All Polls Showing Trumped-Up Administration Disapproval Ratings Increasing--No More Trumped-Up Momentum!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Trumped-Up failure of Federal Administration--now being noted from the Super-Spreader Campaign, trapping university students in dorms--is showing up in the polls. Anyone notes all of them, going back days. These are the polls that Predicted President-Elect Biden, a diminished Senate Majority, and a Majority kept in the House.

Even Rasmussen polling shows the lack of Trumped-Up Presidential Talents!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(An unparalleled record getting shown: Matt 25: 14-30!)
LiberalsLIE posts are prima facie bogus. No link provided, and Five-ThirtyEight updates daily.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(An unparalleled record getting shown: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Stop The teal Rally


See the LiberalsLIE intent of imprisoning children apart from the relatives with basis in SuperSpreader Events--Coughing and Spitting on One Another!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(An unparalleled record getting shown: Matt 25: 14-30!)
No children "imprisoned", no one "coughing and spitting" on each other, You are simply an untalented liar
with a bad case of butt hurt because you know when the vote theft of Joe Biden is closely examined
his career is his sadly diminished ability to form sentences and think.
Illiterate Eric Arthur Blair poster posting the evidence of the illiteracy--that involuntary confinement is not imprisonment, and the Covid-19 does not exist, especially from Super-Spreader Events.

"No! No! No!" More Trumped-Up Pathological Lies," happens soon.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(An unparalleled record getting shown: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Illiterate Eric Arthur Blair poster posting the evidence of the illiteracy--that involuntary confinement is not imprisonment, and the Covid-19 does not exist, especially from Super-Spreader Events.

"No! No! No!" More Trumped-Up Pathological Lies," happens soon.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(An unparalleled record getting shown: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Who cares if these events take place, and a few get sick. It's already proven that 99.8% get over the illness known as the dreadful Covid-19, and these events actually have further proof of that. It's no different than any other bad flu that has come upon us in this country, where as we got over those as well, and we do did so without destroying this country like the left has attempted to use the virus to do. This is 2020, not 1918 where a hurricane would kill hundreds of thousands, and a virus would kill million's.

Have faith in modern medicine, technology, and our sanitation system that keeps us cleaner, more aware, and more informed when an enemy approaches or is upon us.

They didn't have hardly any known miracle medicine's back in the old days, and they didn't have much in the way of sanitation back then. So have more faith and appreciation for the times in which you live, and quit using fear to help those trying to destroy this country for political purposes.
Illiterate Eric Arthur Blair poster posting the evidence of the illiteracy--that involuntary confinement is not imprisonment, and the Covid-19 does not exist, especially from Super-Spreader Events.

"No! No! No!" More Trumped-Up Pathological Lies," happens soon.
Covid exists. I never said other wise and if you don't like what happens to illegals when caught illegally entering this tell it to the ACLU who sued to get minors separated from parents and adults and put in their own holding areas.
And speaking of illiterate "imprisonment" is when one is held in prison.
Children held at the border for a legal adult to claim them and take them back to their home of origin
is not "prison" by any means.

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