say "I can't breathe" 11 times if you can't breathe. Garner was committing a crime and he resisted. Who thinks a white guy would have been ignored doing the same thing.

Blacks lose all sympathy when the think they should be above the law.
I can say "I can't breathe" 11 times without breathing
Watch the video and say it at Garner's cadence.
The protesters are starting to attack cops at random. Liberals started this bullshit. So you have blood on your hands.

The nutjob that killed those cops was not a protester. He was a mentally ill scumbag who had just tried to murder his girlfriend and was bent on dieing.
I dont agree with DWI check points and here in Texas we dont allow them.
If you live in a state where they are allowed I would look to the voters,they're the ones who put the politicians in office.
But I highly doubt the cops are going to put up road blocks without an emergency lane. And the fact that the cops are doing their jobs and not blocking traffic just to fuck with people.

It is the "job" and the right of citizens to gather and to protest. A crowd has as much right to gather for an issue, as they do to clog up Times Square on New Years.

Don't you have border patrol checkpoints in texas?

Nearest border check point to me is at least a seven hour drive.
And I dont have a problem with them,in fact the last time I went through one they asked if they could search my truck. Told em no I was in a hurry and they waved me through.
And again I highly doubt police set up roadblocks without an emergency lane.
And while I dont have a problem with protesting per say,I do have a problem with people blocking the road and hope the assholes get run over.

If you are going to say that the police can block the road when and where they please for non-emergency reasons, but citizens can't, you are a hypocrite and a statist.

I thought I was pretty clear on my view of roadblocks.
Whether from cops,dirty hippies or negros i'm against em.
At the least the police have the tacit approval of the general public unlike protesters.
I dont agree with DWI check points and here in Texas we dont allow them.
If you live in a state where they are allowed I would look to the voters,they're the ones who put the politicians in office.
But I highly doubt the cops are going to put up road blocks without an emergency lane. And the fact that the cops are doing their jobs and not blocking traffic just to fuck with people.

It is the "job" and the right of citizens to gather and to protest. A crowd has as much right to gather for an issue, as they do to clog up Times Square on New Years.

Don't you have border patrol checkpoints in texas?

Nearest border check point to me is at least a seven hour drive.
And I dont have a problem with them,in fact the last time I went through one they asked if they could search my truck. Told em no I was in a hurry and they waved me through.
And again I highly doubt police set up roadblocks without an emergency lane.
And while I dont have a problem with protesting per say,I do have a problem with people blocking the road and hope the assholes get run over.

If you are going to say that the police can block the road when and where they please for non-emergency reasons, but citizens can't, you are a hypocrite and a statist.

I thought I was pretty clear on my view of roadblocks.
Whether from cops,dirty hippies or negros i'm against em.
At the least the police have the tacit approval of the general public unlike protesters.

You just completely contradicted yourself.

Nearest border check point to me is at least a seven hour drive.
And I dont have a problem with them,in fact the last time I went through one they asked if they could search my truck.
I dont agree with DWI check points and here in Texas we dont allow them.
If you live in a state where they are allowed I would look to the voters,they're the ones who put the politicians in office.
But I highly doubt the cops are going to put up road blocks without an emergency lane. And the fact that the cops are doing their jobs and not blocking traffic just to fuck with people.

It is the "job" and the right of citizens to gather and to protest. A crowd has as much right to gather for an issue, as they do to clog up Times Square on New Years.

Don't you have border patrol checkpoints in texas?

Nearest border check point to me is at least a seven hour drive.
And I dont have a problem with them,in fact the last time I went through one they asked if they could search my truck. Told em no I was in a hurry and they waved me through.
And again I highly doubt police set up roadblocks without an emergency lane.
And while I dont have a problem with protesting per say,I do have a problem with people blocking the road and hope the assholes get run over.

If you are going to say that the police can block the road when and where they please for non-emergency reasons, but citizens can't, you are a hypocrite and a statist.

I thought I was pretty clear on my view of roadblocks.
Whether from cops,dirty hippies or negros i'm against em.
At the least the police have the tacit approval of the general public unlike protesters.

You just completely contradicted yourself.

Nearest border check point to me is at least a seven hour drive.
And I dont have a problem with them,in fact the last time I went through one they asked if they could search my truck.

Those are on the border and necessary for security reasons.
Road blocks set up to catch dui suspects and insurance stings are bullshit.
As are road blocks from whiny ass pussies who didnt get their way so they want to make others pissed of in retaliation.
Those are on the border and necessary for security reasons.
Road blocks set up to catch dui suspects and insurance stings are bullshit.
As are road blocks from whiny ass pussies who didnt get their way so they want to make others pissed of in retaliation.

Security reasons? I am an citizen. Unless you have probable cause, I don't give two turds what your reason is. Build a wall if you want at the border, lay down minefields, I don't care. But if you are going to say that the police have reason to stop me without probable cause, then protesters have the right to take to the streets. Let's not forget here too, that the protesters are not actually stopping motorists anyway, just diverting them.

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