That's funny.

July 3, 1987 — Trump’s first trip to Soviet Union — Trump traveled to the Soviet Union with his then-wife Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr, a Czech model, to explore a hotel deal.

July 14, 1987 — Trump says Soviets “wanted the feeling of Trump Tower” in Moscow — In a phone interview from Moscow, Trump told The Journal of Commerce that the Soviets wanted a Trump Tower of their own. “They really wanted the feeling of Trump Tower in New York,” Trump said. He said that it would be a joint venture with the Soviets.

Dec. 9, 1987 — Trump talks with Gorbachev at State Department lunch — Donald Trump attended a State Department lunch with Gorbachev. In the receiving line, Gorbachev asked Trump to build a hotel in Moscow, Trump told reporters.

Sure Gorby did.

March 29, 1989 — Trump announces deal to stage Soviet boxing match — Trump announced that he would make an offer for exclusive rights to stage a boxing match between the Soviet Union’s best fighters — the first time such an event happened in the United States. Two Toronto-based businessmen — Boris Gitman and Roman Reydman — traveled to Moscow to make the deal.

1996 — Trump begins to seek trademarks in Russia for company names — From 1996 to 2008, Trump filed for at least eight trademark applications in Russia.

November 1996 — Trump travels to Moscow to visit potential Trump Tower sites — Trump travels to Moscow with businessman and investor Howard Lorber, president and CEO of the Vector Group, a holding company with various business interests in Russia.

Jan, 22, 1997 — Russian general eyeing presidency meets with Trump — Alexsandr I. Lebed, a retired Russian general who aspired to be president of Russia, came to the United States and met with Donald Trump. Their hour-long meeting at Trump Tower was off-limits to the press. Trump told reporters that he talked about his intentions to build “something major” in Russia.

Russians buy up millions in Trump-branded Florida real estate — Millions of dollars of Trump-branded real estate were bought by Russians. In an interview with the Financial Times, Russian real estate broker Ilya Reznik told the paper that Russian could be heard everywhere in the Trump properties on the Florida coast.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Trump lies so much it would be difficult to believe all his public announcements and press releases. Last number I saw was that he owed $300 million to Deutsche Bank.
Sure. International business is a staple of billionaires. Apple manufactures in communist China. Is Tim Cook in on some massive conspiracy? :rolleyes:

Microsoft Windows was (and is) sold in Russia. Gates has done business in Russia since the time when they were the Soviet Union. :lmao:

Good grief you are D-U-M-B
Did any one of them get a loan?
Or get patents?

The orange traitor did.
Trump lies so much it would be difficult to believe all his public announcements and press releases. Last number I saw was that he owed $300 million to Deutsche Bank.
I know, Trump's bragging were included to give context, I would believe the Russian account before I would Trump's.
it’s not uncommon at all for international businesses to take loans from banks in the country they are doing business…such as Russia…

propagandist push this as some sort of “bad thing” and pray on the low informed base like yourself…cults do this as well

'it’s not uncommon at all for international businesses to take loans from banks in the country they are doing business…such as Russia…'.

Care to name some?
All Trump has from Russia is loans.
partly correct…a large part of the Russian money is from investors from Russia in his companies development projects, or from purchasing them.

investments aren’t really loans

but you are right he did take some loans on and undeveloped project in Moscow.

not really sure what you point is
partly correct…a large part of the Russian money is from investors from Russia in his companies development projects, or from purchasing them.

investments aren’t really loans

but you are right he did take some loans on and undeveloped project in Moscow.

not really sure what you point is

Oh stop.. He took loans for his casinos in the US..
Fake news! It's all a hoax! The deep state intelligence agencies are lying! Trump* said Russia doesn't meddle in our elections!
When did you start listening to Trump? :p

The evidence is out:

Hillary and Barry collaborated with an ex foreign spy and Russians in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally attempting to remove the newly elected President.

HILLARY paid Steele.
The Russians were paying Steele.
Obama/Comey was paying Steele
Steele paid Danschenko

The connections are undeniable..
The FBI's own released documents prove it.
Trump's casinos in the US.. Deutsch Bank and Bank of Cyprus both loan Russian money.. Remember Wilbur Ross, Trump's sec of commerce?
Links instead of your biased BS?

Also, when did an international businessman taking loans from foreign banks to build foreign resorts become a crime?

