You know what I can name for you? Dumbocrats who are guilty of breaking the law. Specifically the Emoluments Clause:
  • Hitlery Clinton approved the sale of a critical uranium mine to Russia (so they can make more nuclear weapons) in exchange for a massive “donation” to the Clinton Foundation (which is just a money laundering front for the Clinton’s)
  • Joe Biden sold access to his office to Ukraine, then bribed the nations leader into firing the prosecutor who was investigating the corruption. But he didn’t stop there. He then turned around and did the exact same thing with China
Unimaginable corruption by true traitors of the United States. And you support them because you also embrace the fascist ideology.
You're FOS, on both counts, gullible idiot.

The Uranium One controversy involves various theories promoted by conservative media, politicians, and commentators that characterized the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom as a $145 million bribery scandal involving Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. NO evidence of wrongdoing was ever found.

Since the 2015 publication of the book Clinton Cash by Breitbart News editor and Steve Bannon collaborator Peter Schweizer, as well as a 2015 New York Times article that Schweizer was involved with, allegations of a bribery scheme involving Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the 2010 sale of Uranium One persisted, primarily in conservative media. Fox News host Sean Hannity characterized it as "the biggest scandal — or, at least, one of them — in American history," while his frequent guest and former Trump advisor Seb Gorka equated it with treason worthy of a death sentence.

Despite four years of discussion and analysis of the matter—as well as an FBI investigation—no evidence of any quid pro quo or other wrong-doing has surfaced.

The Washington Post reported in January 2020 that an additional Justice Department investigation into the matter, initiated after Donald Trump took office in 2017, was winding down after finding nothing worth pursuing.

Schweizer and Bannon? Ha, ha, ha.

'Joe Biden sold access to his office to Ukraine, then bribed the nations leader into firing the prosecutor who was investigating the corruption'.

No idiot, Biden admitted in a televised interview, that he got a corrupt prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, fired for not investigating corruption in Ukraine.

Shokin was never investigating Hunter Biden, nor Burisma Holdings.

Despite a recently concluded investigation by Senate Republicans that found no wrongdoing by the Bidens, claims to the contrary have continued to circulate on social media.

Trumptards just know they are guilty, they can feel it.

Gullible retards and traitors.
You know what I can name for you? Dumbocrats who are guilty of breaking the law. Specifically the Emoluments Clause:
  • Hitlery Clinton approved the sale of a critical uranium mine to Russia (so they can make more nuclear weapons) in exchange for a massive “donation” to the Clinton Foundation (which is just a money laundering front for the Clinton’s)
  • Joe Biden sold access to his office to Ukraine, then bribed the nations leader into firing the prosecutor who was investigating the corruption. But he didn’t stop there. He then turned around and did the exact same thing with China
Unimaginable corruption by true traitors of the United States. And you support them because you also embrace the fascist ideology.

Hillary had nothig to do with Uranium One. The sale was approved by Bush appointees. You are so ignorant and epeat the same lies again and again after the truth has been proven to you..

Trump does that too.
Hillary had nothig to do with Uranium One. The sale was approved by Bush appointees. You are so ignorant and epeat the same lies again and again after the truth has been proven to you..

Trump does that too.
And yet Biden buys 800 thousand barrels of Russian oil a day who are our supposed mortal enemy with Trump his bitch who had oil at half the price per barrel and our nation self sufficient.
And yet Biden buys 800 thousand barrels of Russian oil a day who are our supposed mortal enemy with Trump his bitch who had oil at half the price per barrel and our nation self sufficient.

You idiot. Trump put sanctions on VZ and began buying oil from Russia. Even in 2020 we IMPORTED 5 million bpd and EXPORTED 3 million bpd.
So, was Trump buying Russian real estate?

Some countries won't let foreigners finance at all.

One of the biggest hurdles to buying real estate in another country can be coming up with the capital required to close on the purchase. In much of the world, financing isn't easy to organize. In some places financing is not possible at all for foreign buyers.

Bank financing. This is the least likely possibility, because financing is not available in most of the world, and certainly not to the extent or with the favorable terms typical in the United States. Even when bank financing is available in a country, restrictions can be placed on bank financing for foreign buyers.

To finance real estate overseas you must jump through all kinds of hoops and apply to multiple lenders in hopes of getting a decent rate. Compared to applying for a mortgage in the U.S., the battle to finance real estate overseas can seem confusing at best and silly at worst.