Has Joe paid his $500,000 in back taxes from the money he tried but failed to hide?
'it’s not uncommon at all for international businesses to take loans from banks in the country they are doing business…such as Russia…'.

Care to name some?
Coke, McDonalds, Yum Brands, Exxon, pretty much all of them

It’s hard to get a mortgage for land in foreign country without using that country’s banks.

if you are doing business in a foreign land you are going to have their banks
Exactly!! So?? :lmao:
Did any one of them get a loan?
Move the goalposts, much? Now you’re going to whine about what kind of business! Selling is ok, but taking a loan isn’t?
Or get patents?
Bwahahaha!! Now you’re going to whine about getting patents in other nations so that citizens in those nations can’t steal your intellectual property?!? :laugh:
The orange traitor did.
The left only sees skin color. Sweetie, you sound like a complete fucking lunatic. You’re suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. That requires immediate psychological help. Please seek treatment.
Really? Care to name some?
You know what I can name for you? Dumbocrats who are guilty of breaking the law. Specifically the Emoluments Clause:
  • Hitlery Clinton approved the sale of a critical uranium mine to Russia (so they can make more nuclear weapons) in exchange for a massive “donation” to the Clinton Foundation (which is just a money laundering front for the Clinton’s)
  • Joe Biden sold access to his office to Ukraine, then bribed the nations leader into firing the prosecutor who was investigating the corruption. But he didn’t stop there. He then turned around and did the exact same thing with China
Unimaginable corruption by true traitors of the United States. And you support them because you also embrace the fascist ideology.
Microsoft, Coke, McDonalds, Yum Brands, etc in particular if they are buying real estate. Some countries require loans be taken from their banks.
Microsoft, Coke, McDonalds, Yum Brands, etc in particular if they are buying real estate. Some countries require loans be taken from their banks.
So, was Trump buying Russian real estate?

Some countries won't let foreigners finance at all.

One of the biggest hurdles to buying real estate in another country can be coming up with the capital required to close on the purchase. In much of the world, financing isn't easy to organize. In some places financing is not possible at all for foreign buyers.

Bank financing. This is the least likely possibility, because financing is not available in most of the world, and certainly not to the extent or with the favorable terms typical in the United States. Even when bank financing is available in a country, restrictions can be placed on bank financing for foreign buyers.

To finance real estate overseas you must jump through all kinds of hoops and apply to multiple lenders in hopes of getting a decent rate. Compared to applying for a mortgage in the U.S., the battle to finance real estate overseas can seem confusing at best and silly at worst.

First, lets talk about why it’s so challenging for us to finance real estate overseas. When you’re an American investing in a foreign land, you have two strikes against you. We’re persona non grata in many countries around the world. The U.S. IRS has made it nearly impossible for us to open bank, brokerage, or escrow account. All institutions and firms that handle money are wary and weary of doing business with Americans.
Exactly!! So?? :lmao:

Move the goalposts, much? Now you’re going to whine about what kind of business! Selling is ok, but taking a loan isn’t?
Microsoft didn't get any loans from Russia, moron.
Bwahahaha!! Now you’re going to whine about getting patents in other nations so that citizens in those nations can’t steal your intellectual property?!? :laugh:
No, they are necessary and advised if your going to sell or make a product overseas, moron.

China has granted preliminary approval for 38 new Trump trademarks, paving the way for President Donald Trump and his family to develop a host of branded businesses from hotels to insurance to bodyguard and escort services, public documents show.

Trump's lawyers in China applied for the marks in April 2016, as Trump railed against China at campaign rallies, accusing it of currency manipulation and stealing U.S. jobs. Critics maintain that Trump's swelling portfolio of China trademarks raises serious conflict of interest questions.

China's Trademark Office published the provisional approvals on Feb. 27 and Monday.

If no one objects, they will be formally registered after 90 days. All but three are in the president's own name. China already registered one trademark to the president, for Trump-branded construction services, on Feb. 14.

So, Trump and his cult are claiming 'China is our enemy', 'they are evil', etc.
But Trump does business with them?
Guess Trump would even get a pass, if he does business with Iran, like the traitor Reagan did.
The left only sees skin color. Sweetie, you sound like a complete fucking lunatic. You’re suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. That requires immediate psychological help. Please seek treatment.
Sure retard, in Trump's cult, he can do no wrong, even when he does, his cult gives the traitor a pass.

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