First, lets talk about why it’s so challenging for us to finance real estate overseas. When you’re an American investing in a foreign land, you have two strikes against you. We’re persona non grata in many countries around the world. The U.S. IRS has made it nearly impossible for us to open bank, brokerage, or escrow account. All institutions and firms that handle money are wary and weary of doing business with Americans.
yes he was exploring purchasing real estate to build trump tower moscow

yes there are a lot of hurdles
They need Russian patents, to protect there business interest in Russia, idiot.
Was Gates president when China gave Trump patents? 38 and counting.
when the trump organization was doing business in China they need patents too…just like Microsoft

what’s the difference?
yes he was exploring purchasing real estate to build trump tower moscow

yes there are a lot of hurdles
yes he was exploring purchasing real estate to build trump tower moscow

yes there are a lot of hurdles
Donald Trump Jr. himself famously said in 2008 that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

No Trump tower in Moscow was ever built.
You idiot. Trump put sanctions on VZ and began buying oil from Russia. Even in 2020 we IMPORTED 5 million bpd and EXPORTED 3 million bpd.
There are different qualities of crude. The transporting of crude through a pipeline is much faster and smoother then through trains. Biden is paying his masters off who own the trains. The point is that we are top dog. And we are giving it away. We are not efficient with our massive government with massive corruption and many of us living off of it or subsidized by it. It does not take a genius to figure out if things get bad, it would get nasty. You can spout what you want. But gasoline should be cheaper and you are interfering with it. Heating our homes should be cheaper and you are interfering with it. Poor people are now going to learn a lesson in high inflation and potential stagflation. Only we are a higher tax nation now compared to the 1970's with a much more spoiled populace.
Donald Trump Jr. himself famously said in 2008 that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

No Trump tower in Moscow was ever built.
that why i said he was exploring it

and Jr was right there were/are a lot of russian purchasing their properties and investing

what’s your point?
Gates wasn't president.
and? Trump wasn’t always President

When he was, he stopped running his business, because he got another full time job

Frankly, i am a little concerned why you didn’t have this leave of concern when Xiden flew Hunter to china on Air Force 2 to get millions in cash…
and? Trump wasn’t always President

When he was, he stopped running his business, because he got another full time job

Frankly, i am a little concerned why you didn’t have this leave of concern when Xiden flew Hunter to china on Air Force 2 to get millions in cash…
Trump stopped running his business? LOL.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse. Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Biden cashed stocks from a business venture, BHR which Hunter received his payout 10% of his investment. about $420,000.

You keep believing Peter Schweizer?
He is a lying hack.
um yeah dude…you certainly can take construction loans, prior to actually breaking ground

how many skyscrapers, have you built? actually have you even built a lean to?
You have to have approved prints, moron.
You can't build shit without an approved site plan.

Sounds like you did well on your lean to.
Trump stopped running his business? LOL.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse. Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Biden cashed stocks from a business venture, BHR which Hunter received his payout 10% of his investment. about $420,000.

You keep believing Peter Schweizer?
He is a lying hack.
yes he did

it was great deal we got with ZTE. Massive oversight. Glad that happpened

Good for trumps former business

So Xiden was getting money directly from the Chinese..10 percent you say? and using his office to secure the deal…that’s what we have all been saying

what about the moscow money?
yes he did

it was great deal we got with ZTE. Massive oversight. Glad that happpened

Good for trumps former business

So Xiden was getting money directly from the Chinese..10 percent you say? and using his office to secure the deal…that’s what we have all been saying

what about the moscow money?
Yeah, I'm sure you were, traitor.

That's why ZTE was sanctioned, doing business with Iran and N. Korea.
Massive oversight?
From China?
Certainly not from Trump.

Getting Chinese $$$ is what Trump got, moron.
BHR is a Chinese investment company.

Moscow $$$ was likely used to fund Trump's failing golf courses.
Yeah, I'm sure you were, traitor.

That's why ZTE was sanctioned, doing business with Iran and N. Korea.
Massive oversight?
From China?
Certainly not from Trump.

Getting Chinese $$$ is what Trump got, moron.
BHR is a Chinese investment company.

Moscow $$$ was likely used to fund Trump's failing golf courses.
Yes they were sanctioned…yes massive oversight from Teump

do you even know anything about the deal? obviously not

Meanwhile Xiden used air force 2 to fly us son to china as VP and got his 10 percent kick back.

and you say nothing

China’s are friend Xiden said
There are different qualities of crude. The transporting of crude through a pipeline is much faster and smoother then through trains. Biden is paying his masters off who own the trains. The point is that we are top dog. And we are giving it away.

We are not efficient with our massive government with massive corruption and many of us living off of it or subsidized by it. It does not take a genius to figure out if things get bad, it would get nasty. You can spout what you want. But gasoline should be cheaper and you are interfering with it. Heating our homes should be cheaper and you are interfering with it. Poor people are now going to learn a lesson in high inflation and potential stagflation. Only we are a higher tax nation now compared to the 1970's with a much more spoiled populace.

I know there are different grades of crude oil. The Chinese own most of Canada's tar sands and they don't pump it out of the ground. They mine it .. They scrape it off the mountain top.

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